How long has Europe got Sup Forums?

An estimated 4 - 5,000 Africans are arriving in Europe every day, add to that the middle Easterners, Pakistanis etc it's around 7,000 a day and this has been going on for years.

Look at pic related, that's accurate, look at birth rates, look at the European political and media elites war on the white man, that's a real thing too.

So serious question, how long before there are no more white people in Europe?

I think we're looking at about 200 years.

That estimate is based on the assumption that some enclaves will manage to hold out before finally succumbing, I think entire areas and nations will be free of whites long before that, France, Germany, Sweden and I think England will be completely browned out within 100 years.

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Arriving to west europe*

We will be fine, you guys are fucked LMAO

I think that Poland should start programs to make kids and take our part of africa in order to make colony and protect companies in africa for $$$.

I hate to say it, I'm a big admirer of the Poles and your resistance to EU immigration policies, but I think you go too, much later but eventually I think they flood you from German side of the border. I wouldn't be surprised if they begin to push the narrative that you are a rogue racist anti-Semitic state and actually invade you.

As I say I respect Poland and hope I am wrong, but let's not pretend you could ever stand up to the Germans, French and all the other nations, I can even see Russia coming in from the East again and saving some of you, but Poland will cease to exist at that point.

Dont worry, Poles has long story be antigoverment so they wont force PC on us. In fact any party which will try never will again back to ruling.

ive been to the uk twice and studied in oxford for 3 months
British men are pretty cool, and your women are very nice for the most part.
ive never drank so much before in my entire life than when i went to britian.
Really great country, i even liked the food for the most part.
Have you had leon before? I love that place.
When I went to London I expected to be one of the few white people there, as someone who has lived in NYC most of their life. However I was pleasently surprised how little diversity their was compared to the U.S.

Most British males I talked to on the side hated the way the country was going in terms of immigration. Im really grateful I got to experience your country before it changes drastically

yea, i think germany/england/sweden has like 30 years, france probably same, we are not going anywhere Austria might get it's shit together, Swiss probably same. Finns and some Balkans and maybe parts of Italy but that would be it

I know, I don't think you will ever have to worry about domestic politicians, no way, I do think that the EU cannot have any member state defying them without some kind of action being taken. You and Hungary are literally making the EU look like the bastards they are, and as the EU starts to fall, as it will thanks to Brexit and the rise of the right I can see them choosing war as a way to shore up support and take the populations minds off the real issues, it might even fail, but there's no way they'll do nothing. And Russia will absolutely move militarily from the other side, if only to create a buffer zone.

Strengthening the Visegrad alliance is key to all of this if Europe is to survive.
Even if the west falls, Central Europe can carry on the torch of European Civilization and even initiate a Reconquista at some point.

All Europe needs is a few dead canaries, that's all. Every SWEDEN YES title is a step forwards.

who the fuck cares about some faggots in the west

I agree, I thing we all know Sweden falls first, if that doesn't cause the rest of western Europe to act then the old domino effect will kick in, and I think that any resistance will be so poorly organised and chaotic that most patriotic revolts will be easily crushed.

That's a shit tier map.

What a retarded map
>let's include as many serbs as possible and as less of serbias natural resources as possible

The hatred of what is happening is hidden in public until you get to know someone and they trust you enough to talk openly. We will see a civil war when the economy collapses, nobody will say it is whites against shit skin invaders but that is what it will be.

There will most likely be a revolution to reverse the insane immigration policies of western Europe before it gets completely BLACKED.

Civil war between 2030 and 2040
eu army saves the day
2050 europe bcomes one supercountry

Yurop is pretty well fucked but America will rise stronger than ever once Trump does away with this false democracy in his second term and installs Steve King as emperor. He'll probably let Germans and Brits in though.

It will, but it will also be whites against whites, I think the left, Islam and as many blacks and other minorities that they can muster will join forces against the evil racist far right terrorists as we'll be called, once we have been wiped out it's Islam versus everyone else.

We will be fighting with them against the EU if that happens.

I think we fall before anything comes of that user

i agree with you

They would have to win first, white cucks will flee at the first sight of open civil war, they live a life around soy coffee and social media. The Muslims will die without resources being pumped into them by the government.
Just demographically nationalist will win, especially when you take into account that people will be ever more accepting of "extremist" views when life gets harder.

I think we need to be careful about assuming every single leftist is a cuck soyboy, sure they have a lot of them, but so does the right, cowards exist in all walks of life.

I think the media onslaught,, the racist label etc will be used to isolate our best people, and they will fight hard but we're talking about the army, the intel services, Islam and their organised battle experienced battalions in every town and city, the tech giants with their data, police and leftists all coming against a few brave patriots.

