Tell me Sup Forums, what do you know about Africa?
Tell me Sup Forums, what do you know about Africa?
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Bernd you should not really open this topic. You are young, playful, everything's easy for you. This is an another thing. It's not Snowden and not even secret services archives. Better not to get into that. Seriously, any of you would deeply regret. Close the topic and forget what was written here. I fully understand that this post incites additional interest, but I far the curious - stop. The rest will just not see it.
My momma says theres a lot of black people in Africa.
Goblins from the black mountain are getting bold, coming out into daylight.
that pic is of melbourne
Ooga booga muh colonialism, ooga booga muh foreign aid, ooga booga muh AIDS
White people had the gall to oppress the native blacks in their own homeland. Whites have no place in Africa.
It's my least favorite continent.
Never invented the wheel but would have become Wakanda if evil White would have stayed away
Car tires and gasoline are a traditional method of mob execution
Not to go there.
The new Assassins creed dlc looks amazing.
Wakanda is what all of Africa would be if it weren't for whitey
>ring of fire playing in the background
it needs to be killed with fire. now.
It is a land of diverse population that had all of their natural resources stolen by colonizers.
It is a magical place.
It's a shithole that needs to be cleansed of niggers.
My sides hans
They all live in huts!
>when they stop squirming and just walk around like zombies
does that mean all their nerve endings are roasted or something else like an adrenaline surge or something? genuinely curious
It's rightful white clay.
I lived in Africa full-time for five years - Mix of Sudan, South Sudan, DRC and Kenya. I was an aid worker with the IRC. AMA.
Seen it before with guys that got badly burnt in firefighting. Zombie like and then you'll see seizure-like symptoms and it just gets better from there.
How intelligent were the local population? Were they are bunch of low IQ retards like pol would have us believe, or was their poverty caused by social factors?
Just go visit if you want to find out, scaredycat.
Protip: google 'african time' before you land.
Do you feel you made a long term impact or was it just temporary till you left?
cotton pickin time
It's full of niggers, and that's generally an unpleasant thing for everyone.
Just what i learned watched africa addio
>Are they idiots?
Yes. Very simple minded. They have trouble engaging in abstract thought and don't even see the point in running thought experiments to discern operative principles to ensure consistent, logical behviour in different domains. Problem solving for them is just throwing your fist into it until it goes away. They never think about the next day, they live spontaneously and are apparently incapable of self-monitoring. They don't stick to plans laid out for them. They often stole everything they could in our NGO. They view going to work the same way people view going to a casino - get in and then rob the house as fast and as hard as you can before being thrown out, whereupon you amble down the street to the next casino. My mission in the Sudan was in place for 30 years. Nothing was achieved in that time. Generators sat idle for years because of missing part that cost $30 to replace. No one cared. Bought them equipment to start farming practices to help them generate incomes long-term. They just immediately broke down the equipment to sell as scrap metal or simply left them to fall apart from disuse. No amount of training helped them. They slept on the job whenever they could, and the work ethic is best expressed in their favourite phrase "Inshallah" - God willing.
Give them a directive, and they smile, shrug and say "Inshallah". If nothing gets done, clearly it's not their fault. It's just that God wanted them to get drunk the night before using loans they can't pay to fail to show up for work the next day that they never wanted to do.
You got that right.
Worse than Indian time, which is no small feat.
They have chocolate rivers
can confirm
>larping this much
>Tell me Sup Forums, what do you know about Africa?
Stop sending AID and assist China in their take over. There is absolutely zero reason to keep Africa black.
Yes, clearly you're right. No former aid worker with serious disillusions about the industry would ever end up on /pol. Living in Africa is the ultimate blue pill. You got me.
How much did you personally see wasted
total number?
Home of Wakanda
There is nothing wrong with the aid industry. The purpose was always to extract money with sympathy and build large buildings in New York for people to 'work' in. What you get downstream in Africa is just range rovers for poverty tourists. Anyone actually turning up to 'help' is a sucker that can mostly be relied upon to keep the joke going because they'll be too embarrassed to admit Africa is full of retards.
And blacks have to place in America.
Gays have no place in middle earth.
Most of the money that is donated ends up in the field to build field hospitals, temp shelters, watsan facilities, etc. Very little is lost to overhead. That's if it's an NGO - they tend to be audited heavily by third parties, to assure donators that their funds are used wisely.
Big operations like the UN and the ICRC tend to have larger overhead costs, but then again they usually higher top professionals (PhDs) and have the best equipment. Still, it's not quite a racket, as you suggest.
I will say that you're right about the field workers being cynical. Anyone with more than five years experience in the field gets pretty cynical and they realize that their efforts are just band-aid solutions, and that the local peoples are not likely to ever get their shit together - at least not in Africa. In Asia and Latin America, real strides have been made over the decades towards modernization, self-sufficiency and poverty alleviation. Africa just seems to be beyond salvation.
>Still, it's not quite a racket, as you suggest.
