What is the race of nicolas cruz?

Green eyes are a trait thats usually only carried by black people and arabs from what i have read. What is the consensus here? To me he doesnt seem white at all.

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who cares


He's jewish and a taco-56%white hybrid.

Jewish mother = Jewish




50/50 white/Hispanic.
Btw green eyes are euro

Screencap this, he's from a Russian orphanage and was neglected and abused before he got here. Was always fucked up. It's 7-D trolling from russia by sending us antisocial deviants for adoptions to fuck us up from the inside. It's part of why we stopped accepting their kids

Black people have brown eyes.

He was adopted from Russia, he's a classic slav

Jewish mother = jew according to rabbinical law.

He never left the house, i am certain if he actually had a tan he would look like Juan who landscapes for your neighbors.

"A study of Icelandic and Dutch adults found green eyes to be much more prevalent in women than in men. Among European Americans, green eyes are most common among those of recent Celtic and Germanic ancestry"

El Goblino.

I didn't know you followed Jewish law, good to know.

Its common knowledge

According to Jewish traditions= mother was a jew = he's Jewish.

Glad you adopted their rules, pal. It is rare to see someone on here so gleefully respect Jewish law and culture. Welcome!

he looks irish to me

>those eyes

>green eyes (actual green, not brown tinted yellow enough to seem green like this troglodyte)
>arab or nigger blood


Half Jew. Half god knows what. He is LA CREATURA!


he is mutt whitoid like all shooters

>Knowing what Jewish law is the same thing as following it

Those are amber eyes which are mostly found in arabs. Are people on this board this blind?

Las Abominaciones

>Jewish mother = jew according to rabbinical law.
No, Jewish mother = born a jew according to rabbinical law. Once someone practices another religion (he was apparently brought up catholic), they cease to be a jew according to rabbinical law.

Genetically, he's apparently half jew and half white.

Chechen Jew

Half jew half mutt you mean?

his eyes aren't green retard.

>Green eyes are a trait thats usually only carried by black people and arabs

OP, are you retarded?

La Creatura

It was allegedly "Adopted".

Notice it has little or no history, or family...

This points to the possibility it was manufactured in a South American genetics laboratory.

These things are called Chimeras, and they are an abomination...

While simpletons in the U.S. are practicing simple forms of Chimera Mongrel-Theism using predominantly Animal Husbandry techniques...

Down in the South American Jungles, the Demon-Worshiper class of Geneticists are using High-Technology to fabricate truly fantastic monsters capable of just about anything.

You are looking in the face of High-Technology, Mongrel-Theist, Satanism...

Get Some...!


Cruz is KOSHER certified.

>Green eyes are a trait thats usually only carried by black people and arabs

Are you fucking retarded, it is extremely rare even for octaroons to actually develop green eyes, and I've seen them with blue as well. I have never seen an Arab with green eyes. Also pic related fucktard

>actually getting successfully trolled on 4chinz
goodjob bucko

There's no way he's jewish. Does this look like a jew to you? Looks like a castizo.

He's american

So he just lied and made up a story about his mom being a Jew?

>Are you fucking retarded,
One of you is.

Yes, the only thing white about him is his chin.
Even his fucking nose is flaring out like a fucking spic.
No way is this dude actually Germanic or Norwegian.
He is not white, mixed at best.

My guess is yes. How would he know what his mom is anyway? Anyway, I trust physiogomy, and he does not look like a jew at all.


He's Jewish along with a parent who was at least 25% Hispanic.

He's a jewish mutt (the most likely to end up psychopaths) that's why his Jewish mother abandoned him.

Why would he lie about this? Maybe he knew his mom because he was put up for adoption a few years after being born.

la creatura...

If your mother is a kike, you're a kike.
That's why jews need to go back. They have a country, why are they here?

He's a Jew.

Jewish admixture is very obvious. Would you believe him if he said he was half black? Trust your eyes, not the words of a mentally unstable teenager.

>my mom has green eyes

I don't think you understood my question. Allow me to rephrase it. What would compel Nikolas Cruz to make the claim that his mother is Jewish?

Don't be autistic.

We're clearly not on the same page here. What could I do to help you understand the question better?

I have green eyes, im a nigger arab?

Admit that you're a Jew

You're not discussing this in good faith and overlooking the obvious subtext in my posts, i.e.being autistic.

His fucked up face and fucked up mental health are evidence of jewish admixture.

>Jewish admixture is very obvious.
He doesn't look jewish in the least, you moron. Of course, there are plenty of half jews half whites that don't look very jewish.

You dodging my question is not discussing in good faith. Is it not?

>What would compel Nikolas Cruz to make the claim that his mother is Jewish?
Many possibilities. Including that he was angry at her, so decided that she must be a jew. People like Cruz on /pol do this all the time.

That's what I was getting at. Also half jewish is visible. He does not look jewish at all.

100% american

It's possible. But if he associates Jews with bad things and claims that his mother is a Jew then he would be calling himself a Jew by proxy.

>G R E E N
>E Y E S
He's clearly at least quarter mexican you stupid fucks, look at that skin tone and those eyebrows.

Maybe he doesn't consider himself a jew if he's only half?

Another jewish mutt for reference.

Source that he's jewish? Couldn't find anything with a quick search.

>from what i have read

Hows the weather in St Petersburg?

el duende

Yeah but at least Elliot was a prince with some good backstory.

His eyes are hazel and also green eyes are Germanic, cuck.


During one of the anti-Semitic rants in the chat, Cruz spoke of his birth mother, saying, "My real mom was a Jew. I am glad I never met her."

My fellow white man is correct

I was asking about Elliot.


El Chuinchuinchunclein

He is a kike because his real mom was a kike
He admitted it himself

He has Jew ears no one points this out

>Green eyes
>black people and arabs
Why has Sup Forums to be so retarded.

He looks like a Pole mixed with a Mexican

Look for the article that says he is an anti Semite racist.
The evidence they used was a group chat he was in.
He says his birth mom is a kike


Jewish-Hispanic mix. Mentally unstable as every mutt kid out there.

>Green eyes are a trait thats usually only carried by black people and arabs from what i have read
This can't be real.

Also he doesn't have green eyes, he has shitty hazel eyes

Or El Taca Taca la Petaca

he looks like an oblivion character

He has the same shape eyes as my sister. A slightly Oriental look to them. I always theorized it was a sign of fetal alcohol syndrome. Mom had too many cocktails while pregnant with this one.

He's an adopted kid from Russia
Keep up, bots

He is an sminem race

Supports my theory that he has fetal alcohol syndrome.

saw an arab with blue eyes today. is he white?
No he isnt

>Green eyes are a trait thats usually only carried by black people and arabs.

I don't really think OP it's so retard to think this



Lol Many red haired people have green eyes


El chupacabras de los niƱos de la escuela