>muh school shooding

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All the way back in 1991, former US Navy Intelligence Briefing Team member Milton William Cooper wrote a book titled “Behold A Pale Horse” within which he reveals a wealth of great information long hidden from the public eye, some dating all the way back to the 1940’s. Elaborating upon the assassination of John F. Kennedy, UFO’s and ‘the secret government’, on page 225 of his book, Cooper dropped the following bombshell paragraph that should be looked at much more deeply in light of what recently happened in Florida.:

The government encouraged the manufacture and importation of military firearms for the criminals to use. This is intended to foster a feeling of insecurity, which would lead the American people to voluntarily disarm themselves by passing laws against firearms. Using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated the desire in these people to open fire on schoolyards and thus inflame the antigun lobby. This plan is well under way, and so far is working perfectly. The middle class is begging the government to do away with the 2nd amendment.

With the ‘secret government’ that Cooper warned of long ago now confirmed, it’s time to take another look at that shocking paragraph, particularly in light of new revelations coming out about the ‘event’ in Florida which ANP and other independent news websites have warned was likely coming as the globalists seek to continue their ‘take down of America’.


It has dawned on me, "How many more kids have to die" isn't a rhetorical question or Democrap talking point, but rather a threat.

As in it won't stop until we all cuck ourselves like this.

I also notice no private/elite school ever gets attacked. Only pleb-tier public ones.

Very (((interesting))).

the guy in the video manufactured a short barrel rifle without the appropriate documentation/tax stamp on video. he's now a felon.

He is not destroying it he is giving it to cops who can use it on him which is WAY more cucked

Total gun control in the US is never going to happen. If lawmakers somehow did ban firearms even to the extent we see in Australia, it's not going to stop gun violence. With the way technology is currently (and it's just going to get easier and simpler) anyone will be able to make a gun in their home with 3d printing and cnc machining. It's already very easy, and will be more readily available.

Sure are a lot of hopeless young men with nothing to lose on this Vietnamese knitting chalkboard.
Sure would be a shame if some of them broke some shitty anti-gun laws on purpose to take them to the supreme court.
Would even be a worse shame if they contacted lawyers and media beforehand to make it a big shit storm.
What a hypothetical tragedy, really.

Every goddamn time

Kek. Open invitation for nigs to come rob him with their totally legally owned and registered glock and ak.

Well unless of course he’s LARPing to bait nigs to come at him in which case I wish him the best of luck.

This is very true and he deserves it. I hope it happens and it makes the news

When things like this happen it makes me wish I had more guns.

It won't. It's simply too lucrative of a business.

Also would you want to be the government employee tasked to go onto Bob's farm and confiscate his 50+ weapons?

The look on the cop's face...

"What kind of idiot..."

There is nothing aside word for word support of the 2nd. (To non Americans ) it is repeated by Jefferson god gave right they put on paper. That is not cuckholded. Only the worst of the worst should lose rights. It's not edgy it's basic human rights to say not once inch and molon labe.

I'm a long time collector shooter and have 50+ . I'll die in a pile of drone strikes with a mosin in each hand before I give one up.

I’d do the same if I hadn’t lost them all in a terrible boating accident. Shame.

If you want to go there you have to look further ahead into the future I think. Gun Control in the US I think will eventually be tried. Maybe not a complete total ban but as school shootings and other public massacres occur and are publicized more and more people, even gun owners are going to get sick of it. Cigarettes used to be too big to be regulated. Not that they aren't still profitable or banned but the government definitely put the screws to the industry based on public opinion. And in the future there is going to be an automated police force that would be able to do the job of confiscation.

Even still with the ability to create guns in your basement, they will never go away in the US unless we go full on 1984 and lose all privacy which is a lot less likely than guns being banned

Underrated comment


In then end gun laws don’t matter, most nigs that own guns are illegal, same thing in India, one can get a handgun or assault rifle illegally.

attention whoring is disgusting

Good. Less they have the better.

