1/3 of Italians would like to expel all non-EU citizens from Italy "32% say they would never want to get in touch with immigrants, either in the workplace and in the sphere of friendships" (Eng Translate) archive.is/XZmdt
As Elections Approach, Italy Shows Record Alienation from European Union (English) archive.is/UJNkd
- RACEWAR CHRONICLES - Vast Majority of Under-35 Italians Oppose Mass Migration (English) archive.is/uN7Oa
Gunshots against refugees camp in Enna (Eng Translate) archive.is/dS4Ii
Refugees hospitality center set on fire in province of Naples (Eng Translate) archive.is/fzIz8
Immigrants in Rome on suicide watch: "We are scared now" (Eng Translate) archive.is/eYgrq
Financial support from all Italians, Luca "The Saint" Traini: "I'm honored, please give all the money to poor families as long as they are Italian families" (Eng Translate) archive.is/lyI22
Luca glorified by Italians as National Hero. Banners and messages written on walls all over Italy. (Eng Translate) archive.is/nvzgN
Luca "The Roman Legionary" Traini to prosecutors: " I Have no regrets, I'm sorry they are not dead" (Eng Translate) archive.is/VRRHu
Right Wing Coalition: 37,6% - Forza Italia [conservatives] 15,3% - Lega [identitarians/nationalists] 14,8% - Fratelli d'Italia [nationalists/fascists] 5,5% - Noi con l'Italia [christian democrats] 2%
Globalist Coalition: 25,6% - Partito Democratico [liberals/globalists] 21,9% - Più Europa [globalists/progressives] 2,1% - Insieme [greens/social democrats] 0,7% - Civica Popolare [liberals] 0,5% - SVP [South Tyrol identitarians] 0,4%
Movimento 5 Stelle [populists/greens/pirate party-esque] 26,8%
Liberi e Uguali [progressives/social democrats/SJWs] 5,3%
LGBT activists launched their agenda and Liberi e Uguali agreed in push it when they will be elected.
Their agenda:
>Marriage for everyone Marriage is a religious ritual, atheists, faggots and dykes can have a private contract if they want to regulate their relationship.
>Give the option to fags and dykes to grow childrens Kids need both a mom and a dad to grow up as sane persons. Absolutely degenerate.
>Laws agains homophobia and transphobia The fuck this even means? The State decide who can I hate and who I cant? Nonsense, also this would be incostitutional.
>Artificial insemination law for lesbians These people must be insane. Kids happens because penis in bagina, not because science magic tricks. You know this since 5 years old.
>Remove the transgender status of mental illness So they wanna make me believe a dude who think he's a girl born in the wrong body isnt a mental retard? This is absolute nonsense.
Spread it like fire, we need Liberi e Uguali outside the parliament (under 3%). I dont want people who agree with these nonsense near any Istitutional building.
Jack Baker
first for casapound-chan
Daniel Scott
viva la figa
Sebastian Gutierrez
Zachary Lee
Adesso amo casapound
Thomas Allen
Le vagine sono disgustose desu (non sono gay)
Blake Ross
Daniel Murphy
Brandon Baker
based Fratoianni
Justin Watson
Why not return to the Lira?
I still have plenty of them.
Dominic Cooper
we will,minibots are still in euro currency. they are the first step to remove the euro.
John Smith
>Fratoianni, Speranza, Civati
Why leftists and LGBT friendly people are always manlets?
Logan Williams
Hudson Torres
Changing a currency isnt easy task, we will need some time.
Jack Moore
dunno but Fratoianni is well spoken and knows what he's talking about unlike the right wing scum
James Ward
Parker Stewart
Salvini è a favore della castrazione chimica, contro l'euro e i vaccini.
Come si fa a votare un idiota simile?
Tyler Howard
Zachary Diaz
>Salvini è a favore della castrazione chimica, contro l'euro e i vaccini. Ma ha anche dei difetti
Mason Ortiz
you put an x on his symbol with this.
Ryder Ward
this. Salvirgins are truly retarded.
Justin Gutierrez
>Salvini è a favore della castrazione chimica, contro l'euro e i vaccini. Stop I can only love him so much
i think a little bit of testosterone and bullying will fix it.
Levi Hughes
this is the power of piddini economists
Carter Wood
Spiegami tu prima come si fa a votare per il Movimento 5 Soros e Soy Mayo.
Ian Gray
>essere contro i vaccini non ironicamente quindi questo è il potere di pol...
Carson King
I have convinced my mother and my girlfriend to vote for Meloni "because she is a woman" and it is time to give power to a female politician, etc.
Women are so simple.
Jacob Diaz
>Salvini è a favore della castrazione chimica, contro l'euro e i vaccini.
Jonathan Parker
kek,good job.
Mason Wilson
what about voting idiots of M5S like pic related?
Jeremiah Robinson
It's HER turn.
Say it with me ita/pol/. MADAME PRESIDENTA
>not voting for the REAL best women pathetic right wing retards
Owen Bailey
So how will it look like?
Miniboots are not for a period until the Lira is again in use?
Why not directly use the Lira?
Good that my dad never change them for euros.
Lincoln Hughes
what if they voted Bonino instead without telling you?
Alexander Gutierrez
Samuel Lopez
nah io sono a favore dei vaccini, anche Salvini. Lui semplicemente vuole lasciare alle famiglie la libertà di decidere su alcuni vaccini invece che renderli obbligatori perché si è incapaci di rispondere alle domande di genitori preoccupati.
Julian Gutierrez
Io non ho parole...
