What's your general opinion about MGTOW and the dating world Sup Forums?
Woman cuntsplains why MGTOW is for losers
she's right
Wow, really opened my eyes.
I think a person in a happy relationship doesn't post something like that.
Mgtow is good only temporarily because it trains you not to make women the center of your life. Then as you improve, good women take notice.
So a bunch of guys stop worshipping women and piss off to go do whatever they want and now they're somehow scum of the earth? This is very telling of woman's true nature.
Cunts BTFO and suicides in progress.
their argument though is that there's no "good women" as they're all slaves of their biological instincts if I got that right
>MGOTW are only basement neckbears
Seems like projection.
I am 27 as of today and I never had gf
I tried everything from buying flowers through cofee through kisses, hugs, aggresive stance, being asshole, being kind, having money, being romantic, being nicely shaven, having beard, having social life, not having social life, church piety, degeneracy, sex drugs and rock'n'roll
still no gf
MGTOWs have some stuff right, there is something wrong with the women, even if there is something wrong with the men at the same time
Only a soulless whore cunt would post something as terrifyingly disgusting as..THAT smell pile of shit.
Men without a serious relationship:
>toss around football with bros
>argue about star trek vs star wars
>play video games
Women without a serious relationship:
>cut themselves
>mother calls every day to explain how worthless her daughter is
All is well with the world.
Which do MGTOW consider the most dangerous? Roasties, Thots, or Tradthots?
she sounds mad that she can't find a decent man to put up with her bitchy ass.
This is how you know it's working. She's so angry she can't even write a coherent sentence.
It obviously bothers her if she's taking the time write all that shit. Why would she care if she and all other women will never touch these self described losers. Methinks she's probably an involuntary WGTOW as she's probably not getting the chad dick that she herself probably feels entitled to. Ironic.
How high are your standards versus your looks, personality and income?
What would be the best way to fully tip her in this state so she just explodes or goes on a rampage?
Insult her back?
Lecture her?
Be calm and rational?
The last time I responded to such a pile of salt I woke up the next day with an almost 3 page essay on why I am a worthless sakc of shit and I should kill myself. Fucking beautiful
Someone who was in a healthy relationship wouldn't post something so salty.
But if all MGTOW are undesirable men that no woman would ever want then why are they angry at them? It doesnt make sense why care what they do since they would never have a chance with a woman to begin with?
I got up to knuckle dragger and just stopped reading. I fucking hate people that use that term, It doesnt make them sound more intellectual just makes you sound like a retard.
She's right, albeit a bit enraged- most likely because a mgtow troll probably tried to push her buttons
>still no gf after that
Are you grossly fat or ugly?
Well she does make a convincing argument, i mean who wants to miss out on a lifetime of THAT?
But seriously, women are evil, that's literally what women think of inferior men and men who don't worship pussy
Fuck that, I'd rather stick my dick in a box of ballistic gel
my opinion is pretty much like hers, maybe without all the swearing. they "choose" to not get women, because they know they don't have a chance anyway. it's sour grapes.
they love posting anti-women articles and videos in their threads, and use cherry-picking to comfort themselves as if by saying "look how awful women are, aren't we smart that reject them!". yet they are 100% obsessed with women, and no other group spend more time and energy talking about women. quite ironic.
images please, I need to see this
I just asked her that, let's see how she answers
Of course which is why I'll never understand why such hypocrisy
obviously written by someone from Sup Forums
Artificial wombs are the most cost effective way to save the white race
pretty same tier about looks my man, around 6s in /10 scale; personality have strict set of demands (as in no whores, no girls without any qualities of character)
income is irrelevant as long as she does not want my shekels
I am aware that there are no chicks like that living in this time and age, but I refuse to date fat cum receptacle who cannot do anything while wants everything
They like to pretend that no one ever got fucked by divorce courts.
If she ever responds,I doubt she will please post I really want to see what kind of answer she can give.
This machine kills roasties.
I'm a fat NEET and I've had a gf lol.
Currently being run by the people who Commie post and Fag post.... All 3 are probably unironic.
She's right
Right now all I am doing is focusing on myself, trying to become a better man and make more money/career advancements. If a meet a good woman on the way awesome, if not cool I will keep moving forward. I would never give myself a label.
