>be me
>match with girl online and go on a date
>legit 9
>no signs of degeneracy or promiscuity
>openly catholic and practices
>identifies as liberal because muh "gay rights"
wtf Sup Forums. Even the most religious women will choose the gays feelings over their commitment to family values. How do we get Christian women to reject the cultural promotion and normalisation of faggotry?
Be me
Other urls found in this thread:
There are like around 5 of this kind of threads everyday.
She has been raised that way ,not much you can change about it .
Why the fuck are you trying to bump your own thread ?
Are you an attention seeking faggot or what
Tell her youre gay and you want to fuck her ass. Catholic women love anal.
You gonna have to do it yourself. If she's so great besides some traces of brainwashing just make her see the entire truth during the course of your relationship, you can get a wife material out of that as well.
Since this is a /blogpol/ thread I will share.
>Be me
>Go out with friends last saturday
>First time going out with friends since I broke up with my girlfriend of 5 years
>Meet their friend
>German girl on exchange here, just turned 16
>Literally just old enough for me to be able to date her legally
>Start talking to her in German because I've been learning it for the last year and half
>Says she's a virgin, has been kissed before
>This is later corroborated by her friend who makes jokes about her having never seen a penis before
>She's pretty blue pilled but is ripe for redpilling because she's seen the effects of the migrant crisis first hand
>Sticks close to me the whole night, holds my arm and basically doesnt let go
>End up going to the beach with the group of friends we're with
>We decide to just sleep on the beach because its a warm night and we have blankets and a tent
>She cuddles me the whole night
>Her friend tells me in the morning that she's not usually very attached to people and she's never seen her take a liking to someone like she did with me
>Asked her on a date yesterday, we're going to see a movie this Saturday
>Her first date ever
There is hope Sup Forums, pure women exist. Even if they are blue pilled, you can just slowly redpill them, no girl with be 100% perfect right off the bat.
I'm more worried about the gay question in general. Why have women felt the need to become the gay communities number one ally? Gay culture is having a major impact on the psychology of Western women
Gays use nepotism for media monopolization as well. Didn't you notice that? They have control as much as Jews do and a similar way of looking at their own "tribe".
Inter-sectional feminism would be the answer. Since women have gained the upper-hand in society, feminism has been forced to restructure itself to continue to exist, the catch all movement of "intersectional feminism" takes the emotionally driven rhetoric of feminist theory and applies it to all "marginalized groups". Womens maternal instincts kick in and they feel the need to protect these groups because they act as surrogate children. It's also partly to do with the culture women are raised in today, and the culture that social media has created. People are more narcissistic and "activism culture" encourages people to preach in public for social recognition. There is a line in the old testament about praying in private, which I think is kind of meant to highlight how praying or preaching in public warps your ethics because you're considering how you will be perceived which I think is relevant to this.
Its partly done for the social recognition, partly because of women's maternal instincts, and partly because of the cultural indoctrination women experience. Because women are more agreeable they are more susceptible to all of the above.
Welcome to giving gays mairrage rights, now the lgbt propaganda machine won’t turn off.
Gay people exist whether you like them or not
why not give them the option for a traditional life by letting them get married? If you force them to be social outcasts that just feeds into the promiscuity culture that makes you hate them in the first place
I don't care if they get married. I care more about society telling children that it's normal behavior
>We decide to just sleep on the beach because its a warm night and we have blankets and a tent
I wish people did this more often.
godspeed user
Nah, you have it backward. Gays have psychological tendencies that make them, typically, heavy drug users and sex addicts, severely depressed, and pedophiles, something that definitely cannot be explained solely by a social status - it's too severe and widespread.
Second thing is that you are not social outcasts. You are the cultural elites who cannot be criticized, the literal opposite of what you're making yourself to be. You have managed to get every privilege in the book under the guise of calling them "rights", and now you want to take the religious, Christian institution of marriage, for no reason except wanting it.
Lastly, nothing "makes us hate you in the first place" except that you are disgusting faggots who practice sodomy and are proud of it.
it's behaviour that exists
If male children can be attracted to females, they can be attracted to males too. To not inform them of this possibility sets them up for mental issues in adolescence if they try and force themselves into a 'normal' straight relationship or deny their same sex attraction
Christian marriage and government-managed legal marriage are two completely separate things
just tell her conservatives aren't going to take away gay rights. that's a done issue and she should focus on more important things like the economy
You're probably playing a double's advocate, but just in case you're legit, do you think we should also allow siblings to marry if they so wish?
