Nazis are more jewish than ethnic jews!11

>Feliks Koneczny divided civilizations into about twenty types, of which seven types still exist. Four are ancient: "Brahmin," "Jewish," "Chinese," and "Turanian". Three are medieval: "Latin," "Byzantine," and "Arab." The differences between civilizations are based on their attitude to law and ethics.

>The Jewish civilization considers the law most important. The law is the source of ethics. The law cannot be changed. However, the same law can be differently interpreted, which leads to ethical relativism. Similarly to the Brahmin or Hindu civilization, it is sacral, with religion playing a central role. According to Koneczny, one of the elements of Jewish civilization is a belief in the superior role of one nation or race. Communist states, despite their atheism, are also products of Jewish civilization.

>Koneczny did not tie civilization type to any particular race or nation. Hence, Poles could represent the Turanian type of civilization (as, according to Koneczny, did Józef Piłsudski's Poland) and Germans could represent the Jewish type. Shockingly, in his publication Hitleryzm zażydzony ('The Judaized Hitlerism') Koneczny claimed that Adolf Hitler was an example of the Jewish civilization type.[2] On the other hand, an ethnic Jew could represent the Latin type of civilization.


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Hitler a zionist

I think you dont read what Koneczny says about jewish civilization.

Nazis didn't believe in the law. Hitler ruled by whatever he felt like - he didn't even issue decrees to make legal the atrocities they committed, which he could have. German morality during the Nazi period was based upon "yes, but is it good for the Germans?" which is Jewish morality.

The only type of civilization I'm aware of that views the law as a sacred source of morality is Anglo civilization. Jews and Irish and Italians and so forth don't view the law as sacred - to them it's just a tool to get at their own ends.

Very Orthodox Jews do have an attitude of sacrosanctity of the law that Anglos do, but theirs is very superstitious and ritual. Anglos like the "spirit of the law" approach.

Scalia, God rest his soul, had an Anglo approach. Thomas, God bless him, has an Anglo approach as well. Kennedy treats the law as convenience. Ginsberg votes it as convenience but she does have a Jewish attitude treating the law as sacred.

The sacred, rational, non-superstitious attitude towards the law that Anglos have historically held is exemplified by Sir Thomas More in A Man for All Seasons.

The Barons made King John submit to the law, the Parliamentarians executed King Charles for breaking the law (in their opinion), and the American Revolutionaries did away with kings and said "Let us be ruled only be the law." A shortsighted approach, as the law must be judged by someone.

The anarcho-tyranny of the United Kingdom is specifically because of the attitude that Britons hold in treating the law as sacred.

Blessed are you, O Lord, teach me your statutes.

Omg have you ever look where come from Jewish law? Jewish law are sacred because they come from God, where you got their laws? Talmud, Torah and so on.


Actually i dont care that much because even under 3 reich my live wont change that much because i am Cashubian and i ll just swich from zloty to reichmark and from polish to german. No big deal.

They treat them as sacred the way a superstitious person treats their little luck rituals as sacred, and treat violations as taboo the way those same people view unlucky behaviors as taboo.

Not all Jews, but it's more commonly that attitude or the attitude of "so long as it's good for us." The Talmud is an interpretation filled with ways of getting around the law, not additional exhortation to follow God's commands and how it is beneficial to do so. Jews view the law as onerous and nonsensical but they have to follow it because God said so, but they get relief by following it only technically.

Jesus ripped them to shreds for this.

why did nazis let go rothshild when they caught one?
why the havaara agreement?
why did he start from killing slavs?
why did he ally with jewish commies to deal with slavs?

you faggot probably think spencer is /ourguy/ too... fucking brainlet

That is writen too there if you dont read about jewish civ.

>The Jewish civilization considers the law most important. The law is the source of ethics. The law cannot be changed. However, the same law can be differently interpreted, which leads to ethical relativism. Similarly to the Brahmin or Hindu civilization, it is sacral, with religion playing a central role. According to Koneczny, one of the elements of Jewish civilization is a belief in the superior role of one nation or race. Communist states, despite their atheism, are also products of Jewish civilization.

>On the other hand, an ethnic Jew could represent the Latin type of civilization.

> Nazis are more jewish than ethnic jews!11
Then pay reperations to them for your holocaust atrocities, little polak.

> The law is the source of ethics. The law cannot be changed. However, the same law can be differently interpreted, which leads to ethical relativism.

In same way in 3 reich in werhmacht you can find non aryan soldiers. xD

Hitler was a Rothschild
NatSoc bulldozed Europe for the Jew
Look to the future not the past

>Hitler was a Rothschild
Holy crap.
>NatSoc bulldozed Europe for the Jew
You are so full of shit I won’t even explain it.






You jealous because we are better ;)


You are Israel Junior

Picture is funny, because it’s true.

How did you know?

God I hate poles

We all do.
