I'm very impressed by the young adults coming out of Florida. They are very motivated, articulate...

I'm very impressed by the young adults coming out of Florida. They are very motivated, articulate, smart and the emotion of their ordeal really comes across.

CNN interviewed Delaney Tarr, I think the time for some common sense gun laws might finally happen.

Can we finally see America get their act together?

Other urls found in this thread:


Blacked when?


Deepfake when?

Keep it up leaf. Once we kill our commies we are coming to annex your asses and killing your commies too.

The US will become germany, when?


Hurry. Many Canadians will be waiting to join the rake army.

All the way back in 1991, former US Navy Intelligence Briefing Team member Milton William Cooper wrote a book titled “Behold A Pale Horse” within which he reveals a wealth of great information long hidden from the public eye, some dating all the way back to the 1940’s. Elaborating upon the assassination of John F. Kennedy, UFO’s and ‘the secret government’, on page 225 of his book, Cooper dropped the following bombshell paragraph that should be looked at much more deeply in light of what recently happened in Florida.:

The government encouraged the manufacture and importation of military firearms for the criminals to use. This is intended to foster a feeling of insecurity, which would lead the American people to voluntarily disarm themselves by passing laws against firearms. Using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated the desire in these people to open fire on schoolyards and thus inflame the antigun lobby. This plan is well under way, and so far is working perfectly. The middle class is begging the government to do away with the 2nd amendment.

With the ‘secret government’ that Cooper warned of long ago now confirmed, it’s time to take another look at that shocking paragraph, particularly in light of new revelations coming out about the ‘event’ in Florida which ANP and other independent news websites have warned was likely coming as the globalists seek to continue their ‘take down of America’.

there's one connection. keep digging anons.


Burgers you gotta fight the fucking zog or you will get lined up next to the wall and shot in your head in couple years.

>CNN interviewed Delaney Tarr, I think the time for some common sense gun laws might finally happen.
>Can we finally see America get their act together?

We have more than enough gun laws already, thank you.

keep this thread bumped:

Democrats using the tragedy to make Florida a Democratic Stronghold.
Republiscums will be raped at the inc elections. Trump is a huge failure, even the Obama (a nigga) did a lot more to stop the illegal migrants.

hang all traitors

These young adults will be game changers.

no no

So you actually believe all that?

>democrats want gun control
>democrats didn't bat an eye when Obama shielded his boy Eric Holder from the fallout of Fast & Furious, DoJ selling guns directly to mexican cartels/El Chapo

really floggin my noggin

These "young adults" are way too sophisticated to come from that part of Florida. I've been there. Something's amiss here in this whole narrative.


c'mon (((CNN))), don't lose control of the narrative now. These Sup Forumslacks are asking tough questions about the Florida school shooting, the individuals around it, and they might have connected the dots between pedophile rings, children being used for currency to pay off sharks/drug dealers/ransoms, the whole adoption thing, kidnappings, torture, rape molestation grooming, and Mossad ops that can be outed. Hurry!

>smart articulated motivated American students

100% faked

Another fish mouth

Please tell me your are joking. You don't believe Soros is behind all this do you????.

Underrated post.

Guns are not the problem!
Mental health care is the problem!
We need better mental health care, not less guns!

>common sense

care to define this?

Maybe they're from the city.

You do know that this garbage only happens in the US right? You telling me others countries don't have mental illness?

and im sure these puppets are against their teachers holding to protect them too. My relative was in a classroom where students died and shes still being quiet about it

the day of the rake

This is not an argument leaf.
Trump failed. Obama was much better.

Exactly. Allah Demands it!


It’s beneath human logic to adjust policy based on something as small as a school shooting. 17 people died. More teens died on that day and every other in car accidents. School shooters are statistically about as much of a threat to human life as honeybees.

It disgusts me that people are so stupid, so without mathematical logic, so ruled by child like emotion, that they think this is an issue at all.

You could lower the speed limit by 10 mph and save far more lives than you would if you had a magic wand that could eliminate all school shootings. But we won’t do that. Why? Because we consider 35-40 thousand lives per year lost a reasonable price to pay to get to work and where we need to go in an efficient manner using our cars. Many of us feel the same about our guns. A few lives lost is a reasonable price to pay to retain our bulwark against tyranny. Hitler and Stalin killed a lot more people than school shooters. They might not have if the population had been armed.

