This article is saying that black people should ACTIVELY silence white people when they're trying to speak. WTF is this? That film has given them ideas that they're above their station.
This article is saying that black people should ACTIVELY silence white people when they're trying to speak. WTF is this? That film has given them ideas that they're above their station.
Lol. So black people are going to start making animal grunts in daily conversation? They should also consider throwing feces and being put in a cage at the zoo. That way nobody will fuck with them.
>advocating that niggers should grunt and bark like literal animals
I'm sure that'll show the white man what for.
They already do this though?
>create comic book movies (18 now)...make billions to push more agendas...superheroes mostly white...bring in black super hero (best movie ever psychop) people are kings now, white men are inferior....
We got a Rwanda/civil war brewing
>try to take away guns from the whites, which own them legally and let the criminals keep theirs (mostly black)
fucking hell
>>Niggas. We needa start actin' like dogs 'n' sheeit. Trust me.
You can’t speak out of turn to a black if you don’t speak to them in the first place.
>WTF is this?
This is good news, user.
stop (you)ing yourself you newfag
>film essentially the product of "whitey"
>making "whitey" shekels by co-opting African cultural imagery
How empowering. Morons.
Nigger did you just reply to yourself, really.
DMX made a lot of money by doing that very thing
>This is good news, user.
Rising racial tensions will push more whites to the far-right.
what are you doing, samefag retard?
The biggest problem we have are white traitors disenfranchising us its not blacks pushing more whites towards us.
>Blacks behaving like animals
Welp, he said it...
Arf arf arf, get at me nigguh
Whole situation with BP is actually making me kinda feel pity for american negroes. They really have 0 identity if they need a fucking Marvelshit to feel like they are relevant or worthy of respect.
This is going to get a lot of niggers killed
go back from where you belong, being a wild fucking animal
Do chimpanzees bark in the jungle?
They already do that. Plus is yell at them in Spanish and them call them a monkey in Swahili.
This is an actual problem in South Africa. Parliament members apparently make animal noises when they disagree with what the other party is saying.
Don't have liquids in your mouth when you read this thread.
Niggers already do act like that. The saddest part is that now whites are beginning to act like that too. The niggerfication of America. It used to be the opposite, blacks used to culturally sway towards whites to try and fit in. Take for example black musicians of past who wore normal white clothes and tried to act like other white musicians. Now fast forward to today. Literally everyone in music and movies is trying to emulate a nigger. Kids in schools want to be niggers. The white masses are pathetic today.
>Lol. So black people are going to start making animal grunts in daily conversation?
It's satire fool. Why are white men so fucking fragile?
Pol= Obsessed with Black People. Why come to a board when you can just go right to the very people you hate and say all you have to say to them? get it off your chest. Stop being a bunch of cowards. I mean you got mental issues if all you can do daily is come to a site and focus all your energy on larps and hating all non whites. Whites don't even like each other. You had 2 world wars and about to start a 3rd. Go to yoga or some shit. Or even better, by a dog. You love the dog from what i can tell. I see you walking with dog shit bags in your hand every day.
call a negro a nigger and see how fragile he is.
black people wanting a technologically advanced black ethnostate is one of the best things that could happen to this world.
Wanting and achieving are quite far apart in this case fren
>tfw pol fails to realice the golden oportunity this represent to make all the nigger fuck off to WAKANDA, AFRICA.
I cry every time.
>does not put up a masquerade for social status
Isn't pretending to be rich the african american past time?
can niggers not speak like human beings, if you're writing an article atleast use the correct words.
There's way less welfare and liquor stores to shoot up. They're going to stay where they are.
Niggers need to shut the fuck up, period.
>Pol= Obsessed with Black People. Why come to a board when you can just go right to the very people you hate and say all you have to say to them? get it off your chest.
The fuck you on about you horse fucking cunt? Niggers are everywhere, we say it all the time to them only to be met with 'cha man woteva' or some other bollocks. NIGGERS need to die, people move out places niggers are, but no you dindu nuffin faggot bitch.
>They should also consider throwing feces and being put in a cage at the zoo. That way nobody will fuck with them.
>>They should also consider throwing feces
I hate to admit it but it seems to be a winning stategy
Next thing is them kneeling down again during football games because somehow their thugs keep getting shot after barking at a cop.
presumably, the white nationalists and white racists here will agree with the sentiments though, right?
While that tribe was the most interesting part of the movie, I thought that scene was incredibly embarrassing. Basically said that niggers are apes.
