>Claims to stand up and defend Western Civilization
>Uses a fake quote from Aristotle
Why are the alt-right and Sup Forums so naive and stupid?
Sup Forums BTFO
only stupid people here are the ones with faggot nuflags.
Neck self, shitlord.
aristotle didn't live to see full blown capitalism, he would have added that to the list.
>"Hurr durr he would have said it if he lived in our day and age"
Not an argument
>Uses a fake quote from Aristotle
Hi Kike.
What do you mean fake?
that's what you think this age is?
simple minds make simple answers I guess.
Provide me with the original quote from Aristotle's works.
If you cannot, it's fake.
Αριστοτελιkή αρχή της μεσότητας
This is about the importance of moderation. I can't find the specific quote anywhere in the text you provided.
>Η ΕΝΝΟΙΑ ΤΟΥ «φύσει δούλου»
https:// ekivolosblog . wordpress . com /2014/03/26/%CE%B7-%CE%B5%CE%BD%CE%BD%CE%BF%CE%B9%CE%B1-%CF%84%CE%BF%CF%85-%CF%86%CF%8D%CF%83%CE%B5%CE%B9-%CE%B4%CE%BF%CF%8D%CE%BB%CE%BF%CF%85-%CF%83%CF%84%CE%BF%CE%BD-%CE%B1%CF%81%CE%B9%CF%83%CF%84%CE%BF/
Ok now filthy jewish subhuman?
Your link doesn't even work and the citation you provided ("slave nature") is not the same as I mentioned.
Do you actually have the specific quote or are you just waisting my time here?
Do you prefer that one, commie faggot?
they're right wing retards
I like this one as well.
Still though I'd like to know where the quote in OP is supposed to come from.
>«φύσει δούλου»
«φύσει δούλου»
Bible was written by Greeks and translated wrongly.
So if you don't know Greek stfu.
Aristotle or Kanye West could have said it, who gives a fuck, it's true.
Commie BTFO
>"Hurr durr here's a different quote"
Not an argument
>Can't find the quote I'm asking for
>Gets met because "you don't know Greek stfu"
Cry more
>Bible was written by Greeks and translated wrongly.
How the fuck is the Bible even relevant here? Give me the quote from Aristotle or GTFO
>Commie BTFO
Kys western pathetic subhuman.
You will never be Greeks.
He provided you with evidence you faggot
Hi Obama leaf got done sucking Trudeau off
Yeah kike teach me my language because you cannot translate it.
I will stick your menorah deep in your anus very soon k1ke.
He provided me with quotes that had nothing to do with the subject
>Provided quotes are not the one I was talking about
>Links don't work
Boy are you stupid. I'll give you one last chance. Give me the actual quote from Aristotle that "Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society". If you can't my point has been proven
Time to return back to your natural place with the bad.
>falling for lefty bait
You got what you wanted now your just being a baby.
You had your chance, you didn't provide anything.
Now go away, shoo shoo
>"Hurr durr let me call it bait because that proves the quote is real"
How dumb are you?
No, I wanted the specific quote. The shit the Greek provided was not the quote I was talking about, this is painfully obvious.
Tolerance isn't even a virtue. kek.
>You had your chance
«φύσει δούλου»
West is dead.
>Listening to the wisdom of past men.
Who cares about Plato and Aristotle anyway, or for a matter of fact all the great philosophers and thinkers of Europe? They are just some ancient white guys that help build white supremacy.
I've literally never seen that quote anywhere, so cool strawman, bro
Interesting how you keep talking about me being a Jew when you cannot even prove me wrong. If we Jews actually wanted to rule the world you guys would be the least likely to do something about it
Is that the quote I asked for? No it's not. So pathetic
It's widely cited by people in the alt-right. Even Lauren Southern has mentioned it.
>It's widely cited by people in the alt-right. Even Lauren Southern has mentioned it.
So Lauren Southern quoted it and that means the entirety of Sup Forums thinks Aristotle said that? Fuck off with this shit, dude. I've never seen anybody mention that quote on Sup Forums, and I don't give a shit about lauren southern. You don't even have proof she said it, so just fuck off with your slide thread, thanks.
>Ask to get spoonfed
>Gets spoonfed exactly what he wants
>Writes autistically about how it wasn't what he asked for
>Expect people to take him seriously afterward
why are commies so into 1984's doublethink guys?
> (You)
>Is that the quote I asked for? No it's not. So pathetic
Its a translation not what you asked filthy kike. If you looking for servants go somewhere else, go to Murica. Here you have no power.
Your days are numbered. War is here.
Maaan stop embarrassing yourself
Your posts made me cringe....
>If we Jews
it's like pottery
all these posts saying nothing, i've never seen hairs split so finely
that denbtsposter really pushed your shit in, famalam
>in all fields
She said it in her video about immigrants in the UK, and I've seen this quote being shared here numerous times.
The translation is "slave nature", nothing about tolerance and apathy, you idiot.
Are you two so dumb that you can't even realize the guy from Greece provided some quotes that had nothing to do with what I was asking for. It's funny how Sup Forums proves me right about being naive and stupid.
>it's like pottery
What does that even mean?
Lurk moar communistfag
what an assraping
modern day commies are so weak.
Question for you. Where was the quote provided?
If you can't say it, that means I'm right
>She said it in her video about immigrants in the UK, and I've seen this quote being shared here numerous times.
Hearsay, faggot. Now go away.
Seventh and ninth reply
top kek, are commies goldfish now?