i give my money to conservative alt right girls, we have to defend our race and support conservative girls, i can give you the link of some patreons if you want
Other urls found in this thread:
Weak bait.
lol no
of course i dont give them 1000 euros a day because i'm not rich at all, i give them 30 euros a month, thats enough
I support this!
I've donated $600 trying to get a mention on one of her streams. I PAID THE REQUIRED AMOUNT NOW GIVE ME MY FUCKING MENTION.
Why the fuck do autists hate Lauren exactly? Shes doing valuable work making actual documentaries about the plight of whites in south africa among other things. Is it just r9k?
We hate everything. It's just what we do.
I just got charged for my 2nd monthly $200 support for Lauren. I'm too shy and autistic to talk to her on Skype. She keeps aggressively messaging me asking when I want to talk and it is really making me uncomfortable.
you guys love fat losers who have sucked dick and lived on welfare like Millenial Woes
This coalburning kike whore still in my country?
Hope she gets raped and killed soon
>i give my money to conservative alt right girls
>Lauren Southern
>alt right
Stopped reading right there.
You know what to do.
She needs more power!
you're real tough behind that electric fence
I'm real tough regardless. You wouldn't survive here a day muttboy
Nope I don't really like Ecelebs. Not for the typical reasons you here. It just feels like a performance to me. If they appeal to us enough we give them money.
get fucked
Let me talk to her instead.
this. girls feed on attention
I dont gib my money at all. Idiot.
I support Lauren, she is really nice and she does a good job.
nice. ultra trad thot faith goldy who cheated on her husband while he was deployed.
Nah I'm sure they collect enough shekels from good little goys like you.
Is this actually true. I heard a whole bunch of rumors but no real evidence was shown
why do right wing women throw tantrums if someone doesn't like their personality and points out that they are vain and narcissistic?
>conservative alt right girls
Who exactly are? Did Lauren serve her country?
support em!
i prefer to give my money to strippers. At least there being real about it
She needs (((nosejobs)))
she looks like lee van cleef
>Tila Tequila
Heh I forgot she even existed. Wonder if she still lurks here?
I've sent money to everyone on the Alt-Right and even Alt-Lite, and the only one to say thank you was Kyle Hunt. Fuck them, I'm giving no more money away to ungrateful cunts.
I noticed, that Lauren doesn't reply to one-time paypal donations, but she is very friendly with her regular patrons. She said thank you multiple times to us.
She also thanked every help she got from those who donated to her at the end of this video: youtu.be
Even that Lauren Rose who pretends to be a virgin has now put up a PayPal link even though she said she wouldn't do so unless she started doing Youtube full time.
gas yourself kike she is a kike and she is in the order of the eastern star aka Illuminati
sage attention whores
plz 1488
>plz 1488
plz 1488
>plz 1488
this i cannot accept
Why is the /altright/ so enamored by thots?
I have found a photo of an Alt-Right girl.
Stop shilling for these dumb bluepilled women. get as life. no one cares about them
fucking blackedposters
Why did we get stuck with the ugly sister?
>pay for our cyber whores goyim!
>support coalburners
rollin' for blair
kys you faggot shill
>in all fields
lol no, they are big girls, they can support them self.
>Why the fuck do autists hate Lauren exactly?
people who hate her and other trad/altright girls arte shill or retarded who fell for the shilling
>tfw Ashley isn't even listed...
based mama? wtf is she doing there
she needs to be gassed
a wrecked vagina is a wrecked home
I donate $200 to Brittany every week, because her boyfriend doesn't work. Lazy cunt. I think she's into me though. I'm one of her two mods (the other being her boyfriend) but she always talks to me in stream. I always asked if she can flash on twitch, but she just ignores me so I stopped asking lol but yeah, her boyfriend is a major loser, and she needs to be with someone that can support her.
I really hope this is not bait
youre her beta bucks. Huge difference between supporting and groveling like a little bitch.
I lost my jess folder in an unfortunate boating accident, help me out bros?
>t. capetonian faggot
Is Lauren Southers jewish, or is she just canadian?
Anyone not recognising this is old copy pasta needs to shut up and lurk more.
She is not jewish.
No. I support girls in the kitchen, not in fucking politics.
you don't think it be like it is, but it do
>The chad pimp whores his gf to virgins
>dosnt have to work because literally whos give him all their money
>none of the virgins can even touch his gf through their screens meanwhile he gets to fuck her up the ass whenever he wants
still a waste of money, winactualfuck does this bitch shill for sheckles on 4ch
She literally did a DNA test, most available evidence shows that she isn't jewish.
She doesn't even look like a jew.
Not reading but there better not have been one serious response in this communist baitpost
sorry i have a social life
Lauren Southers is jewish
I'll roll
JEW. Lauren is a JEW.
stupid stupid goy
how many of the 18+ year old girls that you sponsor has ever been pregnant?
You goy are so stupid. You follow YouTube celeberties and think you are "fighting the race war" LOL stupid goy you all deserve to be slaves.
la creatura judio
Cuck. You are helping women not need a man to sustain then directly. You are the male equivalent of a whore. You are a walletroastie
Lolololololo....giving money to bitches on youtube = Cucked by ZOG.
Your kike tricks don't work, Lauren has already won. Her South Africa documentary will redpill a lot of people, and she will be more successful then ever.
Dude, you are stupid. Hitler would put you into a concentration camp.
YOU support the jews because you are so dumb.
Nope, I don't support jews. I support Lauren, and she isn't a jew.
But you are most likely paid by (((Soros))), so no point arguing with you.
It doesn't even matter if she isn't genetically Jewish, women are the Jews of gender either way.
Why are you kikes lying on the internet? Don't you have some unsuspecting goyim to ripoff?
>Dude, you are stupid. Hitler would put you into a concentration camp.
>YOU support the jews because you are so dumb.
i think he would gas you for your stupidity. as deus vult said no reason to argue with retards but a jew could join the nazis, a few did.
seriously, why are you goy so easily manipulated?
Cuck faggot. Neck yourself