I know you are ruled by emotion and have the reasoning skills of a chick or a child, but grow the fuck up.

>I'm very impressed by the young adults coming out of Florida. They are very motivated, articulate, smart and the emotion of their ordeal really comes across.

We'll be seeing the best performers again in the future in some other crisis.

Fuck off boomer

nothing bad ever happens in other countries, leaf. acid attacks in the UK, grenade attacks in Sweden, niggers burning other niggers alive using a burning tire around their necks, etc... it's all fake

>You do know that this garbage only happens in the US right?

I know! There is NO terrorist attacks in Europe, or acid attacks, or hand grenade attacks.. Europe is SO FUCKING SAFE!!!

These are soros funded crisis actors you autistis have you never seen these people’s faces before?

You're wrong about that, though. It's a pretty nice, upper middle class part of the state. They all deserve a bullet, though. Especially that one kike's dad that runs all of the weird pedo shit.

Checks flag

>Children think they know better.
>Children have a very limited understanding of government and law.
>People actually think that kids should be the representative voice of government.
So what you're saying is that a liberal is nothing more than an ignorant child who knows nothing about reality.

great minds n' sheeit

I am very impressed by the actors hired by the government in Florida. Their obviously fake display of intelligence and passion really fooled my senile mind and overly emotional sensibilities.




holy shit

Take it from someone whos not a fucking idiot when it comes to guns and politics in America. Fucking with guns = you lose elections.

Hmmm why are only the popular kids from the school becoming activists? It’s almost like they are just doing this for attention and to hopefully profit of it.

It is this fucked up belief that America is unsafe and violent... remove the black minority from crime statistics and America is one of the safest law abiding countries in the world.

People have to understand blacks in USA are near feral animals. The concept of a monogamous marriage before childbirth is non-existent in the black culture. They breed the same way they did in tribe, women have many children from many different fathers and fathers do not stay to raise the children. The good news in blacks live together and do most of their violence to each other.

Most of the OTHER violence you see in America is due to mental illness.

>Single called "do you wanna see my pencil?"
>click on random video, within 30 seconds they're talking about a child staying at the chefs house like it's totally normal

this generation of kids is going to be so cucked

I think you are wrong.

America, introduce Canadian style laws and your gun problem will go away.


(((Common sense gun laws)))

>Give up your guns guys!
>Well, just make it really hard for the common person to defend themselves!
Fucking vice.
Are you fucking real?

Forced integration meant that small schools were closed and kids were bused to big schools. There was a push in the 80s to close all the one-room school houses and combine smaller school districts in favor of larger school systems. The giant schools become increasingly dangerous due to not enough adult supervision....gangs become a HUGE problem and schools are deemed unsafe. So democrats disarmed school kids and teachers in the name of "safety" and put up big fences and signs around all the schools proclaiming that all occupants were unarmed. Some of the larger, more dangerous schools are staffed with armed guards and metal detectors...but most schools are such complete "gun-free" zones that eating a poptart into the wrong shape will get you into trouble...of course we did that shortly after we closed all the mental hospitals and main-streamed the mentally ill....

Did you get that? We closed the mental hospitals, bused all the kids to giant school campuses with inadequate adult supervision, disarmed both students and teachers when schools' gang violence became too big of an issue to ignore, put in a few armed guards and metal detectors for looks in the more violent/dangerous schools...and the public is pushing for even more armed guards in every school. And we're wondering why school shootings have become common in the last 20ish years?

We created a class of people (students) who are not allowed to defend themselves against violence (zero tolerance/gun-free zone) where they are forced to attend classes (school) for 8 hours a day, 180 days a year. Roughly 25% of those students are on some form of psych medication (everything from ritalin to zoloft to xanex and more)....and we're wondering why those same kids flip out and go on killing sprees that specifically target those institutions?

Do we need to ban males from owning guns? They are the ones that do these mass shootings. They are responsible for nearly all killings with guns.

They don't deserve the privilege of gun ownership.

if you're Canadian: stay in fucking leaf land. safety first; amirite tho?
if you're sitting in a cubicle in tel aviv, using a US park sea swerver; f'king kys. the world will be a little better

I could genuinely see Trudeau doing something like that.

That's not how it is.. BTW Canada also has very little gun violence or kid going into a school killing other kids.

