Why is almost everybody on reddit a communist?
Why is almost everybody on reddit a communist?
because they're all fuckin gay
they have the luxury to act like one
Because Reddit admins and mods artificially inflate communist posts while banning an deleting non-communist posts. Congrats you've just discovered why Reddit is trash. It's upvote system promotes a hivemind rather than actual discussion.
Fear of missing out. Wanted to be part of something. Too many jokes over the years when Communism was just an old meme like Nazi's, and now the weak want to be the strong.
Although I must say, the Nazi party now is no different. Two sides of the same (((controlled))) coin.
>expecting better
Because they haven't developed a personality or belief system of their own, growing up on the internet has done it for them.
You're absolutely right. but to be honest there isint much discussion here either and there isint even an vote system in place. The moment someone tries to argue or post something that opposes this boards hivemind, the poster is immediately peppered with ad homs, labeled as shill, or the most ironic of em all, told to go back. I have no horse in this race, and to me memes are what wins, and pol thus far, since the days of babby and anontalk, has had the best memes.
I guess you use a very loose definition of "communism". Most of them are lefties, yes, but not that radical. It's the same as antifa faggots calling all right-wingers "nazis", it's not really accurate.
Round the clock indoctrination/brainwashing
We live ina distopian hell hole if you didn't realize.
>You're absolutely right. but to be honest there isint much discussion here either and there isint even an vote system in place. The moment someone tries to argue or post something that opposes this boards hivemind, the poster is immediately peppered with ad homs, labeled as shill, or the most ironic of em all, told to go back. I have no horse in this race, and to me memes are what wins, and pol thus far, since the days of babby and anontalk, has had the best memes.
i agree
In Sup Forums you get more responses if you go against the norm. Having actual arguments as a lefties gets response.
On Reddit your entire post his hidden. Get your head out of your ass.
lefties tend to be far more sympathetic to the far left than right-wing folk are to the far right. Half a century of propaganda tends to do that.
It’s all part of the “must be seen as” culture. Gotta look cool, right? That’s why anti white goes to the front page. That’s why that one photo of that nigger who made a BP&J for his kid is on the front page. They don’t even think for themselves.
it's because of their low level shit tier mob rule boating system. mob rule you're onlyl as smart as the dumbest member.
Communism gets all the upvotes
virtue signaling for internet points
Because they censored all other opinions.
Came here to say this. Being w/o jobs and/or w/o children give them the time to shit all day long on plebbit
to be realistically be any other political ideology which isn't incredibly vague like being liberal or a conservative, you have to mentally and socially exclude and separate people out, which is offensive and mean.
>cesspool of mentally retarded faggot lowlifes on platform for mentally retarded faggot lowlifes provided by mentally retarded faggot lowlifes
Why did you even ask?
There's a Big Bitcoin community on reddit, meaning. Most people in that bitcoin community is a big fan of capitalism.
every "communist" i know personaly is a NEET druggie "intellectual" who is leeching his parents
angsty teenage boys
both have a lot of free time because dont work(at least the second still go to the schools)
communism appeals to losers because it doesn't demand anything of them and promises infinite luxury
because that is the very definition of politically correct, and they ban everyone that isn't
most probably really isn't, but that's how it works with that shit, they don't dare to open their mouths and really say what they think about things. Pretty much how it was to live in DDR.
couldn't speak about anything, unless it was PC. Couldn't make a song even, if it wasn't to glorify communism and being anti racist blablablah solidarity you know where this is going.
I was just a kid then, but I remember that crap. Fucking spooked us and made us crap our pants in laughter at the same time up here, we had funny magazines and so about that, ridiculing PC on every page. It was probably a psyop to combat commie influence, not that it was needed
You can't PC a mountain nigger, we're too stubborn and trolly for that. Just ask Sweden or Denmark