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Nice one. Antifa will be butthurt and people will start to discuss rapefugees openly.
too bad they don't have any man to help them defend themselves and their country
Nice work.
It's about damn time. Hope that faggot merkel doesnt try to shut it down
I think polak (((jews))) are worse than any other kind
Please leave and go here chaim:
Another friend of yours made this thread
wow i cannot not believe such racism still exists in 2018. it's a shame that these women cannot understand the cultures of others.
they already declared it 'right wing' and celebrate antifa for shutting it down.
>The women whose voices were lost
Its the voices of the forgotten women.
Jezus what a loser german isnt that hard desu.
While I don’t want to support roasties, this is something good for once
you better stop thinking and get your shit together fucking soyboy
>raping and killing women and children is considered culture
I was going to post bait too but I'm pretty happy this is happening. Show some support.
danke merkel
You would never see hatred like this in Canada
Germans deserve nothing but suffering
These are women worth helping protecting and supporting.
Also: ze.tt
>By Nadja Al-Khalaf
>Die stimme der vergessenen frauen
How does that translate to "please get out of my country you smelly niggers, we hate you and have always hated you, stop raping us"?
Germany please fix your language.
100% this. Poles on imageboards are the cancer of the internet.
Also: The polandball meme didn’t came from nothing.
Implying the jews are not responsilbe for roasties
>Implying jews are not behind everything degenerate that kills the traditonal/normal women
they will also be among the first to hang so I don't see an issue all I see begging to be hanged sooner.
Let more refugees in. Women caused this, its time they learned to be accountable.
Oy njet chaim ni plaj
kekked and bumped
Those are not ... men ... not even human individuals anymore
have some compassion for sexual emergency, these people have been through hell traveling from their war torn country
>kills germans
>Germans deserve nothing but suffering
Why aren't you islamic yet then?
Women are dumb
cancer is eating your country, your women are trying to ressist it and what do you do meanwhile? fucking typing? on an imageboard?
you guys need some serious wake-up slappin
Why do I never hear about Identityfags in Britain? Or any resistance against (((it)))
Oy vey!
I can't believe they are related to every other slav race, I am ashamed to the bones sometimes
>Inb4 Holgodox memorials
>Chaim made women like that
>Women are like that
>Men blame women for being like that
Stop letting the jew keep getting away with it
I thought they liked it rough and diverse, what gives?
I will beat up your mother, when she cleans my toilet tomorrow, Wojak.
Women were the root cause that caused this. Germany needs to be made an example of. White women need to learn and brought to heel!
We need a Women Redpill General
There is a reason behind their mentality and why it's easy for Solomons to brainwash them
Everyone is welcome! (except Boers and Ukrainians)
How about your ass are crusading Germany? Then you can have Danzig. Is this a deal cunt?
Always remember that women run society, whether you like it or not. You get enough women to dislike the migrants, and you get more European men who are forced to do something about it. youtube.com
How do find one of these young women?
It seems like you guys are doing your best to avoid facing the truth
You deserve every single bad thing that happens to you, for you have brought it on yourselves and now you refuse to accept it
Grow up.
>both were genocided
>one by a (((bought))) cigar smoking fag
>one was an actual (((jew)))
Y' leafcucks never learn
>that image
What are Tommy Robinson or Britain First? Also National Action was banned.
you won't do shit fucking soyboy. if you were capable of doing anything you would do it by now to those who destroy your country.
we'll be crusading after you are gone so you shouldn't rely on it
Swedish women at least told swedes to fuck off. Your women have asked you to protect them multiple times now and you do nothing.
fucking pathetic
i realy hope you get your shit together fags
Why would all those women make up such an atrocity, let alone organize en masse for a demonstration?
All this refugee rape stuff has been fabricated by racists for years, why would women randomly protest lies?
This is why Krauts are massive cucks
it's happening!
VERY good questions
can we please meme impending doom agin like da old deys?
I can't belive you're such a cunt
Sobieski would have hanged you for this retardation
Good, Berlinale is the worst leftie film festival of them all.