Get bent, OP. There are already guns laws on the books, not to mention the fact that this was a GUN FREE SCHOOL ZONE! A law! The LAW didn't protect anyone!

10000000000000000% false flag

Feminism is a bio weapon

underrated post

You need Canadian style gun laws. Until this happens your kids will keep getting killed. If Americans care about their kids they will do something.

Thanks leaf, do we all need to be faggots too?

I-i-it's just a conspiracy theory goy, are you tin-foil-on-head-retarded or something????????

Imagine being such a babydick loser that you need to walk around with a firearm to feel like a man lmao.

Fuck your mother


okay genius. lay it out for us
What is the solution to gun violence in Detroit or Chicago?
>be (YOU)
>solve the gun violence problem in one US city
>afterwards, (YOUR) plans are implemented nationwide
>now (YOUR) famous. you cut your teeth on 4ch. a total Skillionaire now
>light, cameras. leaf

Imagine being such a babydick loser not having a gun and allowing a soyboy faggot gun you down because you couldn't shoot back.

This one is cuter than the shaved head one, but has more sanpaku and/or MKULTRA happening.


This. Leafs know all.

>Soyboys cringe.


Some Americans are producing so much estrogen because of their obese society.

Maybe that's why some of them need to walk around with guns.

stay out of our business or the next canadian tourist i see im going to grab by the ankles and swing into a light pole

This event took place on the 14th. If you knew anything about the occult you'd know that demonic powers reach their peak in the middle of the month, (14th, 15th, 16th day). This is obviously a satanic ritual. There are so many connections to be found. Like for example the name of the school is a lady who was an activist against draining of the florida everglades.

But don't look into anything, just think... of the "Shilldren"

Just make murder illegal lol

One of the side effects of closing down the small schools was the death of the small town. Children who are bused to the city an hour away from their small town won't develop as many ties to the local community and are more likely to move away as adults. Without school children and their parents frequenting the small town main street, businesses close....the local grocer, corner store, small diner, and gas station all survived in small towns due to the traffic generated by the school, close the school and the business close as well. Without a school or any businesses, the small town dies quickly...as all the youth move away for better opportunities.

It's all by design....pushing people into giant urban centers where they can be more easily manipulated and controlled via media and peer pressure and distracted with entertainment....

> implying your fat ass can lift more than 20 lbs

>I'm very impressed by the young adults coming out of Florida. They are very motivated, articulate, smart and the emotion of their ordeal really comes across.

I'm not impressed by the faggots out of Canada. They are degenerate, retarded, and proof that people need guns in case some piece of shit leaf needs a bullet in their face.

These are all American soldiers...?...

this. nothing ever happens besides political grandstanding for a few weeks for some political points then memory holed until the next big thing.

Allah is gay

This should be capped

How much of a faggot do you have to be, to be this submissive to the government and everyone around you. Listen soiboi, alphas aren't getting rid of their guns. So go shit your pants and cry.

This, guns are literally the most soyboy weapon conceivable.
Any other weapon requires a high degree of physical strength and training to effectively use.
Pulling the trigger on a gun requires about as much skill as pulling the trigger on pic related.

Get your testosterone checked, all that estrogen is making you moody.

We don't need guns to make us feel like men.

>not being intelligent enough to use the most effective means of self defense.

Canada is a liberal shithole

Obesity is causing estrogen to surge in your body.

Maybe that's why you need a gun to make you feel strong?

>trying to insult people for not being manly
>comes from a country where you're not even allowed to say the word man

Large kek



I wonder how long libtards can claim trump is a bad president?
After he managed tax break
gave choice back to obamacare
implements reasonable gun control
economy booming
companies investing literally billions now thx to the tax break.
Managing just with your twitter account to get north korea into talks with the us and south korea
Putting your men into the Saudi government who basically re enacts the first season of game of thrones just so Saudi Arabia can modernize itself
Giving jeruslam to Israel and hell I would not
be surprised if he manages peace between them.

All of these achievements in one year.
If these exact achievements would have been made under any other president the left would hail him as top 3 at the very least, hell if it would have been Obama forget about it people would literally line up to lick his asshole and change the law so he can stay president until he dies..

It must be hard being trump and being faced with this much fucking dishonesty from your average brainwashed cunt citizen.
He is literally too good for you people to the point you don't even deserve him at all.

