Where did America go wrong?

Where did America go wrong?

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>American Economy relied on niggers
>richest part of the USA was all white new england

really makes you think


how do you think the whites made their money? :^)

>multiple choice questions
The land of the illiterate.

Without multiple choice then minorities couldn't pass these tests.

Not with niggers, that's for sure.

what class is this and how do I enrol?

it's a sociology course at the University of California, Riverside.
High tuition costs if you're out of state.

Exams like that are easy for teachers. I also like multible choise question exams because they measure what you've learnt [spoiler]although not the one in the picture[/spoiler] instead of just your capability of expression.

white people happened

Seems that the same commands which work on Ylilauta don't work here. Sorry.

Labour-efficient machines

commies won the long game

We know you are a self-hating white beta teaching English.

Yikers, I would love to chat with the prof

1913, Fed + 17th amendment. Goddamn fucking shithead sonofawhore cuntface Wilson, that's where we went wrong.

Public education was a mistake. Niggers were a mistake. Women's suffrage was a mistake.

who do you think we paid to build and operate them? :^)

you dumb nigger, new england didn't rely on non-whites for jack shit

White people.

>E. Ingenuity and traditions of Anglo pioneers.

you forgot 1909 Scofield Bible

are you calling me a nigger because you think i'm dumb (racist) or you think i'm wrong (you're wrong, nigger)

Niggers didn't get paid lol

i'm calling you a nigger because you act like a nigger

Luckily communism and socialism doesn't rely on people working -- Or being exploited as commies like to call it.

Probably because I'm a slavshit. How's leftwinglands treating you?

Hamilton, Lincoln, Wilson, FDR, Carter, Clinton, Obama.

Federal Reserve, Mexican Immigration, Labor Unions, Progressives, Civil Rights "movement", minimum wage, welfare state, MIC, etc. etc.

i get money for being autistic, isn't that nice


>t. brainlet

your government literally pays you?? did you need a medical diagnosis?

Such tucking bullshit. Capitalism is a economic system; those are lists of abuses by those in that system. The system itself doesn’t rely on its abuses in order to be itself. If people bothered to read Adam Smith’s Wealth of Natuons, they’d know he presupposed that people would have basic moral virtues, and that that would serve to limit abuses due to unchecked pursuit of self-interest. Fucking normies.

It did, but
>implying it was wrong to subjugate Africa when those niggers were enslaving
>implying Whites could have done anything about the smallpox pandemic or migrated the logical consequences of population disparity
>implying modern Native Americans don't have a good thing going for them earning Casino shekels off White Guilt
>Conquer of Mexico
Well... yeah I can't defend this one, Azetcs should have been slaughtered to the last Women and Child; Fuck that mixing bullshit
>Asians for the use of industrial development
>whites who worked on industry never existed and never ended up banning most of Asia for a long term
wew lads

yeah of course, i'm not a fraud

>mfw tried to work anyway but had panic attacks and have felt like a parasite ever since

Though now that I think about, what the fuck does the early age of exploration have to do with Capitalism, what jewish trickery is this?

Yeah you should hang yourself you useless nigger.

try a lower-stress workplace, I'm confident you can do it, user!

>filling the factories with micks fresh off the boat

There were always problems with stupidity in American society. There were always different types of stupidity, like under bush for example. Now it's the leftists turn to be stupid until it gets reversed again.

Spoilers are only on specific boards (where there is content to be spoiled, like endings of movies, books, /tg/ stuff, etc).

nice name drop faggot go read more books and keep spewing out unoriginal thoughts and pass them off as you own. Fucking microsoft sam of Sup Forums

Communism doesn't work.

I wonder (((Who))) wrote the exam and designed the curriculum

It's true though.

Capitalism is built off exploiting people and pimping out the working class.

Capitalism needs to die.

Letting jews in.

ugh. yes :(

jews were here before the USA was founded, they brought most of the slaves.

>capitalism where everyone works based on conditions they agreed on is exploiting working class
>communism/socialism where there is bunch of people(political class) who has better lives than average citizen and does nothing except for counting money of citizans and give it to whoever he likes or himself isn't exploiting working class

you are some special case.

also hurricane Katrina was so capitalists fault... aswelll as both world wars where over half of people where killed by communists during creating communism

1960's. All the latinos flooding our society, "liberation" of women and niggers. Trust wanished between everyday americans over night, and has yet to recover. In the 50's, you could ask any american on the street to hold on to your most valuable belongings, and trust him to keep it safe until you want it back.

When trust disappeared for the sake of diversity, it was the beginning of the end.

You should check out some of the studies that has been done about the loss of trust between everyday citizens.

Hello we are a Deat.. Emm a Support group for young communists. If you wish to truly overthrow them then perhaps our Seminar on the topic could help you take on the fash capitalists. It is heal on a secluded island. Access only by aircraft. We will reserve a seat on the rotary wing aircraft. It has a great view since it is at the door.

He did consider that book a book about moral philosophy. The word 'capitalist' was invented by Karl Marx. Freedom used to just be called 'freedom'.

At least we can homeschool


no we bought those slaves fair and square from the berbers

And best part of it all YOU STILL CAN!!!

Well that's easy, whites stole kangz and quaanz from their space pyramids and brought them to America and tortured them until they gave up their space chimp secrets

forgot to add . You can still buy them from berbers and the reason.. THANKS ABAMA. and that side of beef.

the part were they imported niggers.