Why do you guys care about guns so much? How many of you used it to safe your life? Do you honestly think the guns would stop the US military? They have drones that can shoot without ever seeing it, they have infrared satellites that can see through your walls. And this is only two of their technologies.
Why do you guys care about guns so much? How many of you used it to safe your life...
Most gun owners are women
It's about Equality. We are smaller
Those drones sure stamped out all of the terrorists in afghanistan. I melting down my AR as we speak.
Sage. Debate had, faggot leaf questions already answered
Terrorism is being supported by the US to create chaos in other countries and destroy their governments.
>Do you honestly think the guns would stop the US military?
It worked for the vietcong and taliban. The military would have far less leeway operating against US civilians as well.
The liberal comment that will make everybody say “fuck the constitution”.
my dad shot a thief in our house when I was 10
police found a kitchen knife on the guy that already had somebody else's blood on it
I know it's redundant after seeing your flag
but OP you're a faggot
>Do you honestly think the guns would stop the US military?
One more time....
Second amendment makes it clear a people need sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain freedom from corruption of even their own government, meaning whatever tech the government has, citizens are expected to have sufficient tech, weaponry and ammo to fight back. Sufficient means on an even playing field. Anything they use is fair game for civilians too. You act like civvies can't make drones or take them out if need be. Dealwithit
Fuck off Canadian. God damn non-Americans should all be nuked
>gun control, it's about saving lives
You didn't know Trudeau was CIA sent to undermine Canada's government and destroy your military? free weed for Canada
Wow sounds like a bunch of good guys that US government, I should make sure they have more guns to kill brown people with.
>Why do you guys care about guns so much?
We're inspired by you since you can't apparently shut up for a second about them. Sage
canada is not in america now? wow much smarts
So the US government is so corrupt that they are funding their own enemies AND they should be the only ones with guns?
When liberals say how many children have to die.....it's a threat
And the best thing to do when someone's threatening you or your loved ones is to arm yourself. The FBI let the shorting happen, they want us disarmed.
Yea the government has nukes too. They could just blow up their entire country. Why even have guns drumfkins?
Because they're fucking ine and they're fun to shoot.
Why shouldn't anyone be pissed off that a mob of retards wants to take their property away from them?
Lul. The USA government is giving weapons to rebels in order to over throw regimes they oppose. It would probably be a lot easier to overthrow the regimes if they could ban assault rifles from them too. Good point user
Gun CONTROL is a lie. And would change nothing.
30,000 gun deaths per year, but lets break down what those deaths really are...
65% are suicides that gun control would not affect.
15% are law enforcement justified killings.
17% are criminal activity, gang violence.
3% are accidental discharge deaths.
So gun violence actually causes 5,100 deaths (murders) a year.
25% of gun crime happens in just 4 cities, Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, DC. All 4 have strict gun control laws.
>"Get out of the bombing zone and go home"
>get vaporized by drone strike
>On news: "50 NRA-Supporting Alt-Right Republicans were killed off today in a drone strike."
>General public: "Good riddance"
Hows the Taliban doing after 16 years of drone strikes?
They are about to re-take over Afghanistan.
Not to mention the public relations nightmare that would happen with the government droning it's own citizens.
Mental exercise:
You must envision TWICE.
What will the US be like in 25 years if we give up guns.
What will the US be like in 25 years if we keep the 2A as is.
>What will the US be like in 25 years if we give up guns.
Invitation to tyranny.