How do we stop Asians from taking all the white men?
How do we stop Asians from taking all the white men?
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We don't. Only solution is to change white women and that won't happen anytime soon.
We don't.
White women are done. Let them rot.
It's not my fault white guys love tight Asian boipu$$y
pic related is what the average asian women look like
You can't change roast beef.
It isn't how they look, it's how they act.
I don't normally like gooks much but I like that they're there as an option, they're desire for white cock raises our sexual value in a world where our equivalent woman's sexual value is skyrocketing (thanks to 3rd world immigrants who worship their feet).
Too accurate
>half of them are squinting
no wonder so many of the need glasses
Don’t really care for East Asians. Now jungle azns.... something about their more tan complexion just gets me
We don't. This is evolution in action. It's pretty interesting.
But instead of white male/Asian female, the Asian male/white female mix is way better for human evolution.The white guy/Asian girl mix creates monsters. The Asian guy/white girl mix creates superior humans.
>la creatura prefers mulatto azns instead
t. hairy arab roastie
you don't faggot
We need to push this more
Make white women jealous of the Eternal Azn until they make an effort to stop being degenerate
Do what I did, find a white breeder
zipperhead spotted
Rejoice, you're gonna be part of those who are going to destroy the white race after all, and all of this for some asiatic subhumans, I must say, good goy! Your anglo blood doesn't disappoint!
That's a face that mulatto azns would like.
>How do we stop Asians from taking all the white men?
false problem, pic related
White men and White women commit miscegenation at much lower rates than any other race, they are loyal to each other
porn is a lie
>T. /r/Hapa Mod
i prefer brown
a few bangables in there
Exactly, I wouldn't be suprised if those who advocate for this race mixing are mutts themselves.
I'm Jewish by blood and I'm trying to eradicate my kind thank you.
You know the really ironic thing?
Over here literally every ad has a WMAF pairing, in the same way Sup Forums thinks every ad in the West has BMWF
I can only imagine the immense buttdevestation this causes local men
huwhito here btw
Not an argument
>germancuck preferring brown
Not suprising, your women also love brown, you have cuck genes.
You dont/can't eugenics is real, I will create the perfect child with my rich white blood and whatever qt Asians decides to sit on my cock muwahahaha
Nah, you're just a beta that can't afford a white woman.
It is an argument, you are too autistic to talk to a white woman, so you settle with autistic chinks.
any advice for being a whiteu pigu in hong kong? going there for work in a few months
>Over here literally every ad has a WMAF pairing, in the same way Sup Forums thinks every ad in the West has BMWF
Who can be behind all of this?
Said the brown med.
I dont care for asians or browns anyway. give me snow white skin, hazel or green eyes and black hair.
The je...oh wait!
You know (((who)))
We don’t. If femanon thinks Asians are taking all the white men it’s because femanon is fixated on one guy who happens to have an Asian ex or current Asian gf. Don’t fixate on one guy. There’s lots of single white guys who have good work ethic and make good partners. Most toxic thing to happen to us western femanon was probably Disney.
I have a white woman, I just want to trade up.
How can anyone even consider dating outside their race? It seems so foreign to me and repulsive, though I would be absolutely fine with dating a woman from mainland europe.
People attracted to another race must be broken in some way.
Please point out the exact post where I said I am going to settle with gooks? Just stating the fact, not my fault if you're oblivious to the fact that white women are becoming degenerate.
>said the brown med
>I dont care for asians or browns anyway
>posts brown mulatto girls
If you like them so much, you can take them lol.
I heard Polish girls especially like Italians, so you can try here, but be warned: I wouldn't wish marriage with Polish women even to my enemy.
Of course you have. Of course you're unfaithful to the point of trading her, you nordcucks are degenerates.
>if you're oblivious to the fact that white women are becoming degenerate.
Just the fact that you believe in this is proof enough.
try not being a bitchy white girl who only wants wants wants.
I prefer white
found a nigger
I don't want them, I'm content with Italian girls. I'm just disgusted by the betas here justifying their fetish on asian women.
I'm Jewish.
What are these goblins??? most japanese waifus thanks
It's not race mixing if you're finnish.
I think they’re mulattos, but their features are unironically far more European than any Asian girls.
It's called reality
you cant user, just accept it and smash that asian pussay
How can gooks compete?
I won't date them, unless their assholes are either bleached or pink.
Look, I'm trying to understand your point of view here. I've never been with a gook, all of my previous moitiés were either french or italian(mostly due to the fact we have a huge italian immigration here). Are you going to tell me that white women aren't degenerate and ready to follow any trend to be hip?
You stole what I was gonna post
we introduce them to superior black women
The point is to not generalize. Only people who have to search for excuses do that.
Honestly left or right Sup Forums?
>messy room
>bellybutton piercings
It amazes me how so many men think Asian women in general look like their favorite plastic looking kpop singer or jav actress.
Is she a fucking midget?
also this girl is Mexican
>her baseline: way off
>Not to generalize
Sure, let's not generalize then. Only women above 30 years of age tend to be nice and "not too degenerate" here.
asian women confirmed for the worst kind
You're still generalizing.
I genuinely don't know, I'm starting to love Asian people too lol
Ok and? Nice job picking out an Indo euro. Fucking retardz you are.
black women are pure
come to the dark side
How so?
By getting me the white gf I always wanted because I'm a shy introvert
Even if their biggest percentage isn't attractive, in absolute numbers there's enough asian babes.
Only blacks can afford white women. Too high maintenance.
midget creepy ayylmao on one side, petite white sloot on the other
hm i really wonder what would i choose here
FPBP as always, until these idiots realize that they have to step their A-game up and bring something to the table, it isn't happening.
Personally I think only soycucks are doing this. I will admit Asians are attractive but I haven't been with a women in 2 years because I can't find a white one. I live in a small town and the good ones are hard to find. I think it's just a psyop, bros.
Asian women at least put on airs of "innocence and purity" while white women are broadcasting their whorish natures on every social media account she has. Teach white women to hide that shit from public and white men will naturally gravitate back to them.
I wouldn't mind the right one taking me
I've found another graph showing that white women were the most promiscuous among other races, while mexican women were the least.
Read your post again.
Seems the only conclusion. Since most of them are cucks that refuse to address them.
Right, 100%
Look at this faggot.
I have a white woman and fuck everything else. Why choosing only one race?
>wanting sonlets
Ill take the adult sized female please
You sound like a white roastie, you know? Why do you even care what do others like? Do you think if I would have asian fetish, calling me names because of that by Italian user would change that?
You're the one saying I'm generalizing, please don't be lazy and actually point it out?
Gooks can't compete, but gooks are still better-looking than niggers.
white women want everything given to them. Jews conditioned them to be princesses put on a pedestal and now they are worthless