The alt-right should drop the swastikas and nazi frogs and instead go with this look
>arrows are now fascist
(((They))) are doing everything they can to make people afraid of their own cultural history. Many of the Wardruna albums have been removed or flagged as inappropriate content on youtube despite being normal traditional music with the Havamal lyrics. It's nothing new. It's new that people are realising it though, and that being called a nazi constantly builds up a certain immunity towards that kind of rhetoric.
>bull run
wtf /biz/ confirmed nazi!?
>your heritage is racist, goy, SHUT IT DOWN
a true Nord will buy one of those, despite being 250poorbucks a pop
fuck off with your "alt-right" shit
God damn look at those two beautiful white people.
>if it's a white symbol it's a nazi symbol
>times of israel
wtf I love nazis now
It's afraid.
Those are norden-runes, not arrows idiot
>meme clothes irl in public
I'd buy one. It looks nice actually.
>mutts are now going to switch from larping with natsoc imagery to larping with nordic/scandi imagery
It's not so much that they're racist, it's just that far-right groups in Scandinavia have appropriated the symbols for themselves. The swatstika in of itself is a reiteration of previous symbols, because we don't use that swastika even though it's symbolism isn't mutually exclusive to nazis. Likewise with nose runes, your average scandinavian doesn't really care lol. Only people who have a interest in Scandinavian history & culture do.
I hope the fuck not
Been there and saw it, but it only seemed to have links to other sellers which didn't have it in their stores.
Don't buy one, we don't need or want people to commercialize our history
Does it really bother you? It's not like your people give a shit about your history.
What about if a Chinese guy wore one?
Asking for a friend.
le mutt meme aside, I do think americans already have great symbols on their own. The founding fathers were Sup Forums incarnate
Pic related
>Jew getting mad at European Identity
Why is this news?
this. the people posting in this thread are about as white as denzel washington.
white women will throw themselves at you.
Wow, those Asians look disgusted when the "Swedish" negroes popped up.
they are iconoclasts
Yes it does bother me. It seems that you're incapable of understanding that capitalism is literally the only reason why Scandinavia opened its border.
Just look at christmas, which is supposed to be a holy day to celebrate christ & spend time with your family. Now it's buy product from our companies because muh christmas and we offer 10% discounts!!11
No thank you.
You're telling me you country adopted capitalism 20 years ago?
Chinese guy? Why would they wear christmas sweaters lol? If you have scandinavian heritage you're free to wear it. If you're a mutt then no
>Any symbols of white history are Nazi symbols.
This is why I disregard fags who blame Hitler for getting us into this mess. The Jew would eventually demonize whites for any reason regardless if Hitler existed or not. Once Jews get power they try to enslave and purge.
We had a worker-deficit 20 years ago, that's when we started to bring in waves of immigrants to come work here. After that Moderaterna (party for low-taxes, open-borders) decided to open all the borders for everyone to enter Sweden.
>every germanic or northern is a nazi symbol
Fuck off PRcucks.
Those disappointed faces.
Nice, compare that woman to other Western women.. they look like clowns.
>pic related
Algiz & Odal runes were used by nazis my dude
Japan has the same aging problem and they let like 20 refugees in. They're capitalist also
>commercialize history
I don’t really see it that way
It’s not much different from niggers who wear Dashikis
this guy
>I hate Norwegians for liking Norwegian things
Why do jews want to live in countries with culture and people they don't even like
Xmas sweater? It's just a sweater with Norse runes? I'm not a mutt, I'm 100% Han Chinese.
You have been pretty much a commie country since the 70s Sven and that propaganda is what has enabled your altruism to be exploited for shit monkeys. I rarely hear your government important natives for economic reasons but for humanitarian ones only.
Fuck off Ervin, you kvetching kike!
Also: Nordfront does that. And what the fuck are you even talking about, OP??? Where to even begin? First: Sup Forums is not Alt-Right. Second: the concrete Alt-Right does not use Swastikas and Nazi frogs
Japan were literally imperialist and hated all non-Japs. I don't think you can compare these two. Japan has even gone so far to systematically discriminate Japanese ethnic groups (Untouchables in Japan).
This is the party that's responsible for mass-immigration in Sweden:
They want to privatize our welfare and sell-out old Swedes.
why wouldn't he wear it, faggot, it's just a sweater
I wish I could wear those jet li suits without looking like a retard desu
if blacks can "take back" nigger into "nigga" then why can't other races do the same? it's 2018
You faggots have no sense of humour
If people are buying european pride stuff, it means the demand increases, which means they'll make more of it. It seems that you're the one who doesn't get basic ass aspects of capitalism
Exactly, its not about capitalism, its about culture
Shhh let the little Sven figure it out. He has to learn the crisis in the west isn't from the mode of government but its the fucking kikes that are in them.
Yeah we only wear those when it's winter. They're really annoying to wear though.
Go ahead, at least you're 100% han chinese.
