Is eating red meat actually bad for your health?
Is eating red meat actually bad for your health?
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no. kike psyop.
depends on the parasites
Depends on whether you're smart enough to eat a balanced veggie diet
idk it's gross as hell though. definitely want it to be a shade of light pink but actually being red is fucking nasty.
Not if it’s grass fed. The difference is obvious.
>Is eating red meat actually bad for your health?
Exclusively yes, in the same way as being a vegan is unhealthy long term, the trick is a balanced diet.
I've eaten 6 lbs of steak in the last 3 days. I've never felt better. Eat more.
It's delicious though.
twice a week user, twice a week is ok
Is clogging my arteries with cholesterol bad? Idk You tell me.
this steak is overcooked
Is sucking dick actually bad for OP?
hmmm user, animal fat is not bad for the body. vegetal fat is the killer one.
there is a board dedicated to discussing these things Don't pollute Sup Forums with non political discussion.
Science has told us for over a decade now natural fat and cholesterol is good for you and you’re still spouting vegetarian myths from the 80s?
Stop eating processed garbage.
agreed, however I have to cook it however my wifes boyfriend asks, sometime he says he likes it pink like her vagina.
wrong. when someone needs an opinion on any matter he must ask Sup Forums because Sup Forums is always right
uncultured mutt with shit taste
better stop now so you can die at 90 and not 80
Almost every food is healthy in reasonable amounts
you only have to be on watch if you have some sort of diesease
yes, you should eat more gmo soy-fed animals goyim
My ass
start here
also pic related to see how the nutrition disinfo began
No if you cook it "well done" masterrace
>500g a day of lean beef
I would spend whole day on the shitter if I ate this much meat
This user knows what he is talking about. Taubes' book is riveting.
sometimes i wrap an orange blanket around myself and lay down in my neightbours garden pretending to be a carrot.
Are you from Auschwitz or something?
>can't eat red meat because asscancer
>can't eat white meat because hormones
>can't eat fish because poisoned waters
>can't eat wheat or corn because too genetically modified
>can't eat vegetables because chemicals
>can't eat soy products because it turns you into a tranny
>can't drink tap water because it turns you gay
>can't drink from plastic bottles because it makes you want to insert stuff into your rectum
What the fuck am I supposed to drink and eat?
if it was we'd all be fokin' dead by now.
people haven't been living off cereal bars and smoothies for the last 3,000 years of civilization; or even a whole lot of bread.
refined carbohydrate is currently the biggest problem in the US, in a big, big way, both metaphorically and literally (obesity / type 2 diabetes)
((("Yes, very bad. It's important to balance your diet with wheat and protein alternatives")))
Looks good to me
A healthy diet literally varies from person to person.
Under normal circumstances the foods you crave should be enough to provide nutrition but with the advent of anti biotics and processed foods peoples' gut flora is all out of whack - Gut flora, which happens to control your food cravings due to the creation of neuro transmitters such as seretonin in the gut.
Antibiotics kill gut flora and then bacteria that thrive on unhealthy food overgrow back and become dominant and control your cravings.
The problem with red meat is not heart disease or cholesterol, but rather that it is often served rare, and the antibiotics that are given to the cows aren't cooked out of them. There is nothing wrong with say, wild venison or antibiotic free beef - even well cooked beef is safe.
There is even a zero-carb movement where all people eat is meat, fish, salt and water. The effect on people is marvelous. The diet starves overgrown unhealthy bacteria in the gut and fixes everything from arthritis to acne.
Turns out you don't actually need veggies if you aren't consuming starch or glucose. Eskimos did well for generations on this diet.
The China Study - T. Colin Campbell
Dr. Neal Barnard -Program for Reversing Diabetes: The Scientifically Proven System for Reversing Diabetes without Drugs ( there is a lot about fat, cholesterol and the correlation about them)
John A. McDougall - The Starch Solution
MD Walter Kempner and the rice diet.
It's time to show those inbred vegans that you can live without doing violence to any cute little plant.
/ck/ sucks tho.
That's why you grow your own food and collect rain water and filter it.
No. Red meat is fine in moderation. If anything, it's the easiest way for humans to get iron. Don't cook it on a barbecue.
