If the (((media))) would stop giving the shooter any coverage, there would be significantly fewer school shootings. Why won't Trump do anything about this?
If the (((media))) would stop giving the shooter any coverage, there would be significantly fewer school shootings...
it was a hoax
Based Ben
ah yes, let's hide their names and faces from now on
*calls up ISIS and tells them to let rip*
>Sup Forums wants government regulating what the news can show
I’m sure this won’t be abused once the other party is in power
It’s beneath the president to comment on something as small as a school shooting. 17 people died. More teens died on that day and every other in car accidents. School shooters are statistically about as much of a threat to human life as honeybees.
It disgusts me that people are so stupid, so without mathematical logic, so ruled by child like emotion, that they think this is an issue at all.
Because Trump controlling the media would be against our First Amendment?
Did 17 innocent people die because of honey bees on that same day? I doubt it. You're retarded.
We need to fix Smith-Mundt. The media is getting even more ridiculous than I have ever seen it before. News should only e able to be based on pure fact with verifiable sources. No opinions, no emotions.
No, but more people died from honeybees over the last year. More died from shark attacks too.
And more died on that particular day, much less the whole year, from car accidents. Why shouldn’t the president talk about the crisis of excessively high speed limits instead? Fucking child.
Found the retarded redneck gun grabber. Hope Trump takes your guns.
so your solution is to just accept that going to school there's a risk of being shot up and when that time comes it's not a tragedy, it's just what happens?
Fucking kek, kys faggot
>shoot up school
>media says my name
>10 months later nobody knows you anymore except autists from ED
Yes, I can't think of a better way to get attention
You know it's possible to not do something simply because it's a bad idea right?
murder these same cult members
murder this fat fuck
Hey look, the assholes causing the broken-boys problem are claiming to be the solution: usatoday.com
we're fucked if they keep doing this unchecked,
cuz guns are the problem you dilshit, take away the guns then school shooters drop to zero.
It's easier to make people believe a shooter is a 'white supremacist' if you don't show a picture of his mongrel face
He won't. Thanks for your concern though.
Unfortunately that will never happen because republicans literally want to have sex with their guns.
>Why won't Trump do anything about this?
Shutting down NPR would be a good first step. It's a Jew propaganda engine.
republicans should shoot themselves and the world will be a better place
Like there is any chance in hell Shapiro would be saying this if the shooter had been a white guy as usual instead of a jewfaced hobgoblin. His unabashed kikery is getting pretty old.
Oh btw that shapero fuck brought up mental health for removing gun rights like a good little Bolshevik
>Sure it get clicks and views and ad revenue...
He just explained exactly why what he's asking for will never ever happen
Fuck trump.