Did he do it for the lulz? What say you?
Trump - 18 Holes Edition
I think he's just a sociopath and has always been one. He also went to a dance party after meeting victims in the hospital for a photo op.
It's actually sad that people still fall for this rotten person.
poo talking about rotten things
At least Trump shits in a toilet
drumpf is finished
It's kinda sad how invested you are in made up superiority that you refuse to recognize the truth. You have to really take a step back and think, "why am I this way?"
He knows its a hoax
So public shitting confirmed then
This is probably the worst thing he has done so far. He can't even pretend to give a shit.
The truth is the truth. Trump is a horrible person.
Golf is aspirational. Floridians in the know aspire not to die.
It's sad that there's people so dumb and blinded by hate they don't realize that most politicians are this way.
Why would Trump attend a private funeral especially when he probably isn't wanted there? Better yet worry about where you shit today poo let the real world focus on real things .
They dont wear suits and carry the coffin on their shoulder?
Say whatever you want man until someone you know dies in such a tragic accident (which I don't wish upon you) you won't feel the pain. How would you feel if your son or daughter or a loved one dies in such a tragic accident and your President visits the hospital for a photo op and after that goes for a dance party? On top of that, he plays golf few miles away on the day they are being buried.
That's some next level bullshit! There's no way you can justify that.
This is so fucking stupid
Being superior to Indians isn't that hard.
That's not very neutral of you.
The president is just another person, think of the millions, no billions of people who don’t give a single fuck about you or your loved ones. While your family is being buried people are celebrating their birthday across the street, perhaps you were fucking a girl only miles away from someone’s funeral?
>when he probably isn't wanted there?
This. Can you imagine the shrieking outrage factory if he went?
>Drumpf LITERALLY assaults grieving families by showing his face
Jesus you're a dramatic bitch I can smell you from here. Would you rather him fake cry like king nigger and get a photo op of him sitting alone in his office or have a real person act real? Go back to bollywood street shitter if you want theatrics
See this as well
Do you expect the President to actually give a shit about you in particular? Do you really think he has nothing worse to worry about? How self centered must one be?
>The president is just another person
The President is not just another person. President actually means the elected head of a state. He is supposed to lead the nation and people look upto him/ her to do the right thing! He is the Leader of the country.
If he has soo much to worry about why doesnt he goto work then instead of attending a dance party and playing golf? That's not work.
So he is somehow supposed to prevent all death or spend 100% of his time in grieving?
Why does Trump suck so badly at golf? Why does he play so often? Why does he lie about his prowess? And what retards would ever vote for him?
He's a good Christian and follows the word of God which says "let the dead bury the dead".
>somebody kills somebody else
Not what I said, I said he should have a bit of empathy and empathize with the suffering of his own countrymen. It sure would help if he doesn't attend a dance party after visiting a hospital and plays golf on the day the victims are being buried. That shows he doesn't have any empathy.
Q. What kind of leader doesn't feel for his countrymen?
A. Someone who doesn't care for them
Why should Trump attend? They didn't die for the country and they weren't killed by someone who hates America.
so they have close casket funeral?
He should of let fly with those crocodile tears the Kenyan Homo was so good at crying.
Nobody can work all the time.
People die everywhere all the fucking time. It is a waste of time to pretend you give a shit, and you cannot expect the fucking President to do so
>as part of your job, meet with people who knew some people who died whom you never met
>somehow this should make you incapable of doing anything else leisurely with your day.
At my own family member's funerals everyone goes to a party, eats, drinks, happily reflects on the person or just chats and is together and merry. To expect trump to forgo the idea of being happiness because "someone died recently" in a world where 10 people die every second is retarded.
Dance parties and golf can be work, retard, almost all of my business deals involve partying with my investors or partners at some point, and a lot of the time that's how I meet them in the first place. You aren't going to get shit done hanging round graveyards.
If you're at your child's funeral and "the daily activities of Donald Trump" are going through your head, you were a shitty parent.
You're alright. Stay up, Pajeet.
voice of reason. thank you, user.
why do your people shit in the streets?