/IBS/ Internet Blood Sports

/IBS/ Internet Blood Sports.
>Last night: Nick Fuentes vs RC Maxwell

>Jim's new video about bloodsports

>New into blood sports? Watch Richard Spencer vs Sargon and Styx

>Ethnostate: Alt-hype Cerdarwood vs Liberalist army, Vee and Sargon

>Sargon literally running away from enoch

>Halsey Vs. Mike Enoch

>Richard Spencer vs. Mike Tokes

>JF analyzes the Sargon vs. Anglin debate

>David Shitrat talks about how blacks are dumb and violent, because they eat paint chips from the wall.

>Tariq Nasheed vs. Jared Taylor

>JF video on how Peterson refuses to talk about the JQ

>Sargon nigger spergout

Old Links pastebin.com/H1cExJ1a

Bloodsport clips: youtube.com/channel/UCoCuOwpNQ39uaEU76cy_0qg/videos

Other urls found in this thread:


Schedule for this week
Today: pro-bloodsports vs anti-bloodsports. Warski live
Wednesday Joe Biggs vs Destiny on gun control, baked alaska show 8pm EST
Thursday: JF Spencer vs vee Arch about ethnonationalism Warski live

Enoch vs Boomerfaggot round 2 (no date)
Lowtax vs Anglin (no date)
March 3rd Styx vs Fuentes about religion
Also Andy said that he has the rest of the week planned but he didn't want to give us any spoiler



How come desTINY no longer participates in blood sports? Has he fallen into even deeper irrelevancy? Haven't seen that soy boy pop up in awhile.

Whoa, that was weak, I could absolutely rip Jim a new one in this video, he's getting a little desperate. I guess his problem is being a slave to $$$ whereas before he was doing his own thing, now he's a slave.


Off ya go then m8.

forgetting Sup Forums own ibs take
from ibs

>You or your greatest fear?

Is that debate with nick worth watching?

It's fun

Btw I need to say this, I really like you ibs regulars. *blushes*

>iphone filename

JF tells Destiny what he's been up to on the East Coast

So do we all agree that Nick is the ibs champ as of this moment

Wait, Destiny is back?

Does he pull a knife?

At the start of the debate
He is good


Cunts savage.

Did you think He could be stopped?

He did really well against that Jew Hallsey. That was actually a competent performance from the opposition, despite him being insanely dishonest and slimy. This black guy Nick slaughtered last night was legitimately too stupid to understand simple logic.
>Here are my opinions
>I'm from a formal debate background

It doesn't matter if they're Republicans, they're still just blacks.

>Tfw no replies

Which livestream was this in?

We like you too Finn.

Hey, wanna rp? colon 3

Maybe dont act like a faggot next time you little submissive slur

i love all of you guys too, just stop being a faggot finland :^)


Lmao you're the one that's gonna be some chink's castrated sex slave in 20 years.

Get used to pic related you're gonna be stuck rubbing asian feet for the rest of your life.

what a terrible fate...

No >:( ibs is a platonic love thread



What ever happened to Jim doing a livestream revealing his political leanings?

Posting Jim OC

When is Sammy Gunz gonna be on Baked's stream?

>implying like it's ever going to happen
He's a constitutionalist and a Ron Paul/Ross Perot fanboy as far as I remember

That's great.

>mfw I was sleeping when this happen


>Tfw pol ibs is better than the real ibs


Sargon is planning to fund his own Kilroy out of his own pocket
does he have the required IQ to pull this off?

This, he is a constitutionalist last time he mentioned his political views, but he watching bloodsports might have switch his opinions towards more of an ethnic nationalism.
It's not like you watch all of this and then it doesn't make you think, because it does

is this man white?

I believe he mentioned not being an ethnic nationalist on a stream, perhaps the Kumite?
Might look it up later

>does he have the required IQ to pull this off?
better question is does he have the tits to pull this off?


100 % pure aryan

this man is a "doctor"

He is a killer

56% white 44% neanderthal
Well you can't be 100% ethno nationalist when you have a chink gf but you know about niggers being niggers and the JQ
>tfw I'm not the only one who watches this faggot
Andy was invited to this

Good morning /e-celebs general/

>Thunderfaggot confirmed for a brainlet

thundercuck btfo

should have just called him gay tbqh

He loses.

Is thunderfoot a physicist?


I was surprised too. He wasn't awful, but much worse than he usually is.

> t. Halsey

Just being honest.


Honestly GAY

Smashed him

Maybe I was overestimating his ability. Whatever.

Everybody knows you don't show your true power levels in front of a monkey.


>my wife's dinosaur

nth for arthouse!

There's a new murdoch murdoch out lads

don't make me own u again gayboy

I thought RC made some decent points. The best one being that ethnic nationalism can only exist on the internet because our lives are too diverse in reality..,

what you gonna do, post more cartoons?

>kumite has fallen this low already

youtube.com/watch?v=5oKsyLbxtbg ITS TRUE

Is this the lesbo porn that is called ”art”?

blue is the warmest colour is unironically kino

are you retarded or something? some places are still over 90% white in europe.

>second time a woman has decided to partake in bloodsports in recent memory
>second time a debate devolves into autistic sperging and fake outrage
I'm sensing a pattern here

Spicky fuentes is so based! I love mestizos supporting white nationalism

>mfw used to hate all these shit debates
>LOVE the Internet blood sport meme

W-What have I become..

Who is your fav fighter?

>Who is your fav fighter?
pic related. And anyone that says otherwise has no manners and needs to invest in some hardware

You should introduce the guys to 2D. That way 3D will not interfere with the bloodsports.

Is Nick an ethnic nationalist? Or just doesn't want civic nationalism?

really makes you think
if Jim counts then Jim
if not, Nick I suppose but it's only fun when the debates are pure shit flinging instead of ethnostate debate #131312312
he basically wants a papal monarchy in which the pope speaks ex cathedra with a not so subtle crusade thrown in the mix

>That's just alt-right propaganda


We Kumite now

Nick would be my favorite, but sometimes he's a bit of a sperg desu

It is always worth watching the ape arguments of these niggers.

They are women when it comes to mental gymnastics. Also the nigger goes extremely low and calls nick just some college dropout who has no idea what he is talking about.

I don't care what any Sup Forums user says, about how he's CIA or controlled opposition, I unironically like Spencer
He uses the existence of Zionism to justify white nationalism, which makes jews absolutely seething

He is holding the belt currently.

Get a load of this faggot.

la creatura de la valaquia...

He is for a supermajority white usa but he is not an ethno nationalist.

Can't risk some purity spiraling sperg get into power and kick evryone out.

"So, what ethnic background do you have?"
"Why? What does it matter? It doesn't matter. It has nothing to do with anything."
> Roll footage of his old avatar with Star of David

I fucking died laughing when BASED MAGA NIGGER started going on about the Egyptians and Moors being negroes.

I swear to god, I used to think this was a meme. A vocal minority. Nope, every fucking nigger thinks this shit. We wuz kangz. We wuz moors. We wuz everythang.

We are witnessing the creation of a myth in real time.

I already knew he was jewish from when we looked into him after his paladin performance defending m'lady loomer too. I don't know why he was hiding it. It wasn't new.