Poland's Israel Embassy "Vandalized"

Which one of you chosen tribesmen pulled this gag?

Dont those fuckers ever stop whining and griping about how they and they alone only suffer?

This time was definitely someone memeing

Hey Rabbi.... watcha doin???

hey rabi, what you doing!?


Great spastikas

You'd think after so many hoaxes the kikes could figure out how to draw a proper fucking swastika.
Oy gevalt.

>those swastikas
Hey rabbi.

Oh shit there's a swastika in my genes!


There was a huge wave of "anti-semitic" attacks and vandalizations in the 70s and 80s, almost all of them were done by jews.
The "hey rabbi" meme is more than just a meme.
Look it up.

Why u mad?


lol ukraine

The memecountry has arrived

Cecilia approved.

It's also the delusional mememan who's been making daily threads about loving bandera and calling poles lowlife nation (lol ukraine)

Hey Rabbi, what are you doing?

>"Okay everyone. We're going to cut Holocaust class a bit short today, in order to practice making a proper Swastika. Some of you might find this useful later in college."



My thoughts exactly. This must have been a Sup Forumsack.

We fucking know Sven.