He's got a point you know

Back when everyone thought Hillary would win, Democrats were shouting out loud how it was impossible to to hack America's elections. Then suddenly, after Trump won, the Democrats narrative changed in an instant. How do you explain that?

Other urls found in this thread:


>How do you explain that?

Because leftists have no principles or morals. Their entire ideology is drowning in hypocrisy and appeal to emotion.


He's going to run the 2020 election attacking Hillary at this rate.

>Trump has actual foreign agents working in his campaign and office.
>GOP cares deeply about deficits until they control government. Tax cuts will increase deficit by a trillion
Top kek lad, top kek

>Trump has actual foreign agents working in his campaign and office.
>GOP cares deeply about deficits until they control government. Tax cuts will increase deficit by a trillion
government pulled in record tax revenue in January

Why does he keep whining? Can he literally not stop?

Flynn and manafort

>appeal to emotion
this is where they've fucked up because appealing to emotion causes high levels of disgust in conservatives and eventually we feel the need to disinfect ourselves of leftists fleas.


> high levels of disgust
Has been shown to be directly correlated to conservative views.
yourmorals.org is a test thats been devised to illustrate that.

>How do you explain that?

Democrats have no sense of right and wrong. They lie and lie and lie and lie without a care in the world.

>Because leftists have no principles or morals.


>How do you explain that

are you stupid? politicians lie all the time. fuck off

>being this retarded

He is literally the whiniest bitch to ever be president

Hey, they have principles: hedonism, degeneracy, and baby killing.

The absolute state

>If you stop your enemies constantly lying and trying to memory hole their hypocrisy, they win

So what's the excuse for Trump's lying and hypocrisy?

My point is that you are a fucking retard for implying that Trump shouldn't play just as dirty as his opposition.

Only obamaleaf cares about deficits

100% true.


No one, especially in the media, pretends Trump isn't a liar. Everyone pretends Obama was a Saint, though. Progressives can't play on a level playing field because their ideas are literally less naturally preferred by human psychology.

>he quoted obama
>mfw he tweets out that its not rigged you're just losing t-shirt

Not hillary specifically, but the whole corrupt system. And its a winning strategy.

It's pretty depressing realizing there are people out there who will never change their minds, despite the gigantic mountain of evidence in front of them.

Kek. Burned :^)

Your fat mom is a whiney bitch when Im layin the pipe.

>layin the pipe
JR Smith Pls go

>it's a winning strategy
yes, yes it is satan, thank you for confirming it


I guess someone from a commie country would know.

He has superior digits on his side.

You could have gotten away with Manafort but jesus you people are beyond saving with your delusions.

its because leftists are lying pieces of shit

don't posts screenshots of social media posts where we can see that you "liked" them
it's cringe

I love our President so much, he really brings the bants like no one else ...

I'm curious why it took so long for him to point this out.

found the retard

You received a (You) for this post!

>Please stop pointing out that you're correct!

not an argument. are you saying that multiple plea deals an indictments are "nothing"? you should be on your knees and shot through the back of the head like the traitor you are.

I am not exactly That much of a fan of Trump in general, but for the life of me I still can't figure out how can their still be any followers for the Dems, especially after the election's stunt and the whole Hollywood scandals. You can only hide your hypocrisy for so long, but come on now, wtf

why don't you come and do it, boy?

The entire point of being a Democrat is to create a double-standard of rules and generate slaves. Always has been.