What do we know about this kid? There's something not right about him

What do we know about this kid? There's something not right about him.

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He hoggs all the attention

He's jewish


he is a crisis actor.

everytime media needs some average looking boy to fill the narrative, he is there waiting to get hired.

he behaves too 'adult'
either he is very mature and forms complete written sentences in his brain or he is reciting a script written by PR people
also, he is *pretending* to behave like a human with human emotions
low-danger psycho, just wants to fit in


Something fishy about this lads

His dad is a faggot.

hes a plant for the left.. a smooth antifa in hiding

he has shitskin in him

2 kikes want to take our rights away, imagine that.

Nigga has one of the weakest chins I've ever seen.


what was he a witness too?


The kid clearly was raised with activism in mine. He's also jewish, and you can see the verbal IQ coming out. He's not dumb.

>That last name


well color me 56% shocked

Got a link to the video displayed at the top of your pic by chance?


Just some kid who wants to be a famous actor and saw an opportunity in this tragedy. The reason he was a witness in California also is becuase he called the media becuase he’s an attention whore who craves fame. The reason he kept “forgetting his lines” was him trying to keep up a professional image on camera as An eloquent speaker. The media let him repeat himself because it doesn’t hurt them.


Comey in disguise


This nigger was even quoting this and asking for “stricter gun control” DURING the fucking shooting.

Tell me how this isnt a plant

He's a Jew. How else can an 'average kid' steal the stage, Mic, and camera?

he was a "shooting survivor"


To be fair, he did watched his classmates get killed, and when you're that age its kinda hard to put up a facade.

>Jew posting

Seriously OP (and half the other idiots ITT), stop showing your age. I'm going to do you a massive favor here and actually offer an explanation. People here are tired of posting about this.

This recent shooting is clearly just another faucet of the (at least) 12,000 year Zionist conspiracy to create a global communist state secretly ruled by them in the form of the administrative elite. The Zionist ring-leaders, in collaboration with extraterrestrial beings, have been utilizing time travel to perform social manipulations on a massive scale against carefully selected demographic groups. This manipulation dates back to the planting of counter-evidence to discredit the famous publication The Elder Protocols of Zion and "prove" its falsehood. For all we know, it could even date back further than that.

Think about this for a moment, how else would we have no proof against the Jews that would lead to their ultimate destruction? They've clearly been using time travel to cover it up.

The holocaust is a perfect example of how cunning and manipulative they can be, even sacrificing hundreds of thousands of their own people in a disgusting gambit to facilitate the creation of the superficial chink in their armor they have been using to avoid scrutiny for the last 50 years.

Jesus, wake the fuck up already.

Skinny faggot bird arms

>that age
>can't talk about traumatic events
>somehow able to broadcast a video during said traumatic event while calling for gun control

I believe everything you've said.


Look at his eyes. He's reading a script.

>People here are tired of posting about this.
This faggot has got a point. Obviously we need another "Red Pill" thread with walls of copypasted text and links, or another "Jewish Question" thread where we can discuss how socialism will save us from them.

1. his dad is ex-FBI --> defends FBI
2. his family is Jewish Democrats -->attacks Trump with blame
3. he attacks Two Republicans from Florida personally, and this sounds like something very coached by Jew Democrat strategists would tell him to say.
4. he attacks NRA (a White people organization which Jews hate)

>Also, another student who was interviewed by CNN said the following after being asked how he felt while hearing gunshots on the day of the Florida high school shooting: "...I thought it was a drill because they told us we would have police officers who were going to be firing blanks - like scare us - get us, you know, trained for this..."
If you want people to behave like sheep up for slaughter, tell them that it's a drill and the bullets will be not real.
The first thing I would do in such a situation is to jump out the window. Hopefully there will be grass.

isn't he in a green screen room?
why is the background strongly lit by the sun, but he isn't?

good observation my slavish friend


A friend tells me you're losing money, why are you still here? Shoo

Literally an fbi nigger


Another green screen interview here. That or a UFO lands in his hair @ 3:55

I don't think he did

Jesus Christ!!! Malcolm in the Middle turned into a gun-grabbing media whore!
Who would have guessed?
It was probably one of his brothers that did it.

That top one is from a news interview he did while in vacation in California

he's actually 25 and a FBI deep cover agent

Save that video!!!!!
Save that video!!!!!
Save that video!!!!!

Before YT memory-hole it!!

Probably all fake. MSM doesn't report news, they create it.

Can we doxx this guy. He's got Astro turf crisis actor all over him. I really doubt he even went to that school

i wonder if he knows how butthurt and obsessed Sup Forums is with him?

He's not a faget like u.