Holy shit! Canada is less than 50% white as of 2018.
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it won't work, phoneposting mutt
>Iranian Aizerbaijanis
canada went from being a good country to becoming shit
canada will never fall below 90 percent white european. You're an insane conspiracy theorist do you have any dea of what you would have to do to canada to even get it to 80? You'd have to wreck the place.
t. 1999
>Canada isn't white!!!
Top lel mutt
Literally fake news.
Dangerously reaching low levels though.
That counts Indians, middle easterns and Latinos lol. Read what the census says, dipshit.
“In accordance with employment equity definitions, persons who reported ‘Latin American’ and ‘White,’ ‘Arab’ and ‘White,’ or ‘West Asian’ and ‘White’ have been excluded from the visible minority population“
By that logic, America is 77.4% “white”
Le 49%
This a good thing. Diversity is our strength. Racists fuck off, this isn't your country
Canada does not have many Hispanics m8.
And Arabs are already accounted for among minorities.
You faggots need to fuck off and learn what a happening is
literally vancouver is all chinks I remember going into a discount store and asking for help and no one spoke english. It's worse than LA
Okay, but do the math. Their census poll says there’s 19.6m all European whites. Excluding the Indians, Middle easterns, and Latinos. Divide that by their total population which is now 38.4 million since they took in 1.7m immigrants. They are ever so slightly below 50% now. I checked the math
Or maybe the data given on that wikipedia page is fake news or they have different categorizations?
Fuggin drobbed
>wikipedia vs census
c'mon hans census is prob more accurate
Eedyut mandem, look at the wiki link. "Of european origin: 19,683,320[1] (2016 census)"
With population of 38 mill. So just over half are european white.
Census data on wikipedia isn't though m8
They probably only account for self-reported ancestory. If a white Canadian says he's Canadian, he's no longer counted as having European heritage.
Omg it literally has an annotation to the source from the canadian website you drooling spazz, you think wikipedia took their own census?
It came from the census. You can go to the gov link at the bottom. It says the same thing. It’s really not surprising. Trudeau was bragging by 2019 they will no longer be a predominantly white European nation. I think it came early. White birth rates are currently 2/10 in Canada.
That box isn’t exclusive. Almost all people who put having all European also marked Canadian. That’s why the numbers are almost identical. Canadian is mostly people who lived than longer than 2 generations. Otherwise the total numbers add up to like 52,000,000 when you count them all because some people choose 2 ethnicities or more.
That isn't an option on the census, nor is that where the data points are, read the damn report.
Holy shit you have a lot of Asians.
It fucking is. There's an option for Canadian and an option for European. Fucking Sup Forums always falling for bullshit statistics.
And it's the dog-eating kind, not the Nintendo and smartphones kind.
They aren’t exclusive!! You can’t just mark Canadian. You have to say if you’re white, or Asian, or “white and Arab”. They counted them all up, that is the total number of whites living there. Believing Canada is 72.9% white is the same as thinking America is 77.4% when you look at that
>They aren’t exclusive!! You can’t just mark Canadian.
You literally just can.
>You have to say if you’re white, or Asian, or “white and Arab”.
And whites are 72.9% of the population according to the census.
>They counted them all up, that is the total number of whites living there.
Yes, 72.9%.
>Believing Canada is 72.9% white is the same as thinking America is 77.4% when you look at that
The US has almost 20% spics. Canada has like 1-2%. BIG DIFFERENCE RETARD.
>inb4 you post muttshit to derail
t. Mutt
pretty sad same thing is happening to Australia and NZ, pretty sure everyone in the world will be asian in 500 years
Oh my... look, I’m not happy about Canada. But they aren’t 72.9%. All these people are counted white by their guidelines. The census doesn’t lie....
El syrupo shara monstrous...
>this is what retards actually believe
Arabs are counted as visible minorities, see >b-but muh mutt meme xd
You can't argue for shit.
Hell, even fucking latinos are counted as visible minorites. You got btfo hard.
Why are you so retarded? Do you enjoy imagining brown people? Are you a masochist trying to change reality by lying to yourself and others?
It's not working m8.
