How the fuck do you men expect to find a traditional wife if you don't believe in and practice a religion?
Fun fact: there's no such thing as "traditional Atheism"
How the fuck do you men expect to find a traditional wife if you don't believe in and practice a religion?
Fun fact: there's no such thing as "traditional Atheism"
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You just marry a curvy Mexican girl and call it a day. It's really easy. She'll ask you to go to church but then you get her doing drugs and anal and she forgets all about God
A religion claiming that it has sole authorship and responsibility for our traditional cultural values is one of the biggest lies around.
Our values don't come from our religions, our religions come from our cultural values. This is why the religion changes over time and in different places. It is molded and shaped by the values and cultures.
>needing superstition to help you control a bitch
You are partly right but moral degeneracy has caused people to abandon traditional religion that teaches modesty and asceticism in exchange for worshiping stupid things like Harry Potter and Star Wars.
A woman in a relationship with a controlling right wing atheist male will probably be more faithful than your average church woman. Of course the religion and background matters, but on average it comes down to how woke the guy is. All women will slut it up. I've slept with several church going women, Catholics in their twenties. They just pretend it's not against the rules or something
The girls in church these days are beta womanlets or sociopathic man eaters who were never faithful to begin with. If you didn't meet her as a teen you should assume the worst, church or no church
Atheist-based Paganism.
Then she stops being traditional and becomes like the rest.
Fun fact: god doesn't exist, religion is an opiate for the retarded, and you're a worthless piece of shit that's not worth marrying. Die in the gutter where you belong.
t. Schlomo
Forcing morality without meaning on someone. What are you? a sandnigger?
>Rational people can exist without being religious.
Fun fact.
Well, the only mainstream religion that is culture-centric is orthodoxy. If you weren't born into it, you are pretty much LARPing
"Rational" people have religious moral values ingrained on them. They just don't notice and suddenly they are part of a society of shitty persons and don't understand what's wrong.
No if you marry her. Women want to be claimed.
If you go around having sex with multiple women then you clearly don't value traditionalism.
>This is why the religion changes over time and in different places.
The bible never changes
Go to a library.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
Life is finally calm and happy
Your religion is gay
Answer me one question: What has Atheism really done to improve the morals of society? The answer is nothing. All Atheists really do are pretend they're enlightened and unique because they smoke weed, quote "Rick & Morty" and paraphrase Richard Dawkins like the millions of other Atheists out there.
You’re retarded if you believe that
fun fact:you can be conservative atheist.what's wrong with that?
Imagine having to dedicate your entire life to a single woman and risking 50% of everything you've achieved in life just to get laid, because you're scared of being thrown in a pit of lava that not a single person in the history of mankind has ever seen. I'll stick to atheism and casual sex I think
Fun fact - only religious people get possessed by demons. Be safe, be an atheist
>God doesn't exist
Brainlet spotted
I'm an atheist trying to make myself believe in some kind of a higher power, but every religion I look into always just comes across like LARPing to me, what should I do? Life feels empty to me without some kind of spirituality, but it legitimately feels like I'm trying to convince myself that the tooth fairy is real
Smoke a spliff and chill out
we don't burn witches anymore for a start, reneissance & enlightment had some positive side...your carricature of atheist is as ridiculous as carricature of catholics by dumb fedora tiping people.
What is my religion? Do I practice one?
No you can't. You can emulate the views of the theistic men who maintained the morals of society for thousands of years but you will never be on their level without the belief a god or gods.
What are you being conservative about, meaning, what are you trying to preserve?
Nigger people have been not giving a fuck about religion for ages.
Stop having a childish approach to it. Being part of a religious institution means nothing. You can be a spiritual/moral person, study theology seriously and take what you feel has value.
As for the spiritual itself, you can try to have a positive relationship with the idea of a transcendental god to start.
Pro-tip: If it has a name, it's not what you think it is.
Being religious doesn't automatically grant you good morals, and being non religious doesn't mean you can't understand whats right, wrong, disrespectful, or respectful.