I was onboard with MGTOW for a good while before I realized the west was at stake. MGTOW are still 90% correct on women and the issues men face. We disagree in our reaction to coming demographic winter. The MGTOW know full well that are society is unsustainable and heading for a collapse. They know we will be attacked and conquered by Muslims or other non-whites if we allow white genocide to continue. I say we fight this evil in anyway we can. The MGTOW say the west has already fallen and there's no point in trying. The turn inwards to sex dolls and cheap thrills, content that they will at least be entertained before their inevitable doom. Gradually, I began to hate them.
It never stops making me laugh to see roasties flip out because men are waking up their ongoing scam.
reply replacing
> mgtow
> feminism
watch the world burn
fuck MGTOW
defend White women
120dB launched, the video and hashtag are going viral, Germans are waking up - a massive march took place in Berlin against migrant sexual violence over the weekend. 120dB interrupted a #metoo event and dropped their banner in front of the cameras.
Now it's time for YOU to get involved and do your part. Print out some #120dB posters and put them up, many translations available, get in here:
neither! I have average slav looks, semi potato head but nothing far from national average and I am not grossly fat or even overweight very much, I was even /fit/ at one point but I let that go since it had no effect
I guess I am just too autistic, but it proves that
>just bee urself ;)
is all bullshit
>"arguing with holes"
Like clockwork
yeah, slow clap, bravo, cheers for you, but you still live in a fuckin Canada, where degeneracy is the law
It sounds like you don't really have a personality or line drawn in the sand user. Women are attracted to passion and power, all the things you mentioned are immigrating those things in one form or the other.
>there is something wrong with the women
seems more likely there's something wrong with you
I wish I saved the link, but it vanished all when my twitter account got banned some time ago. It had everything in it. This woman was so mad she picked apart my bio, my profile pic, my header, quoted like half of my tweets. She found something to get enraged about it everything I did. You could feel the adrenaline pumping through her fingers as she typed it. Cherry on the cake was she blocked me after she sent the text so I couldn't even respond.
All I got out of this was LOL UR A VIRGIN HAHA
She seems upset.
No, be yourself is NOT bullshit. You WILL find your women.
przestań być mięczakiem i pizdą.
Roastie argument
“Yr virgin lol!”
OP is literal shill faggot for censoring the roasty’s face and username.
In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if OP wrote this himself in an untasteful attempt at b8, and is protecting his own ass.
Because you literally had no reason to censor these things otherwise. It’s mildly infuriating to not know at least the appearance of this “bitch” to see if her opinion is of value or not.
Who is this fraulein
She's half-right.
But she's also half-wrong.
She's blatantly projecting here. Her obvious hatred for men, specifically MGTOW is rooted in the fact that she wants a man to defer authority to. To run her life. To make it so she has no responsibility or accountability, or at least as little as possible. But because there are no men worthy of such a position she is forced to take responsibility and hold accountability, or at least try to (because women are naturally unable to do these things for the most part as this is how they've evolved).
Men and women are the twin pillars of society, when one falls, so does the other. And unfortunately the root cause of the fall of womankind was and still is the fall of man. Which has occured gradually over the last few centuries.
So what she's saying is true, but the way she's saying it is completely out of order. She's standing in opposition to men rather than seeking to heal the rift and re-unify the two sexes once more for the sake of balance.
She is part of the problem and she knows it, hence the projection and overcompensation. She knows she has to take some responsibility for herself and for men, and help men to come back into the fold and be what they were meant to be, but she doesn't want to, so she projects hatred and frustration instead.
yes, of course, it is always men fault, isn't it?
go fuck yourself, if I knew what I would fix it
If I had a million dollars, chad looks and personality of some sex god I may have had a gf
but I don't, so this argument is pointless
this is how women work. If you're a 6/10 and you want a girl that is a 6/10, you have to bring a lot more to the table. Like a really good job, interesting hobbies, status, personality, nice sports car. If you're an 8/10 you can bring nothing but your looks if you want a girl that's a 6/10
If you're a 6/10 and assuming you really are 6/10, you need to go for 4s and 5s. Haven't you seen that infographic where all women go for 7s and above while men have to go equal or down? Income is relevant, because it's a huge part of the package for women. Women don't want an uggo 6 man who barely makes enough to support a family?
They're right on many things, but they push it too far. Don't give up on women entirely, just recognize that only a very small percentage of them are worth any energy whatsoever.