>double's advocate
the term is 'devil's advocate', rusky
it's a tougher question than it seems because if you consider that gay marriages are not formed with the intent of producing children, excluding siblings (and especially gay siblings) seems like an arbitrary rule that's hard to justify if you're using that logic
She thinks that way because she's a woman. It's your responsibility as a man to weed her out of it.
I'm aware that it's a tough question, which is why I asked in the first place. Now do you mind actually answering it? Do you think we should allow siblings to marry, yes or no?
Awesome how you ignored the entire post except for a technicality about the definition of marriage. Totally unexpected.
Nope. You do not deserve the *privilege* of government-managed legal marriage. Why the fuck would you?
Adult males can also be attracted to 10 year old boys. Should we tell children they might grow up to be pedophiles too and that it's normal? Liberals are always pointing out how sexuality is fluid, yet it seems to only be the case when a straight person becomes gay, never the other way around. Why would we want to glorify sexual degeneracy if the psychological processes behind orientation are fluid?
Well let her have gay rights. You don't have to reject every woman because doesn't line up with you politically.
Be a man and make a woman out of her. If you provide her with a high enough quality version of yourself then she'll naturally adopt your politics over time.
Now it's probably harder than ever to be man enough for her to follow you, but that's just what you have to do.
Nobody "deserves" anything from the government, that's not how the world works
I ignored the rest of your post because it was just whining about identity politics and a strong subjective opinion you have zero chance of changing
Ask her to remind you when did the LGBT advocacy groups officially distance themselves from pedophiles like NAMBLA, and look up what was going on during that time.
Hi White Boi! Take wat u can git. naw sawin?
if dat bussy good, but ur benis in dat bagina, get qt white bbys. So I can black ur dauter naw sawin
>Start talking to her in German because I've been learning it for the last year and half
How is that working out? How fluent are you after studying for nearly two years, and what program did you use to learn?
I have no emotional investment in the issue. The default answer is no since that's how society is set up currently but I have no rational argument to defend that stance.
They can also be attracted to 10 year old girls, don't go conflating pedophilia with homosexuality as if the two are inherently linked.
attraction based on age and based on sex are two different issues that should be handled differently. Pedophilia is not a sexuality, it's a paraphilia
>yet it seems to only be the case when a straight person becomes gay, never the other way around.
You have very limited exposure to sexuality exploration and are getting blinded by associating being gay with a political ideology you oppose.
"Identity politics" is just politics. Let me rephrase - you deserve to be deprived of those privileges because you are sick. Your behavior is not normal. It should not be tolerated and sure as fucking hell should not be encouraged by tax reliefs. If a majority agrees or will soon agree with me, you're fucked. My first post is also factually on point, fag.
just point her to the relevant scripture that says gays are bad
then point her to Revelation 2:9
christian girls are ridiculously easy to redpill
You don't have facts, you have a subjective personal interpretation of reality
maybe they would if you stopped shitting on the beach
>places freedom for two men to penetrate each others assholes over the lives of millions of unborn children
your sodomy fetish IS your identity you fucking subhuman, it's literally all you are. freak.
pick one
In other words, you don't care. Surely you can then understand us normal people not caring about you faggots and preferring the default answer of how society is set up currently, whether we have a rational argument to defend this stance or not.
To sleep on beach you must first poo in loo
Are there alot of devout practicing Orthodox Christians in ruskieland?
dumb frogposter
>whether we have a rational argument to defend this stance or not.
kek, this is why russia and most conservative american states are basically 3rd world countries. enjoy your squalor kiddo.
My accent isn't perfect but I can hold a fairly decent conversation with out needing to pause too much to think about what I'm saying. I can talk about pretty much all the same things I can in English. I've been taking a German course through my school, because Im from Victoria we use the VCAA's study design and approved curriculum for VCE German (Highschool/Undergraduate level) which you can find online fairly easily. So far its been pretty good, I've been doing a lot of supplementary study, Babbel and duo lingo have been really helpful as supplementary practice.