Anyway, food these days is really political and most people don't even know it. The healthier and more fit a person is, the more "red-pilled" a person is. Once you start reading about corporations fucking around with our food supply and the lobbying that gets that shit done, and how those food corporations and big agriculture fuck shit up around the world in other countries with the help of intelligence communities and the military, you get angry and "woke".
And don't get me started on supplements and herbs and vitamins and suppression of health technologies. They wants our guns. And they want our supplements.
I snorted 10 grams of coke in last 3 days never felt better.
I don't get why these threads about food keep popping up. The answer is the same every time, if you have a varied diet and don't eat anything particular in excess then you should be fine. Add in physical exercise and you're even better off.
Getting really into diets and shit will eventually get you thinking that all the food is poisoned, and that just gets you to stick to a stupidly strict diet like a vegan one.
Also: just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean that they aren't out to get ya
>the antibiotics that are given to the cows aren't cooked out of them
fucking christ, the absolute ignorance. No cows are slaughtered with antibiotics in them because cows that are being treated are not sent to slaughter. After treatment the antibiotics are completely gone from a bovine's system within 30 days.
It's no fucking different than when you are prescribed antibiotics. Do you believe that antibiotics are in your body permanently after you have taken them to fight off an infection or what have you?
>a fucking vegan
you're supposed to be based, poland.
Of course not.
It's not that simple, if you live in a big city you are surrounded by shit food. Even reasonable amount of industrial processed food can fuck you up and it doesn't help that if you have a normal job and social life you are going to find yourself in situations when you will have to eat bad food.
everything hurts your health, particularly oxygen.
"Good nutrition" is just a meme. Remember Schwarzenegger and his fried chicken and huge stein of beer?
Yes goy, have some soy instead
Sure ...
No. It's just a kike plan to make sure that White people overcook their food and lose many of the vital nutrients that are necessary for not being a cuck.
The simple fact is it takes 2 seconds to put a slice under a microscope and determine if there are any rare parasites that can survive a light cooking. If there are any then it's better just to throw the meat away as it's already infested.
>People buy tainted meat then destroy it with heat before eating it.
>They think this is a good idea.
And that's why I'm "based". I'm going against the flow. Alcohol, nicotine, meat, dairy has been eliminated from my diet. I do what I believe, If somebody wants to enlighten me with actual facts I'm willing to learn. Have a moral spine, don't be a brainless unit like the rest of society. Stop watching tv, go out, walk, lift, run. Move your body. Drink a lot of water, avoid excessive oil(make your red cells stick together = less oxygen to your muscle). If You are passionate about something, just do it, fuck the rest.
nah, it gives you more testosterone. Just dont eat 5 hamburgers a day.
sugar is never good desu
>well done
No. Eating too much of it is though, just like too much of everything else is also bad for you.
If you already eat correctly you know the vast majority of our diet consists of fruits and vegetables.
here is a pic of her before she started
It Increases colon cancer but that's basically it. Worse is processed red meat.
Eat your greens and fruits to compensate.
It's the thing that got us all where we are today.
You can abandon that idea for some shredded chives instead, but you won't advance the human race. It actually sounds like you have no interest in the human race, so, like, eat shit, okay?
99.999%+ of the population would be shit at this. there are loads of channels on youtube about people going off grid and growing their own stuff but it takes a huge amount of commitment + quite a bit of skill / experience. i think the general public don't really appreciate how much effort is required on the part of (the limited number of) farmers that actually produce all thems yums. not saying user can't, but in general i mean.
to be fair, he does have a point there. that a rather large concern in the food production industry is what have the animals been given and how much of it is making its way into the human food chain / at what levels; even though they may only be very low levels, it's more the accumulation / repeat exposure that's the issue.
'quorn' is actually decent. you need to wipe quorn burgers with a layer of oil or it'll go be like chewing card after cooking (it contains next to zero fat). ppl ask why bother doing that if it needs a coating of oil anyway. it's the quantity of it involved, and the type of oil; it's a gram of vegetable oil versus tens of grams of saturated fat per burger. quorn is pretty much pure protein (as much as meat) and complex carbohydrate. you can also grow the stuff at a ridiculous rate; you could produce the entire planets meat output in an area a few miles square (there won't be any protein crises / need to eat insects, even if all the animals spontaneously died, it's just media hype).