I think the response women have to MGTOW is telling, however. It's probably good for them to feel slightly threatened.
Isn't there a list somewhere outlining these types of attacks from feminists? I mean: she's literally using one: No woman will want you, you're a child, etc etc.
She's right though. Probably damn near 100% of MGTOW men would drop it the instant a woman of their standards showed any interest in them. MGTOW is a child-like coping mechanism that says "w-well I didn't want it anyway!"
I'm in the same boat buddy. Frankly women either like you or they don't. If they don't you kind of just have to move on.
she started 120dB
fuck MGTOW
defend your women
get in here:
Sounds like a salty Stacey wants a beta to provide for herself and little Tyrone when her looks fade and she stops getting attention from Chad.
I really don't understand why MGTOW triggers people. Even if most of the guys who are part of the movement are losers who are just LARPing when they talk about all the awesome stuff they do all the time because they don't give a shit about what women or society thinks, the core ideology of the movement (living life for yourself, not conforming to societal pressures if you don't want to, finding what makes you happy and doing it without worrying about what other people think) shouldn't be anything to get angry about.
It's basically what the leftists have been telling the gays, transgenders, and women to do for years now.
>you like getting fucked in the ass? go right ahead and do it, fuck the haters, in fact, you should have parades through the middle of town to proclaim to the world how you're proud to be a faggot
>you wanna take hormones to make yourself grow boobs and cut your dick off? That's great, everyone should accept your new gender identity, it doesn't matter that you have a penis, go right ahead and use the same bathroom that little girls use, be sure to explain why you get to stand up to pee while they have to sit down so they're not confused though.
>you don't feel like you're living a fulfilling life by staying at home and taking care of the children / house? cool, go to college and get whatever job you want. we'll even lower the bar for physical requirements so you can be a firefighter or infantry soldier right alongside the men if you really want to do that.
For some reason when a group of straight men just want to fuck off and live their lives without worrying about female companionship, marriage, or having children then it's literally Hitler though.
gif related then
What's the difference between a thot and a roastie?
>If I had things to acquire things
You see, you're like that, when you should be
>I am thing
>She's right though. Probably damn near 100% of MGTOW men would drop it the instant a woman of their standards showed any interest in them. MGTOW is a child-like coping mechanism that says "w-well I didn't want it anyway!"
Considering a lot of them are men who got burned on divorce, probably not.
Because they don't participate in the ponzi scheme of women fucking poor retards and then marrying up. When enough men see these men being happy and successful, they'll drop out of the already horrible dating market too.
She articulated it like a bit of a cunt but regardless she is still 100% right, it is a massive bitter and lonely circle jerk for the most part.
>yes, of course, it is always men fault, isn't it?
well if they don't want you, how can it be their fault? how are they at fault? they aren't going to settle for things they don't want. you're not attractive enough, in whatever way.
>go fuck yourself, if I knew what I would fix it
but you don't, which is your flaw.
blaming the women for not wanting you, when you think they should want you, makes you resemble elliot rodger. don't go down that path.
I think MGTOW is an introductory redpill to the way things are in regards to gender relations, but it's not something one should attach themselves to. It's an ideology, and ideology is a good thing. It's never good to attach yourself to specific ideas, you have to leave room for personal evolution. MGTOW tells men to stay exactly where they are and substitute true growth for hedonism, the only personal growth desirable being that which enables that lifestyle of hedonism.
That's a lot of care. Isnt mgtow supposed to be irrelevant?
day of the ring can't come soon enough
posters going up
get in here:
wal się kabzanie, I've had enough
If I wont find girl in next 3 years, until I am 30 I will fully embrace my inner antisocial, buy chinese pillow with anime picture on it and call it my waifu
God I can smell the anger and cat litter through the screen when reading this screenshot.
Eh yeah. And it's not like it did me much good desu. I'm pretty much stuck being MGTOW the way things are now. I don't even mind that much but I don't think it's a good thing.
why is she so incensed about men that she will never fuck anyway? I don't get it lol
I’m not mgtow but I don’t care enough to date or anything serious right now, even if I did have time. Unlike women, I don’t have to find a partner before I’m 30. Ill be working 80+ hr weeks and making low wages until I’m in my mid 30s so I’ll figure it out then. If something falls into my lap before then that’s great but I’m not gonna stress about it or put pussy on a pedestal.
