Well well well, look at this shit!

well well well, look at this shit!


>What if the finance industry — credit card companies like Visa, Mastercard and American Express; credit card processors like First Data; and banks like JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo — were to effectively set new rules for the sales of guns in America?

>Collectively, they have more leverage over the gun industry than any lawmaker. And it wouldn’t be hard for them to take a stand.

>PayPal, Square, Stripe and Apple Pay announced years ago that they would not allow their services to be used for the sale of firearms.

>“We do not believe permitting the sale of firearms on our platform is consistent with our values or in the best interests of our customers,” a spokesman for Square told me.

>The big financial firms don’t even have to go that far.

>If Mastercard were to do the same, assault weapons would be eliminated from virtually every firearms store in America because otherwise the sellers would be cut off from the credit card system.

TL;DR encourage financial companies to turn away gun owners or to discontinue business with to force them to rid them of their guns or never buy them in the first place.

it will obviously never work, but man, are these people evil!

Other urls found in this thread:


Well it makes sense, bankers are at the top of the list with the jews. If this somehow works then it is time for the purge.

Oh boy oh fucking boy my bag of GUN cryptocurrency is about to fucking moon on these news.

So what is stopping people from just getting their cash and spending it the old fashioned way?

yeah these companies are definitely going to dive into this fight so they can give up revenue and threaten the people with the best credit. what a brainlet.

Guns will be sold for cash. You'll lose more customers eliminating assault weapons from your store than eliminating payment methods. It's a lose-lose situation for everyone, so thankfully it won't happen.



the retardation of the author of this article

people who don't want the government knowing they have weapons won't use cash to buy weapons

They don't make money off those with good credit. They actually pay off their debts.

Would probably make crypto moon to never before seen heights, so I really hope they try. Might even cause more people to abandon our central banking system.

reminder that this is exactly what a cashless society will lead to

The idea is credit card companies would refuse services to stores that are known to sell assault rifles, which, according to the writer's opinion, would cause all stores to drop assault weapons so that they are still allowed to sell pistols to people with credit cards.

Oh no, I can't use my credit card to buy guns! Excuse me while I just withdraw $600 cash from a bank machine and use it to buy guns.

>Imagine being this stupid.

Cash, layaway, trade. Most FFL's charge a 3-6% premium for using credit cards anyway so more often than not buyers use cash.

This will never happen. They already fear individual transfers as they dont track that shit. They want you to pay with the electric jew. Article is fucking stupid.

>suggesting (((financiers))) should turn away business

Never going to happen.

They essentially already do this by over charging fees on transactions. Lots of shops ask for cash.

Yeah. You're right. Partially anyway, with cryptocurrencies, there's no central authority that can make such decision.

Lmao please, please, please do this. Open the market to someone who will, show your true hand. Let someone more worthy rise to power.

>Complain about bank bailouts, protest Wall Street a few years ago
>Give more power to Banks in exchange for gun control

Are these people fucking morons?

H&K should do an ICO

Yeah the guys who finance wars the world over are scared of guns...

Schlomo would rather be shot with an ar15 than shrink his profits

>refuse services to stores that are known to sell assault rifles
yeah, the are going to tell walmart to fuck off.

>not buying all of your firearms and ammo with cash

Do you really need an answer to that?

>non government plebs make rules
>people use cash which is ten fold more covert and anonymous

are you even trying?


> Banks ban service to guns stores.
> Another bank moves in to make profit.

Wow it's nothing.

>implying he wouldn't sell the lead for scrap
The Jew is impervious to all but gassings and incineration.

>The (((banks))) want to stop the sales of guns
It is a joke at this point.

Cash transactions it is.

Not another bank, another currency.
>this is how they unwittingly bring about the rise of crypto

>jew gets banks to become retards
>everyone stops going to them
>jew also conveniently just opened up another bank that doesn't do that
>every is now going there
Jews jew other jews all the time. What we need to do is drop this bank shit all together.

Yes, because I can’t just go pay cash?

People are just going to make guns in their garage with a 3d printer and cnc mill/lathe.

And how does the gun dealer buy his gun from the manufacturer? Is he going to show up with a suitcase with a hundred grand in it? If every time he needs to buy a new gun, is he going to run over to whatever state with an envelope with ten grand in it?

While it would still be possible to conduct business, it would be incredibly difficult and more expensive. Sales to customers would of course drop.

Do it so the price of bitcoin can moon like no other. I'll enjoy my immense profits.

do these idiots not know that there is a huge illegal gun market in every major city? they want more people buying untraceable "assault" weapons? fucking stupid.

>Libshits can't get the working class to disarm themselves via "democracy".

>Suggest allowing their supposed hated enemies in financial capitalism to do it for them.

They aren't even trying to hide it anymore. Fucking scoundrels.


Russians are fucken hilarious posters.