I really hope this catches on. The more they show their hatred for us, the better.
wh*Toids btfo
>they do this
>call them nigger
>win whether they attack me afterwards or not
>We need to start barking at White people
Is this a metaphor or...?
>Be South African kaffirs living in Kaffir hovels in township
>Cannot provide any semblance of infrastructure or community organization.
>Life is Gibs
>Guvament must build houses and toilets for us
>Maybe if kaffirs payed tax and guvament wasn't so corrupt we could help
>No toilets leads to baboonery
>Violent protests.
>No action from guvament except tear gas and rubber bullets
>Change tactics
>Fill plastic containers with week's worth of shit and piss
>Take shit containers to airport and empty the all over the place.
>We Mumbai now
>NIGGERS need to die
Literally the only solution. You can't just send them away, you can't reason with them. It would empty out prisons, it would wipe crime down to cute levels, increase job availability.
It's the only rational model for solving the situation before it gets complete and utterly nightmarishly out of hand.
>be husky
>see blacks steal your culture
>can't complain because blue eyes and white
Their shitskin speaks out of turn every minute. If slavery of blacks were real, why are blacks acting like their uncle cracka?
who cares, our duty is to send them back to africa and stay there forever
We really need to set up an exchange program in the west, especially in the Netherlands. 1 white/boer family in exchange for 1 nigger family.
By all means send them. But I don't think you can entice or trick them into coming.
>Pol= Obsessed with Black People. Why come to a board when you can just go right to the very people you hate and say all you have to say to them?
The true answer is to be manipulated by content that directly targets our specific demographic of people that hate niggers. Like this bot slide thread, for example. Anybody discussing the content in threads like these is being manipulated to do so, I sincerely hope you all stop allowing this to be done so easily.
>Niggers need to die
What was that?
Pics not bad, it would be better though if you dropped the Nigger shit. Also should add in how Haiti was a successful export colony that generated wealth. While talking about killing off the white oppressors you could also mention that they are now 98% pure African.
See my thread from earlier that covers another article about it:
From the article:
>"Blackness invites speculation. The very idea of a global African diaspora creates the most fertile of grounds for a field of what-ifs. What if European enslavers and colonizers had never ventured into the African continent? More intriguing yet: What if African nations and peoples had successfully rebuffed generations of plunder and theft? What if the Zulu had won the wars against the Voortrekkers and the British, and a confederation of Bantu people had risen up and smashed Belgian rule? What if the Transatlantic children of the mother continent had been allowed to remain, building their empires with the bounties of the cradle of civilization?"
Who didn't see this coming? Especially after that scene. Who doesn't doubt it will happen to you eventually? How much lower will the white man bow? The slave master will soon be the slave.
>"Taika Waititi’s Thor: Ragnarok, the previous film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe juggernaut, was lauded by many for its anti-colonialist message. Coogler’s story sprints a few miles past that, and (spoiler) the idea of a global revolution by black peoples is an understated but key driver of the film’s plot. Wakanda and her sovereign act as stand-ins for those great what-ifs in black history, and for exploration of the examples of resistance to global white supremacy that have resonated from the Horn of Africa to the farthest shores of the Atlantic throughout the past half-millennium.
Even in the colonial era of limited communications, the names of Toussaint Louverture and other revolutionaries in Haiti were whispered throughout the diaspora after they successfully threw off the yoke of French enslavers. Nat Turner’s Virginian rebellion, though failed, took the Haitian mantle of resistance and amplified it throughout the antebellum United States. In the 20th century, Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia was mythologized as God incarnate by the Afro-syncretic Rastafari movement in part because of his resounding triumph against Italian colonizers. Each of these and other victories, material and moral, became the early pillars of a Pan-African movement, embodied in the words of Marcus Garvey: “Look to Africa, when a black king shall be crowned, for the day of deliverance is at hand.”
Nothing, concerned citizen. Nothing for you to worry about.
the hype the movie is causing has the potential for massive nigger deportation to africa behind the pretext of living in "WAKANDA", the potential is there we just have to meme it
you underestimate their weakness for welfare systems, if you give them something for free it will be difficult for them to resist. simply offer them a free """cruise""" on a garbage barge to da muddaland and they'll flock in droves
>cradle of civilization
>muh zulu
Niggers are fucking retarded
>white people who speak out of turn
what did he mean by this?
fucking newfag. archive your links. stop giving that clickbait mill pageviews
Breh even niggers know Africa is a shit hole.
