You better buy black owned, boy

You better buy black owned, boy

Other urls found in this thread:

Our women are black owned too.

>buy chink batteries
>sell pro black name


>Market a non race specific product towards 13% of the population

niggernomics 101

My money's on jew.

That's weird I've had blacks come up to my car in the parking lot of Walmart selling their batteries. Where did they get those??????

cannot is a single word

I bought a set of these and put them in my remote and it's really weird because even though they're brand new the damn things act like they're dead but if I hit it a few times they work like normal. strange.

So is today the day of the volt?

> (OP)
>So is today the day of the volt?
Deus Volt

most white women find them revolting though

Truly a shock to the system.

i love this separation the black are pursing it allows us whites to finally keep the niggers out keep it up niggers move all of you 2 one place this is great!!!

In my experience that's all rechargeable batteries

There's only one kind of battery niggers are good at

>can not stop now
>can not

that double negative
do batteries even work with two negatives

The jews are really pushing blacked and interracial shit. Now every woman that owns a vibrator will be buying these, and blacking themselves.

There is no double negative. It's "We can't stop now" without the contraction.

Kekest of keks user!

Do nigger batteries suck all of the energy out of anything you put them in?

They just repack cheap chink batteries and sell it for double cost.

id rather buy aids. fuck off niggers.


>implying the blue pilled white masses wont buy it

Why you posting this though?



I wonder if those batteries are as good as Duracel, though, or if they are worse than Everready?

>double negative
That's not what a double negative is, you moron. It's just negation (a single negative), though he incorrectly rendered it as two words.

Tubman batteries have harnessed Jewry

Could you not?

>not hoarding eneloop pros like a true weeb

>Sounds fishy...
Either they lie or these things wont last long

Guerrilla marketing.


>I bought a set of these and put them in my remote and it's really weird because even though they're brand new the damn things act like they're dead but if I hit it a few times they work like normal. strange.
>There's only one kind of battery niggers are good at

protip for other Sup Forumstards: Eneloop batteries have been great for years now. Amazon sells those as well as ones branded 'Amazon basics' for about half the price--thing is, they're all made at the same factory (Panasonic bought the factory from Sanyo 5 years ago) and just have a different label. Grab a decent battery charger like a LaCrosse and they'll outlive you.

Bonus points: you can get 5V USB and 12V chargers that work in a car/truck or off your home battery bank if you've gone off-grid.

>>Sounds fishy...
>Either they lie or these things wont last long
2400-2600mAh for high capacity rechargeable AA batteries is the norm, with a life expectancy of around 500 recharges. Standard capacity for AA batteries is 1900-2000mAH, with a lifespan of around 2000 recharges.
You can only expect around 900mAH from a AAA, though.

DON'T buy a bundle of batteries with a shit charger, no matter how many niggerpoints you think you'll earn.

Kek I guarantee this is what happened, probably ordered straight off alibaba


Any connection too tub-girl

Gorilla marketing.


they won't

It is normal for modern rechargables. Battery tech has gotten very good.

Oh shit

sounds about right



I couldnt earn nigger points even if I wanted to. I live in a country where if a nigger tries to play the race card he ends up beaten up in a lockup.
Well maybe I havent brought rechargeable ones in like 10 years

So, so underrated

>Make my own battery company
>Call it White Power
>Make Batteries for Tazers
>Anglin & Co. deports neegrows using my batteries

NiCad is old battery technology, I doubt it has the advertised capacity

>I live in a country where if a nigger tries to play the race card he ends up beaten up in a lockup.
sounds comfy.

There's a whole website dedicated to buying black -

It has some blog entries of dubious worth on it, though.

I only use Eneloop, niggers.

>NiCad is old battery technology, I doubt it has the advertised capacity
Likely the batteries are Ni-Mh and the charger is just backwards compatible with NiCad.

Which is why I said 'don't buy a bundle of batteries with a shit charger'.
Niggers just stuck a label on some standard Alibaba chinkshit.

You didn't really think the jigaboos managed to learn about battery chemistry and build a factory, did you?

>Mein sides

>being that stupid
Stop doing spice.

I'm amazed they didn't call them black power.
>blacks don't work
Duracel are pretty shit though.