I hear Britain first right now for the first time, also we never had "let's settle this once for all" on Robinson 'cause I've seen some images with him and a Israel shirt and shit
Can I get a quick rundown on National Action, tho I guess Sadikkfag banned it?
I am -- we are -- telling you to get your shit together and yet you do everything to shift the blame on us?
What's wrong with you?
Now we support them, otherwise we are just proving that we are larping faggots who wont stand up for our beliefs even when it's safe and proper to do so.
The daughters of Europe are calling for our help it seems.
but ... but #muhtoo
I am angry and sad at the same time
>nazis raus
Ne, faust auf Schnauze - DEINE
Not " our"
They are calling for Germans, not for us, not for you
Listen Sven, it is the internal struggles when fought and won on their own that yield the strongest rewards
Germans will either get their act together or perish
Explains this gay ass crying
Women needs to be uneducated illiterate and in kitchen. The only red pill they need to take is anti-pregnancy one.
Because you read Sup Forums memes and don't bother to apply yourself.
National Action was proscribed by Amber Rudd (Home Secretary), so was some muslim groups because she wanted to make it all balanced and fair.
>Liberty GB
>English Democrats
>Mosque Buster
There's other groups that are forming.
They are calling for everyone in Europa to fight against todays Vaterlandsverrat.
What blame? How about man the fuck up and hug me, you're my fucking brother in arms
>Germans, Britains, Italos, Greeks, Spainiards, Russians
We fucking literally purged us in 2 wars for jews and you can't man the fuck up, but cry after shit? How about we focus on the main (((problem))) and talk later about such little things
>That's why the books that students read in 1968 are still relevant today
Lel that fucking site. Pro immigration, pro Communism and completely expectantly - pro Jewish.
>For the first time since the National Socialist era, a carriage of the Jewish community is driving in Rosenmontag in Dusseldorf.
The rats have infested the Vaterland once more.
Dude ... no
Kys right now lol, if you're trying to make people rage you fail, you make me desperate and yourself a joke
>soyboy smile
"The women whose voices were lost"
>that are forming
Good ... very good
Pale skin doesn't make you white, also this horse is killed and dead, made by the same people: JIDF
Good Leaf posting.
What are they chanting? that those girls are neonazis? Twitter comments can't help either I'm not into german.
Yeh, something like that. Just the usual stuff.
Grow up and stop acting like an immature brat
I am not trying to anger anyone for I believe in individualism.
I believe that internal problems and obstacles should be solved without any external help
I believe that helping you -- Germans -- would rob you of the precious experience that every struggle brings
And in case you did not realise it yet
Philosophers of German Empire supported the exact same kind of mentality
This. I hope poland takes more money and then leaves and doesnt repay
they start calling them "selbsternannte frauenrechtlerinnen" (so called womens rights activists) and Antifa says things like "Feminism only with Anti-Racism"
So if they have to decide between women and migrants the left will pick migrants and throw women under´r the bus. I'm curious how it will be with gays and trans.
just admit germanybros you're jealous of our unraped women
How is the German press and general public reacting to these women? all memes aside, how bad is the migrant rape epedemic? is it getting better or worse?
Come on let's give them a little bit of help
That's hilarious when Gretel has more balls than Hans does
American cowboys are just waiting for the signal.
>I believe that helping you -- Germans -- would rob you of the precious experience that every struggle brings
Pretty much this.
Shiggy diggy
God, I wanna take an iron pole and smash his head until there is nothing left.
Not gonna work. Even Eve - the first woman created - was a sinner. It' s in their genes.
>Women caused this
Men caused this by doing WWI and WWII and doing slavery and colonoialism and feeling guilty about it and allowing free migration for the sake of cheap labor while not having children on his own for gaining more wealth for the international finance.
EU has migration ministries and pushes for this since 2001
Last Berlinale winners have been pro-leftie and pro-inmigration/refugees things, same with Cannes. Even on Sitges this year awarded a huge piece of shit because it features a refugee.
There is nothing fair anymore in film awards, fuck them all.
It is too late for Germany to be fair.
I would imaging him self reconstitution from the puddle of soy he left behind. Like the T1000.