I'm glad there's very few niggers where I live. Turns out they don't like the cold
Obviously black self-governmince would work if whites didn't steal all the ressources. An abundance of dindundium will balance their budget and they'll be flying ufos 20 years later.
I whole hardedly agree. White poeple must be silenced period.
Your kind bring nothing of value anymore.
Clearly whites are responsible for the pain and suffering of all blacks due to slavery and colonialism. They would all be more advanced if it wasn’t for us. Say sorry white boys.
>"Unfortunately, a present-day attempt to recreate Wakanda would be unrealistic. Mainly because we’re roughly 20,000 years behind Wakandan tech. And mostly because we’re too infected with colonization and its myriad residues and peripheral effects. Also, we’re a little short on Vibranium.
One thing, however, that we can and definitely should start doing is what M’Baku and his Que Dog Jabari Tribe did when encountering a problematic white dude who was speaking when there was no ask or need or purpose for the thoughts and opinions of problematic white dudes."
>"Not a purposeless bark. This isn’t a shih tzu barking through the window at a squirrel. Instead this would be an intentional bark. A targeted bark. An overpowering bark. A drowning bark. A Wakandan bark. A bark meant to communicate “Um, who told you that you can speak? When it is time for your words, we will let you know. And maybe that time will never come. We’ll see. Now, just shut up and stand there. Maybe get on your phone and google ‘How not to be a colonizer.’ Whatever you do, I want to hear you not speaking.”
I don't know about you guys, but when I hear a nigger openly talking about shit like this, it lights a fire of hate in me so strong that it can only be put out by blood.
White people used to hate. Now they are cowardly, passionless, and greedy.
Hate is the key. Hate and fight, or love and perish.
Here's a good video for you goys:
They did invent both fire and the wheel technically speaking.
Just adding substance to one of many proposed ideas relating to the subject of the discussion.
A problem can only be fully explored when the parameters and limits of the issue are understood. This will help in future discussions as others will know the boundaries within the discussion.
theres no evidence indicating blacks invented either.
blacks invented whites, we're like the machines to their singularity event
They already do this...
>silencing white pypo by endorsing racist stereotypes and behaving like gorillas
Why do they make it so easy for us?
I'm not someone who cares about being called a racist and even I felt uncomfortable watching king nigger behave Iike a chimp. Don't they realise the Jews who made this movie are laughing at them?
Dude wasnt even barking he was making gorilla noises lol...
>“Um, who told you that you can speak? When it is time for your words, we will let you know.
If anyone says that to me IRL, they're going down hard. In general in most places in Russia, even in civilized metro areas you'd get ER'd for talking shit like that. Why are Americans tolerating such flagrant disrespect to themselves?
>The Root
You would think what they would take away from the movie is that they should adopt a culture of honor which celebrates dignity buy nah, just carry on saying fuck whitey.
dont ruin this movie for me you faggots
that dude was one of the best characters
Most Americans will nevr see this article.
The website is very far from mainstream news.
I like how the comments on this shitty article just devolve into nigger infighting and arguing about inaccurate historical fights.
We were called humans back then. No whites and no blacks.
Yeah well, its published and thousands of high falooting Negroes are going to get all sorts of ideas from it. In Russia, which is a multicultural country, the publisher and the author of this garbage article would be locked up for extremism before the day is out.
You can't just talk shit about a stateforming nation like that
>Be lowest social group in society
>Highest incarceration rates, lowest education/employement, contribute least of all racial groups, largest burden on safety and taxes
>Think your opinions should be prioritized over literally anyone elses
black skinned africans are 13% of the US population and make up the lowest earning group by race
jews make up 2% of the US population and make up the highest earning group
how can libshits actually believe this "minoritys are inherently disadvantaged" narrative
Not enough bombs were used on Gawker.
>Ape grunt
not oc, here's my best attempt at a phonepost edit
oops, not sure how the second "blacks" got there, wasn't like that when I saved it
Am i seriously the only fucking guy who actually saw the movie? They actually tried pushing the opposite of that and the dickhead WE WAZ KANGZ guy got completely and utterly BTFO. I swear niggers are literally too dumb to live.
There is an entire continent that is the second biggest landmass in the world that they originated from and that no one is stopping them from returning too.
But they stay here. Where it is developed and fruitful and try to destroy it as their own original land. You could say they're almost like a virus.
That's just 'acuz whe have all de niggers who built society. and we're lying so they'll say here to keep white society together instead of rebuilding Wakanda