>user ther was, and that a worthy man,
That fro the tyme that he first bigan
To riden out, he loved chivalrie,
Trouthe and honour, fredom and curteisie.
Ful worthy was he in his lordes werre,
And therto hadde he riden, no man ferre…'
>user ther was, and that a worthy man,
That fro the tyme that he first bigan
To riden out, he loved chivalrie,
Trouthe and honour, fredom and curteisie.
Ful worthy was he in his lordes werre,
And therto hadde he riden, no man ferre…'
Chaucer was Englands greatest shitposter. Fite me.
Tunnocks Teacakes!
I can't read pidgin
You know how Shakespeare invented so many words? How the fuck did his audiences understand what the fuck he was saying?
And so we see the height and very nadir of the creative arts.
Context and I have a feeling a lot of the words he used were ones he just happened to be the first to write down.
So I’ve been replaying Modern Warfare (got the remastered version) and I noticed that there are lots of Scottish and southern English accents, but not a single northern English one. Why do you think that is?
We should align rocks with the sun. The bigger the rocks the better. Everyone in the tribe agrees.
Northeners aren't English
>How the fuck did his audiences understand what the fuck he was saying?
They didn't, they were just brainlets watching what was on, just like they watch Eastenders and GOOOOOOALball today.
Shakespeare would actually subtley mock his audience in plays knowing they had no idea, the cheeky cunt.
It's like when a retarded word like "mansplain" is added to the oxford dictionary
that would make sense actually
thieving bastard
I don't even know what this form of shitposting is but you leave stonehenge the fuck alone.
Americans can't understand Geordie.
Geordie's can't understand Geordies.
Have you heard a scouser?
Somehow I quoted myself rather than reply to you.
Can someone here Explain to me whats the big problem with Oxfam workers using nig nog whores ?
Seriously ??
The scouser accent is horrible for sure, but some of the Scottish accents are as thick as treacle, so I don’t think it’s because the accents are hard to understand.
In saying that though Marlowe was writing at the same time. I'd argue he's the better writer and especially observer of people.
Chaucer remains best though. The Millers tale reads like something any Deano would call a hilarious saturday night, the Wife of Bath like any episode of East Enders and the Knights Tale is a fantastic send up.
>squeeze the the tea bag
>it rips and shoots out into the mug
says a fat mutt
Werkin class Poortheners aren't English
trying this hard to to look intellectual on a mongolian basket weaving image board lol
try better plz
You need to post your mickey mouse degree so we can all laff at it
Says abudullah from peckham TOP LOL
I remember reading some Chaucer a while ago and thinking it was pretty good bants. Can't remember what it as called. There was two stories one were these posh boys running around singing songs about 'Our hall is the best of north south east and west' and the other was these poor people
do you know which one i mean?
Just had another thought, you had Chris Ryan in the SAS, and he’s from Newcastle, and I can understand him just fine.
a lot of the nig nog whores where underage,
On the news yesterday they were saying there were orgies and underage girls being passed around wearing nothing but Oxfam shirts. It's not just prostitutes.
It paints doubt on charity workers who go to Africa to virtue signal so it strengthens our narrative.
trying this hard to impose your slave morality on anons
>I remember reading some Chaucer a while ago and thinking it was pretty good bants
Stop LARPing Right there timmy LOL
sides gone ..
feck sake ..you are not impressing any twat here ffs lol
>just imagine this brainlet with his trackie bottoms reading some shit he has no ability to understand to try feel intelligent for a day
They aren't English either.
fuck baked beans desu
literal babby food
this kind of shit actually works on normies, it's tragic
The utter state of you cunts
My id is alpha as fuck
All caps, big numbers, could be a serial number for a drill or a crane
NO stop it
this he a top bloke
Bollocks , its a meme created by some fat lazy SJW lezza journo who wrote this pack of lies
then we got niggers coming out the woodpile saying they were *raped*
wake up its a *ME/TOO* shitstorm
the only saving grace is that niggers and scum will get No aid in Future lol
>Roman boxing gloves unearthed during an excavation near Hadrian's Wall are going on public display later.
>Experts at Vindolanda, near Hexham, in Northumberland, believe they are "probably the only known surviving examples from the Roman period".
>The gloves were discovered last summer along with a hoard of writing tablets, swords, shoes and bath clogs.
>The larger of the two is filled with natural material, which would have acted as a shock absorber.
>The smaller glove, found "in near perfect condition", is filled with a coil of hard, twisted leather.
>It is understood they would have been used for sparring sessions as they do not have metal inserts used in ancient boxing bouts.