Your cuckold fantasies break down when confronted with hard numbers.
sorry, I posted the old census.
fake news, see
Their new census doesn’t count them
>Latin American’ and ‘White,’ ‘Arab’ and ‘White,’ or ‘West Asian’ and ‘White’ have been excluded from the visible minority population
Look up on YouTube Trudeau 2019. He even says Canada won’t be predominantly a white European nation soon. Canada has a fuck ton of Muslims. Almost equal to America’s spics
You're doing gods work user. Also, sage.
Yeah, going by the 2016 census before they updated it in 2018 lol. Your own census from that year tells you you’re at 54%, and you took in 850k immigrants during the past 2 years. You’re literally 50% or 49%
>Their new census doesn’t count them
It fucking does, see >Latin American’ and ‘White,’ ‘Arab’ and ‘White,’ or ‘West Asian’ and ‘White’ have been excluded from the visible minority population
They haven't, see >Look up on YouTube Trudeau 2019. He even says Canada won’t be predominantly a white European nation soon.
It's still almost 3/4 white though.
>Canada has a fuck ton of Muslims. Almost equal to America’s spics
No it does not. Less than 3% of the Canadian population is muslim.
gotta btfo all the cucks and muttposters
You got btfo thousends of times by now. Canada is 72.9% white. Non-Hispanic non-Arab white.
I meant they west Asian poo people. I ge them confused. Look, at, the, census. They only have 19,600,000 all white europeans. How are you getting 27,000,000 worth to put them at 3/4ths??? You have to be counting poos and about 1,000,000 muslims
I’m sorry, German man. But it really is true. If they’re not below 50%, they will be within a year or 2. Beside Quebec all cities are around 30-40% white.
>They only have 19,600,000 all white europeans.
It says European, not white.
Canadians are a different category which is also predominantly white, as I explained before.
>You have to be counting poos and about 1,000,000 muslims
Which are already accounted for in the visible minority category.
They would be in 30 years at the earliest at current ratios.
They don’t have a category for Canadian. That’s not an ethnicity you can mark alone. If they sent out a U.S. census, you can’t just mark American. You need to have an ethnicity beside. Count the total number. It’s 52,000,000. That exceeds their population. I’m sorry.
>If they sent out a U.S. census, you can’t just mark American.
LMAO you can. Why not look at the South?
They say ethnicity American - race white.
In Canada, you can do the same fucking thing.
Get rekt.
You’re retarded. Do you realize that? I hate to break it to you. But this is the face of the average 50% leaf shit poster.
Now this is just shitposting at this point.
They don’t do that in the south?? Generally, when you mark America, it means you’ve lived there for a few generations. You have to America - European origin. Or America - African. You can’t just mark America. That doesn’t make any sense at all. The same applies for Canada. I read the whole thing.
>They don’t do that in the south??
They do.
pic related
>You have to America - European origin.
>I read the whole thing.
You didn't.
and it's beautiful
That’s not a census. That’s polling for ancestry. Not what race they are. They don’t have a group in America, that is referred to as The America race.
You really are retarded, aren't you?
US race: 61.3% non-Hispanic white
Canada race: 72.9% non-Hispanic non-Arab white
Ancestory =/= race
>USA, a country of ~230 million non-hispanic whites drops rapidly in 3 decades
>LOL 56%!
>countries with less than 30 million white people think they won't disappear from the face of the map in 5 years
our massive population gave us the time we needed
we get to feel smug because we know people from the countries making fun of us won't get that luxury
.... .... ..... do you not know they changed it???? Ok, look... just... 72.9% count the total number above it. It adds up to roughly 85%??? What is the other 15% not accounted for!??!?!???? Take a fucking wild guess. Is the group that is “white west Asian” “white Arab” and “white Latina”
Seriously, it says 72.9%, then the group at the top of the minorities is 5% another 5%, then it drops down to a bunch of 1%
Why are you so fake news?
Holy shit, man.... I think someone has said this, but read... the.... entire..... census “”In accordance with employment equity definitions, persons who reported ‘Latin American’ and ‘White,’ ‘Arab’ and ‘White,’ or ‘West Asian’ and ‘White’ have been excluded from the visible minority population“” that 72.9% includes about 20% that isn’t white
>“”In accordance with employment equity definitions, persons who reported ‘Latin American’ and ‘White,’ ‘Arab’ and ‘White,’ or ‘West Asian’ and ‘White’ have been excluded from the visible minority population“
Which is fake news, as can be seen here:
What the fuck? Are you being serious, or having my leg? It says that in that census, the graph you are citing, that they are counting arabs, west Asians, and Latinos. You do understand English, right. You’re citing that graph used on for that census, and it specially notes that point, that Arabs, west Asians, and latinas are not in the visible minority group.