Something I didn't know until speaking with this German girl is that I speak very properly and formally. Because of the study design we haven't learned too much slang and conversational casual language. I'm kind of learning more of it now but the Girl said I spoke better than some Germans she knows which I thought was interesting.
German is fairly easy to learn, it's not as easy as Italian or French but its definitely one of the easier languages for a native English speaker to learn because many of the words are English words with a German pronunciation or a slight variation. The biggest hurdle for me was the grammar.
>You have very limited exposure to sexuality exploration and are getting blinded by associating being gay with a political ideology you oppose.
If this is true then why does the left freak out at the suggestion of conversation therapy and equate it to some sort of crime against humanity? The truth is the gay community is nothing more than a political asset for the left. If an instant, blanket cure for homosexuality were to be discovered tomorrow, liberals would do everything in their power to prevent it from ever becoming available.
>gay people exist
4 now
>duhhh i should be allowed to do whatever i want
this is a "rational argument" in the disease riddled minds of sodomite freaks
>75% of straight men an are faithful, compared to just 4.5% of gay men.
>In Berlin, 83% of gay men in “steady” relationships had had frequent affairs in the last year.
>Gay men, who are 1.65% of the US population, account for 63% of the country’s syphilis cases.
>40% to 60% of serial killers are homosexuals.
>99.8% of lesbian, gay and bisexual teens will change their sexual orientation within 13 years.
>Gay men are six times more likely to commit suicide than straight men.
>Gay men are 12x more likely to use amphetamines than straight men.
>Gay men are 10x more likely to use heroin than straight men.
>Gay people are 2-3x more likely to abuse alcohol than straight people.
>79% of homosexual men say over half of their sex partners are strangers.
As seen in "Unequal Opportunity: Health Disparities Affecting Gay and Bisexual Men in the United States" which is also one of the official sources of most medical and gov sites. Go look the pdf up yourself.
You have an illness, that should be treated, not encouraged, not propagated, and not glorified and taxed.
>Liberal arguments in favor of homosexuality are based on logical fallacies.
You can change her ways user, I have faith in you. We are depending on people like you to change the mind of libs. Do us proud god dammit
this catholics are fake christians who sell out at a moments notice
>be me 33 yo
>fed up with whores and roasties, absolutely ready to go MGTOW
>By chance meet a qt in my country town
>she's nice, shy, 8/10, 27 yo ashton type autistic qt.
>start dating her and things are going well.
>shes not a virgin but far from a whore and actually a good decent girl, thought they no longer exist.
>Things are going very well, actually regained some hope for this world.
>not a virgin
No hymen no diamond
You people have it lucky. I lost a legit wife material natsoc girlfriend because of family issues.
It is not bettee to have loved and lost, believe me, Sup Forums
Virgins arent all theyre cracked up to be. What happens when their (((friends))) at work or somewhere convince them to play the field behind your back so they can (((experience life))). This happens more often than you think
>be me
>have GF
>not fit
>not young
>not legit 9
>signs of degeneracy no promiscuity
>not openly catholic, doesn't practice
>has an irrational hatred for lesbians
>gets into arguments with them at work
>randomly called out "faggot" when one walked past her the other day
>I have to calm her down and tell her to hide her powerlevel
I don't know what it is about lesbians that sets her off so much but she really doesn't like them.
Just point out that gay marriage is not allowed by the Church and that you rather side with God and Church than the DNC
>holds on to your arm all evening
>cuddles you all night
>nothing else happened
Did you even kiss her mate? What the fuck were you waiting for?
All women like gays because they're basically pets to women.
the narrative is strong in society and fag acceptance is everywhere. you cant expect many people to understand the shortcomings of the consensus when theyre never discussed. and women are exceptionally empathetic in general so youre up against that wall too.
i think your expectations are a little high to find that 10/10 woman. no one is perfect. if i were you id take a chance anyway. maybe the political sphere isnt so important to her where her partner must agree with her on ever topic.
youre a fool if you believe in a rick solid relationship. relationships require constant maintenance to succeed. if you cant handle that you gotta get out of the game
She sound so cute!
doesn't sound too bad, she just needs to be redpilled on the moral virtues of inequality
Thanks user I needed this; there IS hope isn't there.