Paki coworker shared some vegetable samosas with me at lunch
unironically a civic nationalist for the rest of the month
>metal inserts
take me back
Name a more redpilled album.
try harder plz
Your not even trying now kid
alpha as fuck
could be a serial number for a drill or a crane
or a Big Tool ...FFs lol
Eddy takes his KIA for a wash
Can Eddy even afford to use a car wash or does he do it manually?
salty idlet
>lower case... but sometimes upper case
better luck next thread MaIr
Based af
enjoy the runs later you silly sod
>degree cert
Nah you're alright. I'll post some of my work uniform.
Are you talking about the clerks Tale?
*ruins your thread with some shit poetry he made up while he was fucked up on opium
It may be, but I can't stand Morrissey's singing voice
>Bollocks , its a meme created by some fat lazy SJW lezza journo w...
lad. if you aren't awake to the industry of sex trafficking through Haiti, Domonican Republic and the Carribean, done by organisations like Oxfam, USAID, the UN etc. then you don't deserve to be here.
The realisation that the satanic paedophile rings actually exist is one of the strongest reasons to remain politically active today. They really have only just done the tip of the iceberg, and it'll be spin all the way down so I suggest you do some research now before it all gets memeoryholed(tm) or made into an oscar winning movie(tm).
Thanks jammallah
hows the fatwa going on
literally anything by metric
You're all retarded mongs
I'd kick fuck out of all of you
i've googled around and it was the millers tale
LARPing this Hugely ..
Quite impressive for a spectrum winrar , well done ..
so what stage plays you been in ?
[don't reply to pube]
Don't forget the sheer amount of buggery old Byron got up to.
you're a skinny alcoholic mate
How old is Brit/pol/?
I've just turned 50. I was born in February 1968.
I'm just wondering, because I've seen a lot of disregard for people of my age on Sup Forums.
I ususally lurk Brit/pol/ for the QT/TW threads.
Ask an old lad anything.
God I would love this to happen to Eddie.
what advice would you give 25 year old you
>The Edict of Expulsion was a royal decree issued by King Edward I of England on 18 July 1290, expelling all Jews from the Kingdom of England. The expulsion edict remained in force for the rest of the Middle Ages. The edict was not an isolated incident, but the culmination of over 200 years of increased persecution.
You survive entirely on pot noodles delivered directly to your gullet by your jaded mother.
>200 years of increased persecution.
persecution, or provocation?
Mods ban this cunt
Who Cares ..TBQFH ?
they are whinny vermin ..
Just glad the feckers will starve now lol
go get a better tripfag kid
Just got this ad on a YouTube video.
Fookin luvley. Get in, paddy power! Back of that net!
not me. i'm a good boy. i have a job where i help people and i go to church. my mum thinks i'm sound.
Oh look, it's some retarded anonymong trying to be the next Mair as it's the closest he's ever going to come to achieving something in his pathetic life
It's political correctness gone mad.
His voices sounds pretentious
Is that you pube?
Either way I can't act to save my life. Quite aware though nothing will satisfy your bitterness.
Successfully left that dumb fucking Pole in the other thread lads. Well done all.
Bongland rum for the few than the many.
poorthners arent white
Probably a northern parking lot
Do you count deserting to make a political point as an achievement? Or letting some woman put you in a car?
Im older than you so sonny what you wanna know kiddo
Get off here quickly delete links
Never come Back
Treat folk as you want to be treated..
NEVER ,EVER Trust Women ,Foreigners ..
Be Aplha af..
Go gym , get edukated , stop wanking ..
Save a cash cushion you dont touch =£5k min
Never get in a relationship business/personal you cannot drop in a heartbest and walk away ..
Get a cat/dog
>implying this isn't you
good advice
will do everything except leave and not get married
its in oxford
>I'm ok with the muslims
>but the poles are subhumans
really shows the mind of weharboo
This is just the ancient way of getting doubles and quads.
I am always watching lol
Nah not pube, he is still packing chickens in the toon factory lol
no probs lol
post your skin colour nigger
How very Dare you he is Our Guy you utter cunt
Them Pagans were Based af
bet it was a great time to live
I hopes when deaded to go back there lol
I am 100% certain that Ian Curtis and Morrissey would have tripfagged here if the timing was right
Desertion = abandoning active duty or going awol with the intention to never return
I did neither
Why did Bowden have to die.
Yes, the banter must have been savage.
>what advice would you give 25 year old you
More focus, specialisation in one or two things, rather than trying to sample everything at once. Go with what interests you the most and excel at it.
>Im older than you so sonny what you wanna know kiddo
How old are you?
He was a nonce.
Many years inb4 you all were borne/spawned ..lol
Morrisey would write great troll /shitpost letters in the music mag , everyone read ,
the editors let him fuck with the music critics reviews an it was a pleasure to get it on a thursday to see his next scathing put downs an he ruined many arty farty critics there
Hello Nick.