>>can't eat wheat or corn because too genetically modified
Corporations want to stuff people full of these two but there are many alternatives for good carbs - potatoes, millet, buckwheat, barley, various types of rice. Most of calories in agrarian societies came from these for thousands of years.
>If somebody wants to enlighten me with actual facts I'm willing to learn
No its sugar that is killing people. Specifically diabetes and in addition how the bodies ability to process fat goes wrong in the presence of sugar.
Veggies are sugar but low amounts topped with a lot of nutrients - trace minerals , fatty acids , vitamins , fiber.
There are good sugars and they should not be denied.
But we're overdosing on a lot of bad stuff and claiming that fats are dangerous which is not the case at all (2/3 of cholesterol is produced by the body)
People are in dire need of knowledge about nutrition and healthy lifestyle - intermittent fasting , prolonged fasting ,metabolism etc.
We're being lied to and its time to cut the shit.
Like most things, it is fine in moderation. At least in burger and, we eat far too much. It is not uncommon for an American to eat more red meat in a single sitting than is recommended for an entire week.
Learn spanish nigger
Beef, eggs, milk, butter, cheese, cabbage, spinach, broccoli, potatoes, carrots, whole grain bread, beer, honey, fish oil supplements,...
I dont trust any man who doesnt eat meat.
Bitches get a pass because of their inherent femininity
Dude. You're gonna make me go to the store.
yes goy.
NOTHING IS BAD FOR YOU. (Outside of explicit poisons)
Your body is a filtration machine. You can responsibly and healthily consume cocaine, heroin, and bacon double cheeseburgers too.
The problem is responsibility and moderation. Most shithead children brought up today have no concept of this.
Enough water will kill you. Enough oxygen will kill you.
I speak from experience, I do drugs, fuck hookers, eat junk food... I endulge in things that are bad for you if you do them every day, but are harmless if you consume them in moderation. I hold a 6 figure job and have a family.
I still wouldn't trust a woman who don't eat meat. That right there is not breeding material.
you left your shitposting flag on
>Is eating red meat actually bad for your health?
It's definitely bad for what the red meat used to be.
Screenshotted for reasons.
Jog three miles and tell me you're hungry for tofu
t. i like worms in my stomach
thanks for posting these redpills in the face of the saturated fat kikes (codeword for meat)
one cigarette a week isnt going to kill you goy
>buying meat with worms in it
I mean, I guess if you're enough of a poorfag that you literally can't afford anything besides diseased food, you'd have to cook it fully.
>anything besides diseased food
no it's not diseased food. It can happen in every meat. You probably have worms in your stomach right NOW.
Not in moderation. Still, think of all the steroids they pack these animals up with.
Sounds like something a poorfag would say.
>n-no, your meat is diseased too!
You're the kind of guy who would warn about mercury in fish, because the only kind he can buy is cuts from big fish on the cheap.
>he thinks US meat is cleaner
no, they just wash it with ammonia
No but it makes your cum taste bad.
I once dated a mosty vegetarian (it's was for health reasons not emotional bullshit reasons and his come was fucking sweet and delicious. He didn't drink coffee either.
God I miss that ex's cock
Not as long as You don't gorge yourself every day.
show tits?
On my way to work so no
But it did make a difference in cum guzzling because I started craving it.
Just a thought for yall ;)
yes amino acids are bad for you OP. same with salt and water and iron and calcium. just avoid all of that and eat wheat thins
You fucking degenerate faggot, fuck you
do you advice us to drink soymilk too?
But pineapple juice I guess If you love red meat
I do
For your girlfriends they will appreciate it
>read study about how bad red meat is for you
>Go through data gathered, methodologies, sources
>Its either a "meticulous weigh and log everything vegan vs McDonalds 5 or more times a week" study or a meta analysis of those studies
The steak/burger you make at home is fine. Any processed beef has so many preservatives and nitrates that its guranteed to be bad for you in large quantities
Any in excess is bad
>unless it's gassing Jews