Every. Fuckin. Time.

using the NY Times logic:

Drug dealers on the streets of every American city don't accept PayPal, Mastercard, or Visa.... so therefore, there must not be any drugs in any American city.

>And how does the gun dealer buy his gun from the manufacturer?
How does the drug dealer buy his guns from the gun manufacturer?

>Is he going to show up with a suitcase with a hundred grand in it?
Implying that has never happened.

>If every time he needs to buy a new gun, is he going to run over to whatever state with an envelope with ten grand in it?
If he wants to make money he will.

>While it would still be possible to conduct business, it would be incredibly difficult and more expensive.
Only those who are serious will prosper.

>Sales to customers would of course drop.
Claim. The people buying guns are not old grandmas and soyboy cucks.

You clearly do not understand how business works outside of the (((banks))) control. No everyone is a good goy like you.

*How does the drug dealer buy his drugs from the drug manufacturer?

Then someone would just make a service that allows gun purchases? Based Captialism doesn't give a fuck about your Marxist fee fees

day of the rope for journalists when??? I can still buy rope on my visa cant I?

if they did this all that would happen is that customers would take their beusness to smaler banks that continue to do buisness with gunstores, its a win win situation. large jew banks loose a shit ton of money and americans keep their guns

I know OP is a one post faggot, but this is ironically a good find. Libs have gone full 180, they unironically support banks, love corporations and hate Russia. How is this not good for us? We can steal
all their anti-establishment. Imagine if banks actually tried this.

>pay in cash
>no record of purchase
>no sales tax

We need to get these people removed from our nation asap. They clearly do not understand most values of the constitution and overly protect dangerous individuals/groups in a delusional attempt to appear virtuous. I wish there was ANY south american-african nation they could go to, but those people are incapable of building a society comparable to any western nation.

If you don't understand how important the banking system is to commerce then you are simply uneducated.

Of course there would be some lower number of dealers that would stay in business for a time. However, the number would obviously drop. As dealers drop participation in the gun culture would drop as access drops. As participation in the gun culture drops support for guns in general will drop.

There plan is reasonable with reasonably expected outcomes. That 'some' may continue is perfectly acceptable, they don't have to close down each and every one without exception in order to attain their goals.

That you seem to be encouraging them or excusing them is troubling.

>goyim buying guns with cash
Oy vey! It's a real holocaust!

This is good for crypto.

>No record of purchase
Form 4473

>No sales tax
Maybe in Straya. Also, in the US 10% of the price you pay on a firearm is a tax, and it goes directly to wildlife conservation efforts.

The better question is really 'why have not the banks done so already'. That will likely inform when something like this is likely to happen in the future.

>not understanding that logic is a patriarchal social construct

Didn't leftists consider banks to be their ennemy or something?

As if the kikes would willingly refuse money, kek.
At worst, just pay with cash, problem solved.
Goddamn, leftards truly are brainlets

>>What if the finance industry — credit card companies like Visa, Mastercard and American Express; credit card processors like First Data; and banks like JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo — were to effectively set new rules for the sales of guns in America?
>>Collectively, they have more leverage over the gun industry than any lawmaker. And it wouldn’t be hard for them to take a stand.
>>PayPal, Square, Stripe and Apple Pay announced years ago that they would not allow their services to be used for the sale of firearms.
>>“We do not believe permitting the sale of firearms on our platform is consistent with our values or in the best interests of our customers,” a spokesman for Square told me.
>>The big financial firms don’t even have to go that far.
>>If Mastercard were to do the same, assault weapons would be eliminated from virtually every firearms store in America because otherwise the sellers would be cut off from the credit card system.

As if I couldn't just get a cash advance instead.

>what if private companies violate the constitution

>reddit spaces
>tries to speak like an intellectual
>can't there/their
sorry faggot you have to go back.

>make every gun transaction a cash event
well unsolved crimes just skyrocketed

>jews giving up interest

>not selling a cake to fags is illegal
>not giving credit to the opposite party is a-ok
These fucking hypocrites.

>>What if the finance industry — credit card companies like Visa, Mastercard and American Express; credit card processors like First Data; and banks like JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo — were to effectively set new rules for the sales of guns in America?
>>Collectively, they have more leverage over the gun industry than any lawmaker. And it wouldn’t be hard for them to take a stand.
>>PayPal, Square, Stripe and Apple Pay announced years ago that they would not allow their services to be used for the sale of firearms.
>>“We do not believe permitting the sale of firearms on our platform is consistent with our values or in the best interests of our customers,” a spokesman for Square told me.
>>The big financial firms don’t even have to go that far.
>>If Mastercard were to do the same, assault weapons would be eliminated from virtually every firearms store in America because otherwise the sellers would be cut off from the credit card system.
I just realized how me and the rest of my co workers used to trade tips on how to scam the company we worked for.
To get around the purchase of non allowed items on our corporate cards we would buy a gift card in the amount needed.
$487 gun? $500 gift card.

liberals, again, fail to understand capitalism

do you think the wealthy jewish bankers give a shit about aryan goys being killed by the firearms they fund?

