Went to the movies the other day and saw a trailer for a 2018 Spiderman movie where Peter Parker is black....
Black Spiderman
who cares? all media is eventually ruined by minorities and women, move on to something new and enjoy it until the brown tide overcomes it as well
>Went to the movies the other day
that's the problem
good. if white faggots want to give up everything they have then they don't deserve what they have. pussy ass cumskins.
go make a movie about Blade and cast a white man, see how well that goes
>black Spider-Man
>sticky fingers can grab everything in the shop
>ends up hanging from a web at the end of the movie
I'd watch it
Yeah but fuck niggers
You're about a decade too late to begin resisting this.
Play the other side. Join me in vowing to boycott any movie that features a white person. #HollywoodSoWhite let's get this trending boys.
when I said "hanging from a web" I meant southern style
Don't care, was my favorite capeshit growing up and they already fucked him up enough to where I still haven't seen the last diversity approved movie.
Side note: they also chopped up some of the best parts of his personality and made that faggot deadpool out of the remains. He's like if someone decided Boxxxy with shitty powers and twice as LOLSORANDOM would be a good idea, and he was funny in small doses occasionally but it pains me that anyone can sit through two hours of that garbage but I guess they didn't have those brain cells to lose in the first place. I actually turned it off 1/4th of the way through.
Who cares? Do something productive while retards worry about this.
I had a dream the other night that I walked into a Black Panther showing at a local theater and the overwhelming stank of niggers as soon as I opened the door pushed me back.
Anyone else know what I'm talking about? That singular nigger smell. Like unwashed ass on jungle steroids.
The black guy isn't Peter Parker, he is a different guy. Also that same movie has multiple other Spidermen, including our good-old-fashion white Peter.
Deadpool was actually created by noted artist Rob Liefeld and was assembled from an assortment of spare pouches, sword hilts that don't attach to the blades, and no feet
OK, Spoiler:
Civil War happens (second one, I think). Punisher accidentally kill-shots Peter Parker. Miles Morales is born to hold the mantle. Punisher retires forever (last real white vigilante in the Marvel Universe without superpowers).
Then, the entirety of Marvel superheroes become a parody in Deadpool. Everyone laughs about it like it's OK. Marvel actually tried several times to get Deadpool to be completely shut the fuck down, but it generated such a huge fanbase so quickly that it snowballed into Deadpool 2 having a nigress play Domino.
Comics were decent in the 80s/90s. Right up until the point they split X-men into 13 fucking alterverses. That right there was when all of it went to shit.
>In B4 Hulk is a chink now
Welcome to 2018.
Pic related is black Rosharch from Watchmen sequel lmao
Deadpool was a response to all the fuckery going on in comics; specifically Marvel. Why do you think it became so wildly successful with hardcore fans?
Deadpool was a reaction, not a copycat. Of course, the new Deadpool is getting diversified, too, so it's not like it even fucking matters anymore.
Tickets are overpriced who the fuck watches movies in the theaters now anyways? Hell movies are already generally garbage just like tv and music and the only good video games are the ones coming out of B studios. Just ignore mainstream shit find stuff you like and stop being outraged like a femboy. Yelling about it will only embolden the nigger garbage.
you could say that he has sticky fingers
The problem is that fucking trailer was designed by a SJW who wanted to give "racists" the middle finger. It is Spiderman swinging around then close up of him removing his mask and
TADA ha guess what racists it is a nigger spiderman we just got you worked up for spiderman and guess what it is a nigger and you didn't know it until you were already excited hahahahaahahahahahah.
jokes aside, Miles Morales was okay, and the animation looks pretty kino.
Lmao Im so done with living in this jewciety no niggers even act like roarschach anyways
comic books are for black people
>>In B4 Hulk is a chink now
But he is.