I'm in the legal profession and have had some dealing with the accounts of local charities. Trust me, the cash is largely swallowed up onshore - you have to get the right 'talent' to run these places, after all (failed directors from corporate land that require $200K per annum to run a charity into the ground). If 20% makes it offshore I'd eat my hat.
Worth adding to this for clarity, without breaching confidence, that the lion's share of a charity's budget is not inter vivos gifts by donors, it's bequests through wills. The donor is dead, so it's not like the executor is looking into what the charity is doing with the coin.
The cash spent in Africa is, at best, a sales pitch.
In Africa, murdered before my eyes? About 30. At funeral, no less. The rebels correctly felt that their enemies, the locals, who were burying compatriots from a previous attack, would be least expecting of another attack at that time. They encircled the event and opened fire.
Total number of corpses, hundreds. As an aid worker, when firefights break out, we bunker down in the compounds til we get the all clear. We don't leave to see the aftermath until the all clear is given. This was in El Fasher, Darfur.
there is nothing to know
Why is this nigger still breathing?
I know for the last hundred+ years christcucks have bred niggers to the billion+ hoard that they are today. Completely artificial, their world biohazard level demographics would have never happened by niggers on their own, they aren't capable.
Can you relate to this man?
>If 20% makes it offshore I'd eat my hat.
Most top-tier NGOs spend less than 20% on overhead precisely because they know how suspicious donors can (and should) be. These audits are published on their websites and are conducted by reliable third parties like PricewaterhouseCoopers and KMPG. There are other NGOs which are less prestigious don't bother with such transparency. Others are outright scams. Ultimately, though, it's a moot point. ANY money that hits the shore in Africa is not going to help much.
>what do you know about Africa
they want to be white
Africa: Where black is not really beautiful
one woman in three in South Africa bleaches her skin
A multibillion-dollar industry of skin-whitening products dominates the West African
cosmetics market, creating a world of mixed messages for the women who live there.
niggers just want to be white
but... but.. but...
black is beautiful right?
right, you nigger loving.. western women?
You have to go back streetshitter.
They want to be in Canada and work for peanuts. At least then they can eat peanuts.
All of Africa would be Wakanda today if evil white people never colonised Africa.
>Can you relate to this man?
The Chinese guy? That's me. Every single day for five years, I lived that life of frustration exhaustion, and finally, resignation.
Yes, you're right. Blacks have to be placed in America like many of them already are, because whites took blacks to America.
The only event I know from African history is the Bantu conquest during which the primitive and warlike Bantu overcome several other peoples some of which actually had a chance at civilization. As a result of this, a huge portion of Africa now speaks languages from the Bantu group.
I was also surprised to learn about a kind of nigger equivalent of whites, who had decent architecture and overall were pretty smart. I think this ethnicity can still be found in Sudan or thereabouts. Can't recall the name.
more stories pls
I'm from a country called Djibouti and it's pretty nice there, the beaches are beautiful during the ngiht. I go every summer and take care of the cattle for my grandma, the sunset on the mountain while a lamb is laying on my legs is comfy asf.
I know South Africa used to be glorious and now it's circling the drain about to become hell on earth.
wypipo fault?
It's a hostile wasteland with little of value full of feral niggers. Closest thing to hell on earth you can find
I mean I guess its where the rain’s down in, right?
African time is funny because sometimes they will show up unreasonably early, but usually 40min-2hrs late.
careful with that Hitler pic Hans, wouldn't want to get arrested by the Jewish thought police
mfw Wakanda becomes another meme flag
boatloads of subhumans come from there
there are two kinds: sandniggers and niggers
both are shit
Did you pasta that? Impressive English from a RUSLANOV
Mandelas rainbow nation is singing songs about killing all whites
I think he was talking about money but this just goes to show that nogs are clearly subhuman.
I know not to go there, lest they try to take my glorious white skin & wear it like an animal hide.
My wife is from Zimbabwe so I know a fair bit about that shithole, I dread going back for visits.
Shut off the supply of AZT and the problem will take care of itself.
soon there's gonna be more people in africa than those on this planet today
we need MORE weapons of mass destruction
we need some top level mass killing shit
target the kikes, gypos, gooks, niggers, spics, sandniggers, pikeys and leafs
wha dis
Its full of niggers
It's cup, like it's people, runneth over.
China is welcome to it as long as they can hold it.
I wish them the luck of their ancestors.
when i see videos of niggers with "my journey to lighter skin" i actually feel for them
you go nignog, you fly and reach your dreams, i wish you the best
It's a shithole.
I imagine most die of shock before too long.
Many things
Shithole Continent
its a shit hole and they never accomplish anything besides killing each other
africa is good continent should be cleaned and replaced
This is how we used to greet illegal immigrants.
And here's our old elite police force (Special Task Force) in action
I see no problem with blacks using extreme violence to police their own.
What, are we supposed to give the fucking nigger rapists and murderers a nice jail cell with AC and XBOX?
It is better that they be put down hard and be done with it.
africa is great i love suriname