These faggots are literally on the same level as women, they just HAVE to make a whole facebook post around it for maximum attention-whoring, virtue-signalling and validation.

unironically this

my last login into faceberg dates back to 2011
don't know how it's here but I heard talk of a lot of cuckoldry during the sandnigger/nigger invasion in 2015

More for me

At least he's putting his money where his mouth is. May not agree with him, but I respect that.

So Facebook gay.... he must be desperate for “likes” or whatever the award is in the Facebook video game...

This always perplexed me. Is this guy saying he was gonna shoot kids with that gun and that gun only?

I agree, he’s publicly admitting to being a school shooter who cannot control his feelings

Would that tool come in handy when a couple of feral nigs break in and start raping your family?
Backup vid just in case ban again

And here is the banned video!!! FLORIDA MASS FALSE FLAG EVENT ,

This was staged to take.guns away per NATO!!

how much do you want to bet that cop filling out paperwork bought it immediately for like $50 from the station. what a fucking retard


Making a gun is easy. The ammunition is a bit trickier.

Cucks disarming themselfs. Give me one argument for why this is bad.

There is no way that rifle is getting destroyed. It's going to sit in an evidence locker until the next police auction then it's getting sold. Someone in the area should keep an eye out and buy it on the cheap.

Trying to disarm 100 million gun owners would lead to astronomical levels of violence from people with NO history of violence even if only 1% of them were FMCDH types. Never going to happen because even libtards realize THEY would be the ones unlikely to survive.

>No one without a law enforcement badge needs this rifle

I experienced physical pain while reading these words

That's why I'm gonna stock up, what's the best way to buy a gun? Mom & pop shop? Cabela's? A literal who?

I'll take a mini14 or kar98k at this point. Even an M1

1000000000000% false flag

Psyops work on weak minds

Old post and if this guy was afraid he was going to commit a mass shooting then I'm glad he gave them up

private sellers if legal in your state.

no sales tax either.

Me thinks you are on to something there user
but me is sleepy now

I like mom and pop shops personally. But I think it's very important to buy a few guns privately so that way the gubmint doesn't know about all of your arsenal. Don't do anything illegal, just buy a gun from an uncle or a friend. No paperwork and no proof you own it. But buy from shops too. The 2A is still strong.


The cops are going to keep that gun and it’ll be used to shoot some coon.

Remember how I had both my rifles shouldered when we capsized? Man that day was fun until the accident.

Exactly why I don't want to go to a store. I just never know where to go or who I can trust. I'm asking a few gun peeps I know if they'd sell. I don't think the government should know if anyone has a weapon even if they're doing no wrong. I really do believe the FBI let the recent (and other) shooting happen to further the lefts anti gun agenda. And Onigger jumped on it too it pisses me the fuck off

Seriously though, why do you needs guns like that?

Don't these just go to a auction

They’re just gonna sell it to some rando civilian

Guy gets burgled when?

Cue chapelle show clip
>I’m really prouda dat nigga... now let’s go rob his ass

>willfully handing guns over to police

>Meme gun
>Spikes lower
>Shit optic left on gun
The only reason he turned it in to the cops is because it's illegal to throw it in the dumpster, which is where it belongs

wow, Im glad to see this guy stopped himself from shooting up a school or church.
Maybe now he can get the help he needs

What's the best way to make money on the hysterical stockpiling of weapons and ammo that follows every mass shooting because people think that the government is going to finally take their guns away? Which companies should I buy stock in right after/during an attack, and how long after should I sell? Maybe I should ask /biz/, if they haven't all killed themselves yet.

>he bought an AR 5.7
Anyone that fell for the 5.7 meme doesn't surprise me about them being retarded enough to destroy one.
What a dogshit round, there's a reason the P90 is a fucking meme.

You're over a year too late. That only happened when Obama was POTUS and it looked like Clinton was gonna win.

prices are still on a downward trend.

