Why Germans are so good at everything? building cars, making good beers, fighting wars and inventing stuff?
Kraut Love Thread
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Till 5 years ago we didn't have any nigger in our country
Japs make better cars and electronic and have better cuisine and culture. As for the beers
>not brewing your own
Pooland sucks at everything and 2/3 of your country belong to us, don't forget that
You mean 1/3 of Germany belongs to us, sweety. Go prep the bull.
Daddy Adolf is love
Not true, I would rather drive Volkswagen, eat schnitzel, dance schuhplattler and drink Weihenstephan.
>Japs make better cars and electronic
Moshi moshi, post-80s Japan called to tell you you're an idiot desu.
Our new right-wing party is growing stronger every week and they are good friends with Putin.
You know what happened last time Germany and Russia worked together. Marek we will come for you soon. The time of Mama Merkel and a cucked Germany is almost over.
Danzig or war 2.0 electric boogaloo soon
You will be a minority in your own country in one generation. Fuck off.
>good at everything
>fighting wars
lol, try again. Oh wait you did and lost that one too
Reminder that it was 3v1 and also reminder that USA jumped on the bandwagen and did not do shit.
They're not. They're just the biggest European country. They are hard working and they got their ass paid off by the Americans. Thats about it.
Why Germans are so cucked? At school there’s one guy of german descent and he dates a niggress.
I will never vote for woman, but I see there is no other choice... only the AfD...
Why do white Brazilian tourists always show their passport around? Every time.
Allowing Germans to survive the world wars was a mistake.
>good at war
3 v 3 Americans and brits defeated Italy and Japan. Then the red beast raped Germany.
on European soil, Italy doesnt count.
>faggot OP not mentioning our god tier food
>You will be a minority in your own country in one generation. Fuck off.
False, not even in our biggest hell holes is that true.
>Allowing Germans to survive the world wars was a mistake.
It is *YOUR* puppet doing that shit.
>Why Germans are so good at everything?
True, they are now the greatest cucks in the entire world.
>They are hard working and they got their ass paid off by the Americans
i unironically love you germany
lel cucked by chinks
>country smaller than Texas with very few natural resources fought alone against the entire world for over 5 years, and nearly won
>durr bad cuz dey lost
brainlet mutts are disgusting.
It's amazing, isn't it? My mother's family descends from german immigrants, all the people in her side of the family are hard working, have good genetics and are the coolest people. That's when the ib*rian mutts attacked. The result of Portuguese raping anything in sight, they are foul, vile creatures, bent on browning everyone of Northern European descent. I'm forever bitter, I was so close to having RPG tier genetics, but ib*rian m*tts had to destroy it all.
pretty awful at gassing the jews tbqh
Stop sucking off a foreign country and find some pride in your own, you homo.
You're disgusting vlad
>fighting wars
lmao we know how well that always went
Bring back the 4th Reich and get it right this time.
Germany has never won a war, NEVER. All the rest is due to their IQ which averages 110
Expensive and overengineered. Japs do it better.
Americans like to pretend they didn't spread the problems we have today, they are the original dindu. Too much pride to admit there may be a problem.
I'm currently in a relationship with a nari aryan loli.
Thx Krautland.
can confirm, this is a very good dish. I am from the US but i am living here now..
oh blazej, keep on digging your own grave, that 1,37 childbirth is really working in your favor, großdeutschland soon(ish)
It's better to have lower population than be full of worthless mutts. What the fuck are you even doing on this website if you don't understand this simple principle.
your country is a shithole and you won't have a standing army in two generations because your pensions will eat your economy. but don't worry we gladly take back rightful german clay
hahaha time is against you
>Kicking France in the Junk.
>Celebrating in their own house and creating Germany in Versailles
>Boxer rebellion
>German Troops became famous as "Huns" for their lack of mercy and Brutal behaviour
>4 Years of war against France, brits, Russians, Italians and all their Allies at the same time
>Victory of the Allies wasnt sure until summer 1918
>succesfully defended the own country after the war against Communism
>got back on track even after the biggest Finance Crisis of all time
>Conquering nearly all of Europe alone, making France surrender after 6 weeks, who had the strongest Ground Army in Europe at this Time
>6 years and 2 Super powers where needed to win.
