Would you care if you knew 100% that Russians changed the votes to give Trump the victory?
I'll keep the poll up for the week.
Would you care if you knew 100% that Russians changed the votes to give Trump the victory?
I'll keep the poll up for the week.
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Obama is still a fucking nigger
& became President, what have you done in that time?
Not being a fucking nigger
sage and hide these dumb thread
Why even discuss it.
The rest of the planet just sees the usual criminal syndicate and the media they own screaming like babies and think
Yes, I would care. DNC is a corrupt organisation. Superdelegates are an evil concept and fuck Doberman Shultz.
With no credible media outlets existing in the current year, this would be literally impossible, but let's just say it is possible, I would care. Also this is like the fifth time I see this retarded thread here
oh it was created 2 days ago im a retard
If Putin was successful, then this would mean that American democracy has failed and been destroyed. This matters a lot.
Thank goodness we have Mueller on the job.
Honestly, the best president there's been in a long time.
Leaf, its already been proven that nothing was altered, nor was there an attempt to alter anything. They claim it was Russia that "looked at" the votes, but no substantial evidence has ever been presented to prove the claim.
When Dems talk about Russian hacking, they really mean Seth Rich was murdered by HRC and Co for leaking the DNC server files. Changing votes is fake news to keep the normies off their tail.
>implying it was rigged and not the corrupt establishment of the left overdid it and got cucked
Lmao this infographic is so shit
>Ambiguous "Russian business interests"
>"Russian-affiliated interests"
The only connection of any interest is the Magnitsky thing. Which is a bit fucked, but not grounds for any significant action.
Funny how I always see similar charts with trump and puting but everytime somebody posts one with hillary ends up deleted almost intantly
Through propaganda or what?
We know 100% there were fake votes for Hillary. Like that precinct in Detroit where they recounted and a box that had recorded 300 votes for Hillary had 60 ballot papers inside (half of all Detroit precincts were inelligible for the recount because their tallies didn't match).
>These tallies are so screwed up we can't double check them
that makes sense
Any American that votes "No" should be summarily executed.