Say it with me Sup Forums


Nobody cares about the CDU anymore.
Since last week the AfD and CDU got the same amount % in the polls in eastern Germany

>"We are going to cuck the EU to death"
Know yourselves out.

*Knock yourselves out.

The only good thing about her is that she said faggot marriage will lead to pedophilia acceptance.

And then she legalized it. Really makes you think.

She isn't in the Bundestag.

She allowed the referendum, and she knew that it would be legalized.

Pay debnts

I'm talking about K-K not Merkel. Merkel is member of the Bundestag.

>in eastern Germany
AfD should have more lul

More like thousand year kike.

HAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHA, germany will forever be saddled with these cunts pray tell does she have children?


>eastern Germany
No one cares about fucking eastern germany.

Why are dykes and childless cat ladies so destructive to society? Isn't there a religion that hates these types of wwomen by the way?

is Soros just into bland women?

>pray tell does she have children?
I dont know you tell me user

she has three kids a step in the right direction

Their failure to find a mate and reproduce is public demonstration of their unfitness and inability to compete in the only heirarchy that matters.
THey won't take steps to actually become marriageable, so they decide to destroy the heirarchy to soothe their shame.

Fact is, German men are abandoning the establishment parties.
Blue collar Union men are abandoning the SPD and traditional conservative men the CDU / CSU.
THIS will make the difference.
Both groups of German men are turning to the AfD.
The women will eventually follow.