Will episode 6 go down in history as one of the most revolutionary works of anime ever made, alongside episode 25 of Evangelion?
Nora to Oujo to Noraneko Heart
Came here to make this thread. What did they mean by this?
I didn't expect this show to be such a masterpiece, truly splendid, I am crying.
Why does she sit like that?
Cant tell if this is bait or not...
Will the isekai cancer never stop?
Top cute.
Did they not finish in time and just put on footage of goats?
Instead of giving us some shitty recap, they give one of them most revolutionary episode of all time, truly based.
This is a canon anime reaction face now
It's a deconstruction of the cute animal girls genre, inspired by the success of Kemono Friends.
that episode was GOAT
mogu mogu mogu
I feel like it would be barbaric to post a cap of any other ep of Nora right now.
This is the future and we're the first ones to see it.
This had more frames than a whole season of Evangelion.
I didn't expect such strong things coming from this anime, it hurts in more than one way.
This is only episode 6, what will they do next episode to top this?
I really did not think that this would be the most avant garde show of the season.
>when you can't even finish a 2:30 minute anime in time
Kemono Friends S2 should be something like this
I guess it keeps the budget down. Kinda like eva episode 25 now that i think about it.
This has a budget?
Threads for this show struggled to get past 3 IPs but now they managed to attract dozens of posters just by dubbing goats.
well the show was utter shit until this episode
This episode made me actively check the catalogue to see if there was a thread and, if so, what kind of shitposting it would have.
My friends from Pakistan really liked this episode.
It was a pretty fun short but there was really not much to talk about.
>posting 2D girls instead of 3D goats
The sexiest of the show
I'm actually so glad they just made shorts instead of a full anime, if they were filling up a full cour they'd probably put in some romance or drama or plot or something, which is all shit in the original VN. Pure unadulterated humour is where Noratoto shines.
Talking about that, is the VN mostly comedy like those shorts or are the shitty dramas really taking a big amount of the time?
GOAT episode of all time.
Isekai done incredibly right.
Anyone else notice that she was in the newgrounds tank?