Elijah Cruz
your efforts are appreciated
Samuel Ramirez
Itally pls be great again
Kevin Cruz
We were fine with the previous legislation, PD tried to pass this new terrorist vaccine law in anticipation of Ius Soli and the completion of the italian people's genocide, people to be subsituted with diseased african niggers. No need for such a scam if we menage to stop the invasion and kick out the invaders. No need for BACTERIAL ENRICHEMENT, faggot.
Blake Ward
Luis Edwards
*unironically blocks your path*
Charles White
It's a Soros manouvre, pic related where it came from.
Nolan Howard
You cant print your own currency its against EU treatises.
Isaiah Gray
>si fa eleggere dal PD come una delle cariche più importanti dello stato perché imparziale >fa il suo partito di Sorosfags prima della fine della legislatura e accoltella il PD nella schiena LeU raccoglie in modo non ironico le facce più odiabili della politica italiana
Jonathan Scott
Logan Kelly
bump for LVCA MIGA you pastafaggots
Ian Kelly
You cant print your own currency its against EU treatises. Damn, you are cucked. You should show balls and masculinity and ignore EU treaties.
Levi Collins
they are small-scale public debt securities wich will be used alongside the euro. if ourguys will get elected will probably start negotiating for the italexit next year or even later.
Mason Smith
>Damn, you are cucked >blocks your path
Jason Reyes
Mi ricordo una intervista a Canotto e Mezzo dove la Gruber gli faceva le domande e lui blaterava confuso cose a random....sembrava uno con la demenza senile.
Jacob Sanchez
I sinistrorsi sono talmente coglioni che risponderebbero: "Vedi? I criminali italiani sono in maggioranza! ANALFABETA FUNZIONALE!!"
Evan Bennett
True. Our government is to most cucked since the last 15 years. But Croatia adopting the euro will never happen.
Justin Wright
Thanks, now I know you're a sub-human I can filter you.
Jayden Bell
It might just happen unlike Schengen, it was already implied you'd adopt the euro when you signed the EU treaties so there's no unanimity needed, only a EC + ECB assessment and a qualified majority vote at the EU council level to confirm or not the assessment, no single country can block it
Elijah Murphy
>showing balls confuses with being subhuman We should have never stop with the fojbas. It was not enough, as it seems.
Jordan Gutierrez
John Ward
Kayden Bell
Its a temporary measure until Italy leaves the EU. Better to leave the Union THEN create your own currency after its all legal.
Jordan Miller
WAIT WAIT WAIT WUT official CDX program
Isaac Cook
Jacob Torres
Leave that economic retard alone, dont waste your time.
Christopher Rivera
costerebbe cmq meno che tenerli in Italia
Jayden Foster
Vedi? I bianchi sono cattivi: è un assioma indiscutibile per questi mentecatti. Ogni evidenza che indichi il contrario è certamente un tranello dell'uomo biango gaddivo.
Xavier Rogers
as if they don't have enough
Sebastian Butler
I'm obsessed
Oliver Baker
why are her tits so far apart tho
Cooper Wood
This is why I dont want to turn Italy into USA...niggers need to go back I dont want them around. They can only whine at "muh whites". They even have unbelievable things like affirmative actions yet they cry oppression. Fuck these sub-humans.
Dominic Anderson
It means "stay in your fucking countries, subhuman apes, or else no more money fo' dem programz".
Alexander Gray
They put this in their program in order to silence leftists shouting against le ebil raycist far-right. They'll eventually dump this measure because Italy hasn't got the economic power to realize it.
Camden Barnes
because she's flat like the tax our lord and saviour Salvini want to use
Carson Cook
Ryan Hughes
I think the belt of her purse in the middle separates them more optically.
Robert Kelly
> it was already implied you'd adopt the euro when you signed the EU treaties True. But in case you did not notice most central and eastern EU countries are dodging this fullfillment. You dont see Poland, Hungary or Romania adopting the Euro.
The game goes so: When Brussels asked thoose country when will they adopt the euro they says "they need some time and dont hurry".
In the case of Croatia, even if our government trully wished to join the euro, it cant.
There is Slovenia who would certainly block the Croatian membership in eurozone. And on other hand our debt is to high so we dont fit criteria for euro.
Our PM is a Eurocuck who just wish to have a career in Brussels, and his primiership is only a step for his CV.
Lucas Morgan
>Marshall plan for Africa Our Marshall plan instead of dollars uses gas.
Kevin Gutierrez
btw the memelord will go to the heart of the cancer tonight. Chimpouts highly likely...
Julian Watson
Nicholas Walker
Gabriel Edwards
Reminder giornaliero che Forza Italia prenderà il 40% dei voti da sola
Charles Cooper
They already started >Bologna, centri sociali preparavano l’agguato a Salvini fingendosi cronisti
Nathaniel Richardson
Jackson Lewis
Roman salute is not a crime, the supreme court just made it clear
Henry Roberts
Believe me the level of outrage and stupidity only gets worse and worse the longer they infest a place. I'm hoping and praying you get rid of them ASAP.
Levi Jenkins
if you're on the way of reducing your debt you can still enter even if it's too high, same as Italy in the 90s when the selection was made what I mean is, there is qualified majority and thus no veto when voting on whatever a country is fit to join the euro, so in that sense NO SINGLE country can block you, a coalition of countries would be needed Bulgaria and Romania want to adopt euro as well in the next 5/10 years
Sebastian Harris
Aaron White
kekkerino might be true, but it almost looks like she's got no bra or something
Wyatt Howard
so that City is the SJW Capital of Italy?
Noah Hughes
Matthew James
Lega-supported candidate for mayor obtained a great result during the last election, actually. She only lost on the ballot desu.
Brody Cox
>tfw I accidentally voted Liberi e Uguali forgive me guys