>If you don't understand how important the banking system is to commerce then you are simply uneducated.
Projection and diverting the conversation. Typical.

>As participation in the gun culture drops support for guns in general will drop.
It would shift away from established gun stored back to private transactions.

>That you seem to be encouraging them or excusing them is troubling.
Be troubled then faggot. We are beyond the looking glass on the gun issue. You can never stop it now without a civil war scale shift in policy.

What many of you cucks do not seem to understand is that the gun market has not always been in the hands of gun shops and large corporations. Gun manufacturing and sales was and will be back in the hands of users. You faggots are forcing gun sales from happening over the counter of a store to going back to happening over the kitchen counter. If you do not think there are literally tens of thousands of people willing to start door to door gun sales you are mistaken.

You can not put the genie back in the bottle on this issue. You only make it worse and drive people out of the light and into private transactions. To be honest I am fine with that as it will shift the profits from these large corporations to individuals making the system more distributed and harder to control.

This would effectively keep guns away from retarded poor people though...

If someone can't manage their cashflow effectively enough that they have to buy a gun on credit they're probably too stupid to own one responsibly.

>>And how does the gun dealer buy his gun from the manufacturer?
>How does the drug dealer buy his guns from the gun manufacturer?
If you're a drug dealer buying semi auto in the US then you aren't actually a drug dealer.

People who buy guns don't care about how the transaction goes down. They're expressing their second amendment rights and they're willing to go the extra step.

Look at how much bullshit is already stacked on top of buying weapons. No one has slowed down buying them yet.

No paper trail or NICS checks anymore?
What could go wrong?
This will only increase the ease of gun transactions between private parties.

>>pull out cash
>>didn't have to use and card for purchase

>“We do not believe permitting the sale of firearms on our platform is consistent with our values or in the best interests of our customers,
>in the best interests of our customers,
There one and only interest should be providing your customers with a way to purchase things without having to have cash on you that niggers can steal. WHAT THE FUCK?

4473 is just a hard copy kept at the gun store. Unless you knew what store it was purchased at it’s useless.

archive your links or you are nothing but a new york times marketing jew clickbaiting us for click-shekels.

I buy my guns with $XMR, bc I'm not a Jew/fed shill who lets big banks data mine my info.

>>PayPal, Square, Stripe and Apple Pay announced years ago that they would not allow their services to be used for the sale of firearms.
Cash destroys their agenda. Also, trading for goods and services.

>I buy my guns with $XMR
This is yet another reason they are so afraid of cryptocurrencies. Whether you actual buy your guns with crypto or not does not matter. Just having the option drives them nuts.

Or you just buy a $600 handgun and trade it

Yeah I think this article should actually be titled "how banks can make the black market on guns flourish"

>"how banks can make the black market on guns flourish"
That is the reality of it. They are attempting to do to the gun market what Prohibition and the war on drugs did to their respective markets. They are going to force the gun sales out of the stores where they can be monitored and regulated and push them into private transactions with cash and trades.

>What if companies conspired to control the market for a product or service?
This is textbook price fixing. He's asking banks to not only interfere with the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding American citizens, but to violate federal business regulations.


>He's asking banks to not only interfere with the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding American citizens, but to violate federal business regulations.
Of course he is. It is for what he sees as the great good and the ends justify the means. Typical leftist mentality.

Every single fucking time.

> Assuming one of the banks isn't trying to just Jew the rest and control the gun sales market for themselves


This, the government wants you to pay with card because it leaves a paper trail while cash doesn't.

I bought my rifle end everything with cash.
Why wouldn't you use cash?

lmao Ima just use cash

Gun shops take cash right?

One bitcoin will buy me an entire armory

>Why wouldn't you use cash?
You would and should use cash but these types of articles and policies are not focused on the average gun buyer.

>PayPal, Square, Stripe and Apple Pay
Anyone who is honestly going to purchase a gun using fucking Apple Pay is a moron. Those are who they are talking to. Those are who they are trying to convince.

Also, the "War Against Cash" has been going on for years. They absolutely hate cash, crypto, and trades. They can not control it.

Oy vey, aren't you sure you want to by that gun on credit, goyim?

Nice try, my local copshop is already cash only

>Banks and creditors will voluntarily lose money to virtue signal.

Keep dreaming snowflakes

If they do that, then all of the (((banks))) and (((bankers))) will be put to the torch. Hmmm, on second thought, let (((banks))) try to control gun sales.

People can just buy shit with cash which will make the purchase even more difficult to trace. Or use crypto. These institutions lust after money too much to lose profits virtue signaling.

It could happen. Followed immediately by 2 new ways to buy guns. The left are hopelessly short sighted. In everything they believe. They never look at consequences or if something is pragmatic. They just feel something and run with it.