>Outside: Aryan master-race
>Inside: Marxist
Very often true with Norwegians sadly.
Right in the feels....why everything looks good on asians? Is it because of manletness?
>amerimutt education
No, it's capitalism. If you haven't realized it yet, Japan has also opened it's borders to chinks & other neighbour country in order to fix their dead economy.
>even speaking a language is racist
they do still use the swastika on Buddhist and hindu shit
I can go to Malaysia right now and find a statue of Buddha with a swastika on his chest and no one who sees it gives a flying fuck if Hitler used the symbol 80 years ago.
you're a cuck. just simple cuckery from the Scandis as per usual. grow a fuckin pair you jew influenced limp wristed cock jockey
Like whites were any different up until 50 years ago? What changed? Who rose to power in western governments to cause such a change?
Can anyone pay bitcoins to some deep web assassin to kill this fucking guy already?
That top is sheer class. Where can these be bought?
Send more Norwegians.
PS: this is satire, of course.
Haha, do chinese people even wear this? Reminds me of orientalism, but for the han-chinese. I'm not familiar with their culture though, so wouldn't know.
No they havent lol. And even if they did, making it easier for Koreans and Chinese to migrate there would be like Sweden doing it for Denmark and Norway
No the right should drop the entire fucking image it has now
You wont win people over by being edgy shits, huhuh gas the kikes and shit
You have to make being the right popular and desired, which means you cant be running around being fat, not dressed in the latest fasion, not groomed and shit, and you cant act like an autist and a sperg
Make yourself desirable by people, make yourself an image other people look up to, then you can make being right wing popular and desirable because "hey if user is doing it, and hes popular and shit, maybe theres something to it"
Wardruna is bad ass. how can they censor them?
Which Scandinavian is what you are so how is it racist?
It's the exact same as telling Mexicans that speaking Spanish is racist and they should stop it. In Mexico at that too.
This is peak humanity. Absolutely aesthetic!
Yeah because you want your culture to die, we know
The swastika is the symbol of my people.
Fuck your alt-right.
this is so fucking true. if youre a nationalist use the symbols of your country. swastikas have fuck all to do with european exceptionalism, they also look like shit and evoke bollocks volkish history and pseudo-science. stick to nationally relevant symbols, and, where necessary, regionally and continentally relevant symbols.
>only people interested in nordic culture do
That explains why norway uses them and sweden thinks they are obsolete.
Actually, picture related is why
Sweden has literal Muslim rapists holding public office, Muslim culture ministers who melt Swedish culture into scrap metal, Muslim education officials who don't know the first thing about Sweden and admit it, and yet you're worried about an American wearing a sweater with symbols from your past your own people don't give a shit about. This is starting to sound like a "cultural appropriation" argument.
Not so fast, counter-semite scum.
Btw really nice sweaters. Id get one if they werent so shitdamned expensive.
keep an eye out for unmarked vans
When people say shit like "lmao your white culture isn't under attack you can wear your traditional country's costume etc" i point them to shit like this
>le wörker shortage meme
Do you fall for every lie of the (((globalists))), my dude?
So was the Swastika and car. Hell, I bet they even used to eat corn flakes and meat. Better ban em all
Fashy goy! Great look! He is truly rocking that blackshirt look!
I'm sorry, but the social democrats have historically always been in control of Sweden. It only became a problem when they started to open the borders to recuperate the economy.
It's that in combination with the fact that Swedes are non-confrotational and have great empathy for the people in their country. The same virtues that made Sweden such a great country in the first place is it's downfall sadly.
While I do agree that part of it is probably due to culture, there's no doubt in my mind that capitalism is the only reason why globalism is becoming so prevalent among other countries & why mass-immigration all over the world is inevitable.
They haven't. And if they did, then certainly not for Chinks. A country they have been at war with in WW2 and at odds in the cold war.
The Harry Potter logo is now a hate symbol
Fuck sake the Nazis used the alphabet too I guess we should all start writing using Cyrillic or something and Germans should change their language because Nazis used it
>The alt-right should drop the swastikas and nazi frogs
Dear god nords are so aesthetic, why even live?
anyone larping as a nazi irl is a useful idiot.
All Germanic symbols are Nazi symbols now duh
americans are too dumb to realize they are sitting on a cultural treasure, they dance to the jewish pipers instead of their own actually unironically based forefathers, now the mutts will larp as scandinavians. its really something else
Their jumpers are made by Dale of Norway. Pricey but top quality.
That's sort of what we did until we started accepting immigrants from all over the world.
So my playthrough of Ultima 7 tells me these signs are a T and an Z. Why are these now nazi symbols?
>Tyr Rune
What did they mean by this?
to correct that kikes tweet,
all classic european symbols have been appropriated, not by naxis, but by jews, to push their narrative of anti semitism, to bully europeans into sacrafices their history, and to seize power.
the jews MUST leave europe.
Not sure why you think them using norse symbols for outrage marketing is representative of how Norway feels about symbolism from Scandinavian history.