I'm going to fight to the death and plenty I know feel the same way, but I'm under no illusions, when the drones and Jihadis witrh machetes and AK-47's come we are done.

Just to add to my point, the entire officer class has been subverted by the Marxists common purpose agenda, and they are no pussies.

>I think we're looking at about 200 years.
Give it 20, You are seing the last generation

>Visegrad alliance
No tech
Little inustry
No natural resources

>Europe is just Western Europe

I honestly hope all you euros get genocide at this point

Why Portugal is out?

>I agree, I thing we all know Sweden falls first
It's going to be a close race with you. Remeber Swedes can actually buy rifle and shotguns. They also aren't trown i jail for facebook posts. yet. In many ways you and the french are allready gone. You just dont realize it. Muslim majority capitol with a paki mayor. Your royals blackened..... You are done for

I doubt the army will fight the people, I have many friends that went into the army and they hate mudshits more than anyone. The police will only work if they are payed, there will likely be a bank/stock collapse that will cause cuts to policing and other tax funded services as this happens those that are laid off will likely join us.
Also the intelligence agencies and media only have power if people give a shit about the shaming or if they have power to enforce their nonsense, both of which is slowly disappearing.
The state we are in now will collapse and it will be chayos, but from the ruins we will rebuild having learnt a hard and painful lesson.

I don't deny that Britain falls, I just think Brexit, the current scandal with Corbyn which will definitely disrupt the left, along with other factors will slow things down a bit. You can't ignore either the fact that we are an island, and although we have had a steady stream of illegal immigration for decades now, it pales in comparison to the levels you guys are experiencing.

Yes, we a re going, no doubt about it, but you guys have Kalashnikovs and hand grenades openly available on the black market, and for peanuts, that tells you something, that tells you that there must be a fucking shit ton of AK's and grenades in Sweden if they are selling for a few Euro's.

We're probably looking at a 5 to 10 year difference, but Sweden absolutely goes first, no doubt about it. Britain, well England is certainly a strong candidate for 2nd along with Germany, Belgium and France.

There was an Imam who testified in some case in the US, he was involved I think with Saudi and Qatari funding of terrorism in the US and EU, and he stated that the British army was being purposely run down, and when the time came the best of what's left would be deployed overseas, he also stated that many Generals and top commanders as well as civil servants in the MOD were friendly to what was coming, and would assist the jihadis in targeting patriots, he was responding to questions about lists of American patriots, veterans and others on the right which had been found in the possession of suspected Jihadis in Canada.

My point is we do have a weakened army, they are letting faggots and queers in, they are laying oof experienced soldiers and pushing for more Muslims to join, we do have Marxists in every area of government and the media and there is no reason to believe that there are none in the higher echelons of our military.

There are more Muslim men of fighting age (16 - 32) in London that we have soldiers in the british army, thousands have been to war zones and have experience fighting, our government is not arresting them when they return, they are in fact rehousing them while we have army veterans sleeping on the streets, these are all well documented and accepted facts, you don't need to be a genius to join the dots and figure out who is with 'us' and who is against us.

europe is only hope for africans like us we dont have a lot of choices

You could make your own countries better, but that would require effort and hard work, sadly something most of you are incapable of.

So instead you flod those countries that are, or were, better and drag them down toy your level, once Europe falls there'll be nowhere else to go and get your well deserved opportunities, and unable to create your own you'll be stuck in another shit hole.

you're gonna accept white flighters though right?
it's inevitable if this continues for much longer

Oh come on, so what we need do? Bring fucking revolution and rule and teach you how get things done?

>live in sandy shithole
>it's poor but you have your own culture and most people are generally able to make something of themselves
>nope, move to grey concrete shithole instead, where everyone hates you and you'll surrounded by scum people and have no chance at getting a decent job because it's so competetive, forced to live in a shoebox, probably end up on benefits, literally live as if you were in a prison
yeah sounds all good man

We got 50 or 80 thousand (forgot which figure) less women in the age groups below 60. All our women go to the coital region which has 1.4 birth rates and where all the immigrant males are (blanda upp!). There's going to be a serious population shrinkage in a few decades.

They will push to break people, and people will fight back. It is already in motion, the plans of commies and mudshit will turn to ash and shit in their hands. Trust me user, we have to keep pushing and slowly red pilling, we will win.

I hope you're right, but looking out through my window, seeing thousands of school children, 95% of whom are brown and black, it's very hard not to see rivers of blood in our future.