I don’t think hating the opposite sex is healthy though. You can’t be a man unless you adopt a stoic philosophy
Yeah, I suspect that she had just been pumped and dumped for the 5th time that month, and was just raging over not being able to find a good man.
She's angry because the pool of potential beta providers is getting smaller.
It's only 3 years and you achieve wizard powers.
5 more years and spent roasties with brown Jason's to raise will clamor on your doorstep.
Its under this video somewhere (can't watch it thanks to wunderbare censorship of SNL)
PLEBBIT reactions with the full comment further down:
ALTERNATIVE the screengrab from the orginal post:
This is "men can only get validation from female attention and I'm mad that they're finding fulfillment elsewhere" the post
She proves my point for me, practically.
Boy, MGTOW makes me miss out on snuggling in the arms of sweet wonderful American women like her! OH CURSED MGTOW MOVEMENT! WHAT FOUL DEPTHS OF DEPRAVITY YOU'VE REDUCED ME TOO!!!!!!11!!1!
In EVERY MGTOW thread you get the same discourse:
1) Inexperienced but horny kiddos think every guy just want to fuck anything that moves and the entirety of social interaction revolves around fucking and MGTOWs are fat autistic virgin neckbeards who can't get laid.
2) Actual MGTOWs who are experienced grown men who are warning about the dangers of women + the state vs you, and how you can be easily taken for all you've got.
3) The "Yes, thats right goy - dont reproduce" jew shills - yes JEW SHILLS. The thing (((they))) want you to do is YES reproduce children to a raving tinder psycho / bar slut who will NEVER grow up and you will be raising her as well as your kids until she bails on you and takes half your shit after dragging you through divorce court.
The jew agenda is NOT to stop whites reproducing, its to produce a WEAKER generation with poor parents so the state can become the new parents. No reproduction means no goy-cows for milking. Why the fuck would (((they))) not want a new generation of tax-slaves? (((They))) own the banking system AND the law courts / judicial process.
(((The agenda))) is all about making money from broken individuals from broken families - NOT stopping reproducing.
MGTOW is redpilled because its men refusing to get fucked over by the jew system - and (((they))) are worried. (((They))) are worried that (((they))) have pushed the feminist "high maintenance woman" meme too far and thought men would become pussyfied slaves to nagging bitches and never thought men would just go their own way.
well then, I refuse to play rigged game
If I have to jump through hoops to obtain women of same tier, then game is not worthy of its prizes and fuck it, I apparently do not want gf that much, after all it is just warm hole+some companionship
I post that infographic,not right now but I know it, does not change my outlook on reality
not everybody can/must be 10/10, some of us are happy slightly above average joes
Mother fucker if you want a girl you sometimes you gotta go for the -1's first. If you want a girl so bad you better start dating one-eyed Sally. She'll probably be the best fuck of your life.
Imagine if that was your woman and you get in an argument about finances or how to handle your children... then she can divorce you and rape your bank account... wew. Mgtow is understandable
Lets say 5/10 is average looking. If you're a 6/10 you're a little above average/slightly handsome. That means you need to go for 3s, 4s and 5s. Unless you somehow get a job that is super high status like a CEO or a lawyer or you win the lottery. That's the reality of the world my friend, as a man you have to date down looks wise.
Of course she wont, but still they are supposed to provide attention, validation and gibs and to be something like lower caste eunuch slaves for her. Very possibility of them just walking away from this "duty" is infuriating.
mgtow just dont want anything to do with her and this is her reaction?
Men should always be going their own way, that's how we evolved to be. Spending all your time obsessing over cunts means you'll never do anything worthwhile with your life
MGTOW is a trap for weak men with tons of emotional and psychological problems, avoid it at all costs
120dB posters
get in here:
Straight in there aren't you? Its like you get tipped off. Like (((someones))) paying you, or something?
"Day os the ring" won't make MGTOW jealous - it would be a nightmare for them
They don't want you to breed.
marriage is the trap - obviously
>I apparently do not want gf that much
this is what the mgtow crowd keep telling themselves, but instead of living their lives they keep spamming these infographics, comics and statistics, obsessing over women (even though they don't want them). do you see the irony in that?
Why she so mad though?
This is what a child would think about MGTOWs