Was he right Sup Forums? Is this the ultimate red pill?
Was he right Sup Forums? Is this the ultimate red pill?
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dr. kazynski is a scholar, a prophet.
and the absolote madman.
its probably also worth stating, that althoguh his assertion of the problem is clear and appears to be accurate.
His proposed solution is too blunted to be efficient, or optimal. He could do better.
He was 100% correct about humans being slaves to technology. I ride in a large truck for work and the people with cellphones in their laps, doing things like checking Facebook status is unreal. All of us sit at right lights longer cause some fuckwad is on their phone. Also the number of accidents has increased because of phones.
It scares the shit out of me how this next generation is informed based on a fucking algorithm in their FB feed.
is it a conspiracy theory that he was in MK ultra tests and took lots of LSD? He had an IQ probably in the top 10% of all men. I read his manifesto years ago it was pretty interesting.
The guy is a stone cold fucking genius. I think he tried the best way he could to communicate to us in terms we can understand. We are not on his level of intelligence. He carried the burden of man like a modern day messiah.
Is it fucked up that he blew people up? Of course, but death seems to be the only thing we understand that is real.
I wish he could be treated better than what he’s getting. I don’t want to sound like I’m not capable of empathy, but let’s be for real here. He’s not some ghetto street nigger or some school shooter.
Where do you draw the line of technology that is considered enslavement?
Gotta be a little bit crazy to find the truth.
Yes. He was right. The more time that passes, the more apparent this is.
He was also the most important philosopher of the last 20 years. Time will continue to vindicate him.
In our age, genius is confused with madness, so as to discredit them.
He targeted whites, he's a racist
he was right and he should be pardoned and sent to some primitive island to live in happy everafter
Put him on Mt. Rushmore
Trulyscary how accurate he was since my day to day work requires a lot of tech
He was right, right about everything.
>He had an IQ probably in the top 10%
Probably more like top 0,1%. He got to Harvard at 16.
I wonder how many people would graduate much earlier from high school if we encouraged it and made the pathway for it more clear.
>tfw Ted hasnt given you any problems to work with
I hope they discuss fisting
Wrong thread.
Yes, he was right. But the question is, why did he have to be right? The vast majority of people live happy fulfilling lives hand in hand with technology. What was it that set him aside and made him ponder those things until eventually he had the misfortune of finding the right answer? What if he were happy? What if he weren't an anti-social neurotic? What if he had a wife and kids? Would he still end up bombing shit? I don't think he would. I believe this thought weakens his argument.
>What was it that set him aside and made him ponder those things
literally MKULTRA and cia niggers berating him for having those ideas until he became a radical. LITERALLY
>Through research at the Murray Center and in the Harvard archives I found that, among its other purposes, Henry Murray’s experiment was intended to measure how people react under stress. Murray subjected his unwitting students, including Kaczynski, to intensive interrogation—what Murray himself called “vehement, sweeping, and personally abusive” attacks, assaulting his subjects’ egos and most-cherished ideals and beliefs.
Very interesting stuff. I only recently stumbled across his manifesto and it startled me as to how accurate he is. Especially considering he wrote it in 1995. The future sure aint what it used to be.
No matter how many times I read about this shit or watch documentaries, I still can't believe it. Another thing I can't believe is that you hear about the holocaust all the time, but this shady shit nobody even mentions. I bet even in the US if you ask some random people on the streets not even 20% would know about it.
It's true that we need to destroy industrial society until a superior, enlightened people take control.
At this point we're all cogs in a machine run by the kikes which have no impulse but to fruther fatten their wallets.
167 IQ
So try the top 0.0004%. That's rarer than 4 out of every million people, you fucking brainlets.
He was right it's just too fucking cold here to leave and go live in the woods
I don't think people will get rid of technology or anything en masse though I think it's just going to fully lead to an apocalypse
Problem isn't technology, it's how the technology is developed and presented.
He was right. But his attacks were misdirected at best and stupid at worst.