>was completely destroyed, but was already #1 Economy In Europe in 1954
>you won't have a standing army in two generations because your pensions will eat your economy.
It's not Poland that pays niggers for living in their country making more niggers. Our niggers are white and actually work instead of blowing themselves up/ and living on gibs. Pic related.
>our niggers are white
stopped reading there
I bet you can't fucking read because your eyes are burned out in a somali acid attack you dense motherfucker. Yes, Ukrainians are better people than your africans, turks and other filth.
True except for very high end cars.
oh it was about ukranians?
im sorry, i thought since you are a Sup Forumsack, you are posting porn of yours here.
German talking about toilets and porn in one sentence sounds hilarious. Keep watching your scat porn you sick fuck.
>>faggot OP not mentioning our god tier food
Nigger tiers food. pics related is neggerbrot.
>Moshi moshi, post-80s Japan called to tell you you're an idiot desu.
Post 2000*
Germans post 2000 aren't any better.
Lots of their cars experienced head motor failur ( especialy their diesel )
VAG in diesel is worse shit ever.
Every 80's 90's cars was reliable as hell out of americunt and south korean one and then british and some italians...
fuck you Ewiger Frenchie
>German Troops became famous as "Huns" for their lack of mercy and Brutal behaviour
Oh wow, Germany is so great!
i am a german potato i like my house cleaned, i dont like foreigners because I caught my ugly wife sucking a frenchman off and she constantly looks at muslim guys when were shopping.
I dont like being a german potato man.
I live in a grey appartment block in eastern germany. I sit on my balcony all day thinking about much nice it would have been to be born in a real country such as france, italy or england.
Instead i am a german potato :(
germany must die, please.
I the potato country germany was annexed by the dutch.
i would eat cheese all day.
i am a german potato man.
No more division.
No more brother-wars.
The enemy is inside the walls and you bicker like women.
neggerbrot is fucking good, man!
Get used to it then you understand the savour, it's subtle, plus it get tons of fiber which make fantastic shits
Germanigger definitly are king of shit
Pics very related.
whining about how much germany kicked french ass 3 time.
doesn't mention the fact they were used as plunger by french a doozen of time throught history (450 - 1812).
>"German descent"
he was probably only 19% German descent, 40% Irish, 2% Dutch, 3% Swedish, 35% Mexican, 15% Russian Jew, like 1/16th Native American, and 18% Cajun or whatever
>It is (((YOUR))) puppet doing that shit.
Fix'd for you
Are you even white, Frenchflag?
They make awesome pick and place robots
looks like you have some werk to do ,Fritz.. btw thanks for the car..
Funny how only people who love krauts are these, who are not their neighbours.
>building cars
who buys german cars?
>good beer
beer is babby alcohol
>fighting war
loses both world wars
>fighting wars
larp larp
>Lose twice
>so good
>crematorium technology
>just build a bigger fucking oven
As for the beer, you are right.
thanks for hating, we hate you too
>Lose an entire empire XD
>Britbong caliphate when?
I only drive Black African made cars, fly black African made airplanes and travel to the moon in my sleek black african spaceships. African black submarines are the shizzy too. theys gots spinners
theys the bestes
Will you two fuck already
let's also not forget about the germanic's tribes invasions that contributed to the fall of WRE
eternal kraut
The mutt meme only applies to a small amount of burgers but oh boy are they butthurt when it comes to shit like this
Honestly we don´t have that many niggers here. But the amount of afghanis is too damn high nyeaggah
>nearly won
Not even close. Germans are too stupid. They invaded Poland which Britain and France said they'd defend, and declared war on 13 other countries. They broke every peace treaty they ever signed, including the Versaille agreement, even after Hitler explicitly stated he wouldn't, and then you fags act like Churchill was unreasonable for not trusting that autist.
> Importing niggers.
I went there two years ago. Like 90% of the people were Chinese.
God damn I love endangered species. By the time my kids are grown I’m not sure Germany will exist.
It's a Chink trap indeed
Krautrock is fucking great. Thanks for Heino too, I'm enjoying.
And not Krautrock but worth a mention for being one of the greatest songs in the world...
I take it you're a minimalist or Luddite of some sort?