Knowing that the left has infiltrated every single institution of power and influence, and knowing that every single one of Britain's several thousand mosques is effectively a command and control centre for thousands of fanatics, and that they are finding arms dumps all over the continent that contain tens of thousands of pristine boxed assault rifles and other weapons of war inside and underneath mosques, and how in Britain we never ever raid mosques and even criticizing Islam can land you in prison while thousands of Muslim rapists roam free to prey on our kids, when I see and know all of that to be true I have to tell you I see it going only one way.


>thousands of Muslim rapists roam free to prey on our kids
I find this endlessly hypocritical. Back in the day they would make huge announcements in the media about the whereabouts of the pedophile, nowadays there are literal pedophile armies surrounding children in the public, but it's thought of like it's nothing special.

Do you live in inner city London or something? 95% shit skin is a very high percentage and not reflective of where I am at (Belfast). Although I lived in Kent for the first 18years of my life and I was in Cardiff while at uni, and never saw places that were at 95%.
Also here in Belfast the paramilitaries have a hold on the store of illegal wepons, also there are a lot of legal shot guns in the hands of farmers and gun club members.

I watched a video the other day of the march of a scotts division in edinburgh. It was about 100 fit soldiers including about 20-25 african level blacks. I couldnt tell how many mutts there were. The follow ups were all white and pretty out of shape looking. I was sitting there wondering how many will fight for their kind on TDOTR.
Im pretty sure they'll all let mbutu fuck their daughters because he speaks with a scottish accent.

They are starting to deliberately insert niggers into our military parades as well. And the cameraman purposely films it to show diversity.

Birmingham, and while it's bad here, in large areas of London and parts of Greater Manchester it's much much worse.

The weak get eradicated it's always been that way.

The Western world is out of order. I think it's arrogance what caused this pay no heed to old wisdom we're the enlightened people of modern times.

This "peaceful" invasion of Western Europe is happening in the timeline in which Charles Martel succeeded.

Cosmic bantz.

It doesn't matter the % in your area, only that your taxes are paying for them to outbreed you in the country as a whole.

Makes sense now, sad really. Manchester, London, and Birmingham will become contagion cities. Surround them, cut the water and electricity, and let them starve. Kill the survivors after a few months as they will have fought each other for scraps.

all white people abandon europe I repeat all white people abandon europe. were regrouping in new zeland with all the billionaires.

my youtube channel is headed by shiathelion@paypal

We will not flee user, it is victory or defeat, but a life with the shame of knowing you abandoned your home lands isn't worth living.

dont give up senpai , there is always hope for a better future .

This sums up the imminent Death of England perfectly

Thanks burgerbro

Pretty depressing desu

Also checked, there's some digits in this depressing thread

>Slavs in UK hate nigs and muds
>Euros in UK hate nigs and muds
>Northern Labour voters hate nigs and muds
>Likewise Midlands Labour
>Likewise anyone who is Old Labour
>Gays (working class) hate nigs and muds
>Old school feminists hate nigs and muds
>You've stopped reading now and don't believe me but it's true

The "left" you speak of is middle class University students and Momentum members. Plus anyone who thinks the purge is somehow unnecessary or unfair, which could include a lot of Tories. As long as we don't start before the public is ready to accept the inevitability of kill or be killed, there will be no resistance from the left.

Rank and file police won't fight the people. They arrest nigs and muds all day every day. They know.

Honestly i dont give a fuck mostly about westeren europe they recognize kosovo and shit and they bomb us when we kill muslims they deserve it soon when west europe falls everybody on balkans will kill albania cuz they bitch muslims we need to protect easteren europe but honestly idk about my country now our govrment is pretty cucked sadly they would accept 100k imigrants to join eu ...

There are 600 muslims in the whole armed forces, our population is between 60 and 80 million right now. Squaddies hate muslims. I don't see the same future you do. The purge will happen but it will be fairly quick, maybe a year long, and then that will be it.

When I speak of the left, yes I of course mean the students and ANTIFAGS, but I mostly refer to the institutions they control and dominate, like the judiciary, the Police, the military, the Intelligence services, the media and all the rest of it, that beast will absolutely side with the Islamists and give them everything they need to decapitate any patriotic leadership as soon as things kick off.

>lemove kebab XDDD

You need to look at the ages of the different demographics, 70% of white English are over 50, 73% of Muslims are under 30, and they are outbreeding us by 7:1.

They will dominate us in the only demographic that matters, men of fighting age, 40 years before they have an overall majority.

Not long.
But atleast my city will remain mostly slav for most of my life.

I know we slavs aren't anything great but hey it's not that bad... is it?

>you're gonna accept white flighters though right?
why the fuck would they? you trashed your own countries time to lay back and enjoy the enrichment.