Faggot from BBC is trying to do an interview with me

Does anyone want to take up this offer?

Other urls found in this thread:


Anyone want to take the reigns and call this guy?

Didn't they already use #oneless for Trayvon Martin?

That pic was the shitpost that started it all.

"Abolish the repressive white man hating TV license! Make the BBC a subscription channel only."

No clue but it was picking up again so that's what it be.

Reply with this

bumping for mark thompson covering up child rapists while he ran the bbc

Sounds like an idea.

>Follow back nigga

I did senpai
Now we wait

multi keks

hey bro email my throwaway email I'll do it

[email protected]

not a ruse, not a honeypot! I'd be honored to do it in the name of Kek


Idk man anyone open for Tuesdays?

Jesus christ why did this blow up so much?

You could literally use the same argument to support ownership of guns. I.e. feeling of insecurity causes people to take up arms and not give their rights away.

Worst argument ever, who even wins from this conspiring bullshit

i cant wait for the interview and the retraction that follows

top keg op but dangle the carrot a bit further out

start off with the usual anti gun blabla and then start dropping redpills about the shooting
>oh yeah and it's also weird how multiple students reported more than one shooter
>yeah one girl even saw the shooter without weapons in normal clothes while someone else was shooting
>did you hear how one of the kids that is on tv frequently has an FBI dad?

stuff like that, just do it subtly

Well this faggot's being a pussy and not responding with a basic gestalt so idk if it's going to happen senpai.

I'll probably figure out a way.

I'll see what I can do.

That's absolutely genius.

>normies think that disassembling an AR == destroying it
Why are people so fucking oblivious about guns

Because Twitter is a liberal cesspool.

Did that presstitute seriously fail to notice that?

Well he's failing to respond so he probably did lol.

It’s in my honest opinion that if much more people were taught proper gun safety people would be less inclined t bitch on and on about a fucking “assault weapons” ban

if you're not a total brokefag then run down to dollar tree and get a throwaway phone to do this with. vocaroo the interview and post here

Wasn't he an ex-student though?
All of my wat

dang some niggerfaggotpedo probably forwarded thread

He's typing something

I've got a dudebro who says he's willing to do it. He's a "mullato bisexual with autism" so god knows what the media's going to do.


oh shit the anticipation is building

I hope this will be good


we got a live one,boys. reel him in



>take gun apart for cleaning
>become internet antigun superhero overnight

You just singlehandedly solved all mass shootings forever. Congratulations, user!

You know the drill user, godspeed

tell him about yer armory -1 gun

This is fucking glorious. Impersonate a Jew during the interview.

*NY Jew voice* "When I sas those little Jewish children shot down, oy vey! It was like another shoah"


don't fuck it up and sperg out, user

Unironically this. Maybe a bit more subtle, kinda like how Millenial Matt throws it in.

As soon as I saw the surge in #oneless I knew I had to hop on. All of these twitter trends really get my hyped, for instance I only eat soy, I own the all black american apparel FEMENIST Tshirt, I watched black panther from the projecter box as to not take a seat away from an african person, so naturally I would follow pursuit with #OneLess

This is gold, a live interview with a Sup Forums representant, but they don't know and think you're against guns.

Godspeed, user. Make us all proud!

Got a bisexual mulatto friend covering for me senpai. He's as based as any shitposter can possibly be but i'm sure he's a lot more cool under stress.

Let's see how the autist does.

Do exactly what Sam Hyde did in this video

"Heard that a student said they heard gunfire while talking to the alleged shooter. Wonder what gun that other guy had so I can destroy that as well if I have one."

And then mention how your wife's 8 year old son was literally shaking after hearing about the school shooting, so you knew you had to do something

how is he being a pussy? you're being a pussy by not agreeing to the interview. you are putting up unreasonable, absurd, artificial road blocks such as "it must be in text chat only". he's already tired of your shit and expects more to follow, that's why he didn't reply. that or a coworker informed him of what 1488 means, or he looked through your other tweets and realized he messaged a troll

Just tell him your friend Sam Hyde inspired you to destroy your gun.

I've got to jet, so hopefully this thread'll be up when i get back.




Bring up how AR15s can kill over 150 targets in under 5 seconds


also you've fucked up by revealing both your twitter and his twitter to the rest of us, because now some SJW or Jew is going to DM him a link to this thread. you might as well not even bother with any of this since your opsec is terrible you incredibly stupid fuck. it's already over.

lead him on, waste his time and money if possible.

give him something that will make his leftist thirst for gentile blood go crazy!

this post won't age well

>taking apart the BCG

What a headache to put that thing back together.

>that pic
top kek

Yea I was thinking the same. I don't think many people realize how many lurkers are amongst us.

>disassembling = destruction

this is going to breddy gud

kek demands it
Make sure the 8 year old used plenty of the types of words that leftist think make them sound smart

>Jim Elefantis,
kek, how is Mitch not redpilled on Pizzagate?
BBC will employ anyone these days

This is the truth, unfortunately.

smart user

Sadly, I'm willing to bet this interview will go through. These media types get into a frenzy and their brains turn off. Only time will tell. If the interview fails (which I don't think it will) it's still pretty fucking funny that the BBC fell for his dismantled AR-15 and want to interview him for "destroying his gun."


>who wins?

You haven’t been here long, have you?

This is going to be hilarious.

You probably don't want to post about it much more in here lest someone see it who knows the reporter. They do monitor us nowadays.

OP plz do it

you know what to do. Don't disappoint your President.

Technically, the lower receiver is the part legally considered a firearm. By separating the upper from the lower, you are destroying its ability to fire. It kind of seems like a play on that logic to me.

But yeah. Lmao.


Chequed and kekkked

can you live stream this?
i want to crack open a cold one with boys, eat some comp'd sushi and let the laughs roll.

>1 digit away from historic post.
life fucking sucks.

Holy fugg. I refuse to believe that people are this stupid. Well my suggestion is, take the interview and continue larping as a normie then in climax shout "Gas kikes, race war now!"

Sage this thread then.

There's literally one pin holding it together.


You don't think these jew lurkers are taking screenshots?

Oh boy! here we go again! First user made the anti-white Lügenpresse link the Jewish guy with cuban name to a militia with a fake leader, now they get baited by a troll post and you can shitpost them live on air. So beautiful!

BBC5Live is a live radio show as though you couldn't guess, this might be you're one chance to get the BBC to broadcast "gas the kikes, race war now."

I'm assuming that no jew has found this thread yet

Ayyy, might be smart to fit this in somewhere near the end

>cleaning your gun


Get rid of the BBC entirely, there's only one kind of BBC I want in my country.

I tuned into CBC radio yesterday twice and it seems like 24 hours a day theyre going on about gun control in the USA, i understand it's a relevant topic today but what the fuck, it's supposed to be a canadian broadcaster why are they shoving American shit down our throats to spread their kike lefty agenda?

>”Hi, Jim. You’re live in the air now. We just wanted to ask a few questions. So you destroyed your AR-15, correct?”
“Yeah, I figured no one needs a 30 bullet clip assault rifle that can fire 650 shells per minute. I only need a gun for self defense, not to be a one man army. But the real credit goes to my wife and her son. Her son is African American and he already has enough to worry with police shooting him, let alone a gunman.”

Typical BBC cucks.

This is a golden opportunity to drop some serious redpills on guns.


Im tuning into BBC5live at that time.