>the graph you are citing, that they are counting arabs, west Asians, and Latinos.
As visible minorities, correct.
>You do understand English, right. You’re citing that graph used on for that census, and it specially notes that point, that Arabs, west Asians, and latinas are not in the visible minority group.
They literally are put there.
Can't you read a picture? Too many numbers for you?
I think this is a 49%er using a proxy...
Or maybe I am trying to destroy your fake "arguments" because you are fake news shills.
Fuck off mutt
All leafs turn brown eventually.
FUCK... am I reading what you are saying right??? You’re making no sense. They aren’t counting them as visible minorities. Read this careful this time ““In accordance with employment equity definitions, persons who reported ‘Latin American’ and ‘White,’ ‘Arab’ and ‘White,’ or ‘West Asian’ and ‘White’ have been EXCLUDED from the VISIBLE MINORITY population“
They, aren’t, counting, them, as visible fucking minorities
This is the face of the average mutt
>They aren’t counting them as visible minorities.
They literally are, see It's marked in blue.
>They, aren’t, counting, them, as visible fucking minorities
They are counted that way. Not as white.
If they are counting them, then where the fuck did the rest of the population go? You’re telling me 19% of the population just vanished????? If they were counting them, there’s a hole in the graph. Read the thing, it’s literally below the graph. You are saying they are being counted as visible minorities, and this is what it says below the graph, which you happened to not include in your picture ““In accordance with employment equity definitions, persons who reported ‘Latin American’ and ‘White,’ ‘Arab’ and ‘White,’ or ‘West Asian’ and ‘White’ have been excluded from the visible minority population“
Hard to believe Canada imported that many shitskins that fast. 90% white, eh?
>counts jose and pajeet as white
he's right tho
European origins: 19,683,320
Other North American origins (predominantly white): 11,628,535
North American Aboriginal origins: North American Aboriginal origins
White total: 72.9%
>b-b-but muh Hispanics muh Arabs
Hans, stop. statsCan has been politicized for a long time. Nobody knows what the real numbers are. Youre wikinumbers are shit.
He’s a 49% Canadian shit poster, who has been calling Americans mutts for months when his Mongrol fingers, and now that’s it’s been discovered that Canada has been the true mutts all along, he’s changed his proxy and is desperately trying to hide the truth that’s right in front of eveyone’s eyes.
>this is what idiot Americans who fall for fake news look like
So my wikinumbers are supposed to be unreliable but his muh 56% meme numbers are supposed to be true? Dumb Canadian.
>canada is worse then murrimutts
Germany is still 90+% white!*
*turks are white
Yeah I know mate, I just hope we have enough to spirit to put up a fight before we get completely destroyed by them
You’re counting the same stats twice, you moron. Let’s just say that was the case. 19.6 + 11.6 puts them at over 30m whites divide 36% That is around 83%, which doesn’t even match your 72.9% number.
his meme numbers are just that, meme numbers. But Statscan has a habit of cooking the books to make things look rosy. Like removing food products and real estate from the inflation formula. So whatever the real numbers are, they are most likely higher than what statscan reports. How much is a mystery though.
30m divide by 36m which is their total population.
It isn't.
Turks are counted as non-European migrant background.
Most are =/= all are, idiot.
ALL: 34,460,065
North American Aboriginal origins: 2,130,520
Other North American origins: 11,628,535
European origins: 19,683,320
Caribbean origins: 749,155
Latin, Central and South American origins: 674,640
African origins: 1,067,930
Asian origins: 6,095,235
Oceania origins: 85,470
Also, if you're going by that Wikipedia article about European Canadians, you're counting Irish as "white"
Asian and African (muslims).
Not counted as white.
You do realize you’re saying conflicting things right?? One you’re saying they’re 30m out of 34m which is 88% white, then with the same breathe you also said they’re 72.9% white. Do you honestly have no idea how to read stats?? You’re counting the same number twice. How many times do I need to tell you before you understand, people mark more than 1 ethnicity.
Are you fucking serious with this shit?