I'm so glad these kids stepped forward to call for an end to gun violence. Since the Sandy Hook shooting, there have been 230 school shootings. That is 230 too many. It's time to take action.
Stop mass shootings
>in all fields
I got rid of snapchat just before the shit hit the can. Never was comfortable with it to begin with.
connect the dots
By stopping to shoot each other?
Beautiful. We are all equal and deserve to be judged individually but Sup Forums is full of hate
What's wrong? Don't like dissenting opinions in the echo chamber?
All I have to do is go on it for a second to realise why I use it exclusively for shitposting and nudes. The "snapchat generation" is too fucking braindead to stop anything
Stop bullying kids first of all.
>Say Sup Forums is an echo chamber
>implying Sup Forums with basically no moderation or censorship is a bigger echo chamber than /r/politics that censors, blocks and downvotes any facts or opinions that go against the consensus
>When the ADL recently referred to Sup Forums as being unmoderated, of course that was kikespeak for uncensored.
Last week these kids were eating Tide Pods, and now they’re the voice of reason on gun control? Fuck outta here, OP.
I hope someone shoots you. Maybe mass killings are a good thing when faggots like you walk the earth. Shame you weren't nipped at the bud by some Eric and Dylan types
>"Snapchat Generation"
>go on snapchat
>instantly barraged with celebrity gossip about Kim Kardashian and Blac Chyna, "fuck drumpf" posts, cringey normie memes, girly faggot shit
These are the intellectuals of the 21st century?
It is. Literally every single dissenting opinion is saged and the OP is either a paid shill or Jew and shouldn't be listened to. It's impossible to have dissenting opinions. "EVERYONE SAGE"
Not an argument, just proving my point
>everyone is loved
Close ALL public schools immediately!
Online courses only!
End school shootings now!
The message they're sending seems to be don't shoot shooters with guns, shoot them with cameras instead. Yup that'll stop shooters alright.
I think the worst thing we ever lost was the knowledge that love is even more discriminatory and prejudiced than hatred
Wait one second guys I need to send this to my group chat, oh shit someone got shot!
>takes pictures standing up in the open
White people are oppressive and have all the power and keep minorities down, and now they're all turning into Nazis and getting violent, outside of the usual mass shootings they commit. They are also racist out of hate, versus minorities who are generally "racist" due to how white people have treated them. So yes, fuck white people. Their history is full of oppression, imperialism, genocide, and bloodshed.
White students, especially boys, are the only students in schools that are taught their thoughts are wrong, their history is bad and they don't deserve what they have.
except sage doesn't do anything, that's the point of its function, there's no function to ACTIVELY decrease visibility of posts for other users, and posts which generate dissent are given the most visibility because they get the most replies
but that wouldn't have occurred to you if you'd literally just got here
Snapchat is the biggest source of shill fake news for newer generations, and you can be rest assured that those Instagram junkies all get their news from it.
This “Snapchat generation” terminology is a way to market Snapchat as a beacon of generational voices so that they can sell their fake news to more kids.
Nobody watches those man, only little kids watch them, the older population are too self absorbed to even see the news.
>more like snapshut
something tells me this post was written ironically and there is actually someone who has gone through the level of abuse and mind conditioning to make this kike puppet shadow post we see here
Go back to tumblr this is not a place you fit it.
yeah listen to this place of free speech and ideas isn't friendly to machine drones whose kike programming has already been witnessed, dissected and analyzed to show boundless idiocy and hypocrisy
>nobody watches those, only little kids watch those
>my post was about newer generations getting influenced by this
Don’t you ever reply to my post again you drooling retard.
>we are all equal
citation fucking needed
Emma Gonzalez is our new queen. Deal with it! GEOTUS shall bend the knee in Wednesday's listening session. Let's get those Queen Emma memes going, anons.
And don't worry, the "gun grab" won't be as bad as conservatives are making it out to be. Teens will be barred from purchasing AR-15s (since their brains aren't fully developed yet), background checks will be more thorough, and all gun dealers will need to be licensed. You know, COMMON-SENSE gun laws.
Remember, we are Trump supporters, not neocons. The left will be surprised that Trump is "progressive" when it comes to the Second Amendment. (And yes, this is by far the smarter route to go. If you foolishly try to stand completely firm on the gun issue, then those fuckers will try to REPEAL the Second Amendment.)