Read again mouthbreathers, it was a joke.

A joke based on a misunderstanding by him of what a double negative is.


There is no joke apart from the user himself.

>that ig name

>I'm amazed they didn't call them black power.

Anyone with an ounce of common sense should be expecting the deluge of Black Panfa branded garbage we're gonna see for at least the next year.
Any oldfags who remember the 'Simpsons' garbage from the early 90's will understand.

Does it steal electricity from the device?

So it's a black user?

To be fair, building a computer at age 11 is a nice fluff piece, it's moderately impressive. It was the publications that say he invented a computer that went full retard.


Or an American overseas.

What's the difference? If he's in the US, Germany, France, or the UK he's not white.

Married to Tubgirl?

No battery is relevant but pic related

ah fuck, you beat me to it

>TFW the only people that buy AAs any more are black because nobody else uses shitty 90s electronics

Its called ethnic nationalism, at least they're making an attempt and effort toward independence

The last thing they want is independence. They'd have nothing if not for their white hosts.

In this particular case, gorilla marketing.


here is how you actually make and sell batteries:

you buy the cells from an asian company, like samsung, panasonic, LG, etc. then you give them to another asian company that actually puts them together and puts your name on it. it then goes to another asian company, that sends it on an asian-owned ship to be offloaded somewhere in california. then it's trucked across the US.

in other words there probably isn't a single black person in the whole supply chain. it may in fact be "black owned" but most of the money is going to asia. the point of having a "black owned" business (according to blacks) is to enrich the black community. in reality this company is probably about making one nigger rich while paying the wages of workers in china.

t. someone who literally deals with this exact scenario every day because it's my job

Why the fuck would I give a shit what was the persons color who manufactured something? I dont give a shit about your color, your sexual preference or you. I dont get why do I need to know where you put your dick or twat, or what your skin color is you self-centered pussies.

niggers care because they're stupid, they think race is the most important thing in the world. this is why they do retarded shit like this instead of something that would actually help them.

ain't selling wypipo's magics a kind of cultural appropriation???

Is all humor lost on you? Do you actually have autism?

you mean these aren't made in Wakanda by vibranium enhanced kangz and queenz?

Looks like those cheap ass batteries from Bangladesh that are sold in stores like Big Lots or Dollar Tree.
Just buy Everready. They work just as well as Duracell or Energizer.

you are so wrong, everybody knows that black batteries are made in Wakanda by Yakub's sciences and sheit


>sold in stores like Big Lots or Dollar Tree.

you go into those places?

The 40 or 50 shifty niggers shambling around the parking lot always warned me away.
>Watchoo wanna buy homie? I's done be De'shantreus, the man wit de watch and the chain and de gold!
>only $10 to protek yo car from dese otta niggas while you shop an sheeit!

I just went to stores where there WEREN'T a dozen nigger zombies bumrushing my car when I pulled in.

Dillards and Macy's did a huge nosedive because of the people they chose to hire over the last decade.

Happens actually a lot.
>Rich kid niggers come over to latvia for womenz and to get drunk.
>Harrast locals, get beaten up
>Security comes, throws niggers out because they're loud and annyoing,
>Nigs start yelling raysists, get beaten up again
>Police comes collecs them, throws in lockup for 24 hours,
>Releases with 500 euro fine for disturbing the peace.

i'll buy it if it's made of vibranium

Why would I? batteries are free at harbor freight.


>infinity headband
you have to go back

>Beat and imprison niggers
>Release niggers
>with a fine

You're halfway there Latvia.
Good luck!

big lots is fine if you want really really cheap furniture. It's all scratch and dent but $200 for a sectional couch isn't a bad deal.

other than that, there's no reason to ever go there

you must go back achmed

Seems like a poor time to start a battery company now that everything is starting to come with rechargeable battery packs

>It's all scratch and dent but $200 for a sectional couch isn't a bad deal.
and the $150 tax you get from being attacked by wogs in the parking lot.

You always pay a price for living, or shopping, near niggers.

You just made my fucking day, user

>blacks opening up black businesses to cater to a black clientele

Literally nothing wrong with this. This was the norm in Booker T Washington's day when blacks arguably saw their high water mark in terms of collective achievement