But if I'm to use Sup Forums as my sample, then most of the American population is certain that the government is going to ban guns soon.

lolno, Remington is filing for bankruptcy.

Is there any way to make money off of the beta uprising?

>where do I buy a gun?
fucking kys my man, if you don't have any yet you're obviously not interested in having one.

soy futures. they will need rations.

investing in cat food and cheap wine is my play.
also, rape kits. specifically in the lucrative EU market.

I'm talking about the betas shooting up public places, retards. You know, the reason people are talking about gun control to begin with, and why this thread exists.

How can you pay so much money for a rifle and then give it away ?

to kill government agents who overstep their constitutional restraints.

How bigoted, we use DickPeopple around here.

Hmm, tough one. Gun prices will continue their downward trend due to oversupply from the last few panics, so.....I'm really not sure how to profit off this specific situation.

There will not be any meaningful legislative actions on guns to cause another panic buy, and even if there was you still have the sheer glut of all the last panic buys.

In 2012-2013 you were looking at as much as 1500 for an AR-15. Now you can find them as low as 400.

That's just not going to change.

Hear, hear

>lefty cucks will be even less capable of resisting the purge
Was he /ourgoblino/ pol?

It's always the Jews. They take the "fellow white people" position of cuckery and then do something to the benefit of their (((tribe)))

If you've EVER grown up hunting or shooting, the first thing you realize is that a bolt action is fun and loud but it's a bitch to have to rack the bolt back Everytime. Eventually you just like being able to shoot 30 bullets without having to move yourself because things like adjusting your scope or testing your accuracy isn't as convenient with a regular bolt action. The whole point has always been to cycle rounds faster

This shit is never real. If it was why did they wait until now and not after the last one or the one before that?
If it is real then jesus christ these people are fucking full retard bitches who should be locked up before they hurt themselves or others.

>believing the manufactured narrative

Hey my wife loves that round. Of course she is 5' 2" and asian...

It's cute for little cuties. Not for men though I will agree.


Lol 5.7, I’d give that shitty caliber away too.


lol, the memes write themselves.

Always a way... they suck amazons weiner, at the moment

lol the cop cant fill out the form fast enough to get his new free fun!

School shooter betas like Amazon? What's the connection there?

5.7 shitty? lul

The guy who doesn't know guns is here guys!


Nigger just go to a fucking pawnshop. Mossman 500 $300.

Hello noguns.

Why? I'll admit I only read the first part but it already makes no sense.

If you work in the gun industry you make tons of money on shootings like these. People buying more of them for protection/to prevent the next mass shooting from happening to them. Their revenue always goes UP after such events.

Gun lobbyists might be the ones pushing these things to happen. They already do on world-basis in the middle east.

about your cuck book

Civil war any time now

seems relevant

Responsible white male turns in a rifle he will only ever possibly use in case of protecting his family or community

For what purpose?

To signal

>I also notice no private/elite school ever gets attacked. Only pleb-tier public ones.

Actually, that is quite interesting.

every thread requiring the quote is pure nonsense
im guessing you just got here and have not seen it get spammed

bin that gun burger


Never knew he liked so suck them off.

nah I've seen it in two or three other threads. Its relevant to any gun threads right now so I really don't mind seeing it repeatedly.

Like I said, sure is (((interesting))).

public schools are for impoverished fatherless niggers and faggots who can't afford a good education, so obviously the mentally ill would be corralled into shitty public education

Bill Cooper was one of the Great Ones. RIP brother.

If guns were to disappear from one second to another and getting banned at the same time there wouldn't go one year before the whole country was flooded with illegal guns from mexico and south america.
It would have catastrophic consequences more severe than any of the school shootings combined. The only reason gun control works in EU countries is because there never been the same enthusiasm and dependence for guns as the US. What you don't miss, you don't need. With cartels luring at both sites of the border you need to have the freedom to carry weapon. The adverse reaction is more civilians getting killed than other countries but the casualties would be higher if civilians couldn't protect themselves from criminals.