I’m in the same spot right now, good luck!
If by experiencing life you mean literally throwing her ability to be married straight into the trash then she’s more than likely already done so
>Women with 10 or more partners were the most likely to divorce
>Women with 3-9 partners were less likely to divorce than women with 2 partners
>Women with 0-1 partners were the least likely to divorce
good luck man
sounds like a real catch
I assume lesbian rape.
Women are easily manipulatable once they fall in love. Once they’re in love you can turn them into full 1488 GAS THE KIKES. Trust me.
It is why you must get them young. Teenage girls get especially crazy when they fall in love.
I wanted to take things slow because I wasn't sure how I was feeling about it. I've only ever been with one woman before, I started dating my best friend when she was 14 and I was 13, that relationship lasted 5 years and we only broke up about a month ago, I didn't want to jump into anything again too quickly. I'm still young, so a 5 year relationship is a big deal, that's more than a quarter of my life, I'm not even in my 20s yet.
>things that never happened
That's cool and all brah but you're in with a great opportunity here - don't let it slip through your fingers while you're still crying over your ex.
It's easy to get caught up in the negativity of Sup Forums. Just keep trying and try to stay positive, because the biggest obstacle to our own happiness is our own negativity. Negativity pushes you away from opportunities that could change your life. I was feeling really shit and almost didn't go out with my friends but I'm very glad that I did.
its true
i married a mormon girl that was pretty bluepilled but it was never important to us. then all the lgbt shit started becoming a constant thing at her job. special seminars and training etc instead of getting work done. she started getting pissed off that there were so many meetings about it and how everyone was falling behind. then the migrant issues in europe started. shes big on ancestry so she sees it as an affront to her people. ive been redpilling her subtly since and now shes all out conservative traditional value type thats aware of the jq. she even tries redpilling her parents. women have to see some things for themselves while having a steady hand to guide them. if she loves you it makes it easier
There is no way back for the West. Since the 18th century the human history is one of progressive laxation as that’s part of how the world works.
You just can’t unless you retreat to a nuclear family and relatively isolated community.
First conservatives were evil for trying to conservate slavery.
Then for advocating educating rights for men.
Then, if women could receive education, why not vote?
And so it goes until “why oppress fags it is evil”.
Blame individualism and the Enlightenment. No conservative movement has been able to sustain itself for a long period due to contradictions regarding laxness on some fields.
I'm not crying over my ex, I'm just in a weird transitional period. I won't let it slip through my fingers. I thought I'd take a few days to think about it because the girl is going back to Germany in 6 months so if a relationship is started, its going to get complicated. I've decided its best to address that later on though.
Too blunt.
"I likes ya, and I wants ya" that's how it's done.
Anyone who accepts gay right isn't Christian.
>family issues
They hate you because you’re not white?
I think here faggots have the same rights as the men who fuck a vagina, there's no notion in our law about who has sex with who, same with niggers.
But I think faggots and niggers want more rights than normal people.
She is a repressed bull dyke
share your story user, we need some positivity.
if her name is Donna, send my regards
>Inb4 muh based minority posts
>muh feels
Mass shooting incidents are statistically irrelevant and yet everyone wants gun control due to them despite being
>be american
Everybody dies user
you must conquer women user
women test men men test ideas
No one dies in any other country. Big mortuary is lying to you so they can make big money on the coffin and funeral business. Wake up sheeple
They hate her because she's not the same ethnicity as me (she's nordic I'm not)
That's so wholesome!Good luck Bruce.
I think people shouldnt be bothered to much with what women think, remember they probably didnt see all the footage and things we've seen. I remember when I decided to show my gf what a nigger really is, I started the video, niggers were kicking some homeless guy to a coma, she shouting ''No no stop please leave him alone''. She's so innocent, I corrected her worldview and broken down what her family told her. Now I've started the process of redpilling her family.
>gay rights
Pick one.
What rights don't fags have?
Met a girl who is head over heels in love with me, she is pretty too. Problem is that I can’t find her anymore, she’s just gone. But even I could clearly see she was deeply in love. I will find her again, I know it.
Keep her safe from the emus, user.
Should just kill yourselves. It would be less of a burden on society.
Do you also go to church?
If not she is not very serious about her faith
>not fucking her the first night