I think you're perspective is too narrow to see that religion is not the only teacher of right and wrong. Even if it did teach someone, they can still abandon the religion and continue to lead a rational life.
>wanna talk about religion
let's see what kind of shithole are you coming from
How can atheists define morality?
Any anthiet can say they are moral because they just make up their own morals
my society, traditions, marriage - family, invest in children and opose forces trying to destroy it.
Most religious girls i know are reformed sluts. All of them did drugs and were fucked by a truckload of guys, now they use god and christianity to lure in some inexperienced christard that thinks they are pure or know they were sluts but believe in forgiveness and absolution.
Then there are girls who say they believe in god but still slut around without caring and why would they if they can be absolved anyway.
Christians are by far the biggest group of cucks in my experience, simply because entirety of our religion is filled with "love, compassion and forgiveness", moronic platitudes and virtue signaling without any REAL consequences for your past behavior. Its a recipe for weakness and degeneracy.
If you want to find a pure girl you will have more luck adopting virtually any other religion BUT christianity, or dumping it altogether and just looking for a virgin without genetic predisposition for whoring.
I agree with you and I still stand by my previous comment.
Just because there are no absolute guarantees doesn't mean it's not the best we have.
Simply put, only spiritual/immaterial experiences and moral unity can help a people that has been demoralized (see yuri bezmenov) and you can't propagate any idea without propaganda.
To ensure a high ratio of subscribers, you need propaganda, that means organization that can fight the other propaganda sources.
One of the biggest redpills in life is learning to negotiate, you need to pick your poison and nothing is free of downsides.
Even Dawkins had to agree that he may had done a mistake when attacking the church because in his rage and criticism, he didn't realize that the church in all it's failings was keeping much more serious shit at bay.
4channers can't find women because they are nasty retards who aren't at all self-aware, and trick themselves into thinking that the problem are women lacking "values" and not them instead. every single time i see a thread like this my sides depart
Where do they come from? What are the roots and foundations?
Answer me this: is it better to attempt to right your wrongs or to perpetually live in sin?
Its better to not be a weak cuck. Id rather be a sinner and not a cuck, than a noble cuckold.
Sometimes you have to touch the bottom of the abyss to climb all the way to heaven.
I don’t care about the “traditional” I.E. post 1920 meme.
My wife has the biological traits of a good mate so I took her.
>Virgin when we met
>Feels deep sympathy and compassion for others
>Easily moved to tears
>Feminine digit ratio
>Weak jaw
>Long healthy hair
>Loves cute things
>High pitched voice
>Pretty neotenous face
>Big eyes
>Wide hips
>Narrow shoulders
>Firm breasts
>Smooth skin
>Deference to her father
>Squeals over cute children
>Makes less money than me
>Genuinely enjoys the comfort of home and housework
>Not very extroverted
>Smart but not so smart she’s arrogant
You can pretend to be “traditional” all you want
But nature can not be fooled
it all boils down to monogamy and ingroup/outgroup competition.I just don't think god exist and morals are god given virtues, but it doesn't mean I cannot be moral person from your point of view since I hold most of your values "sacred",
Exact weakness and cuckoldness i talked about. Avoid Cucktianity at all coast. Just pick a random religion instead if you want to.
>there's no such thing as "traditional Atheism"
American education everyone
>not looking at her mother when evaluating good genetics and instead looking at a bunch of arbitrary shit
Sadly for you brainlets can be fooled and always are.
That much goes without saying. But yeah, if I was a pervert I’d probably try to bang her mom.
>literally everything in this world is genetics
>ignoring half of your woman's genetics
kek mate
evolved human nature(long) & culture(short).religion is part of culture, but I personally have no need for it, since I can rationalize most of religious values as beneficial top society.still no need for me to fear omnipotent being.
I can fake it.
I should add. None of that is arbitrary. High estrogen levels is one of the key indicators of a prime woman.
Religion is a pre-requisite for a stable and successful nation. Advocating athiesm or otherwise discarding the culture, history and spirituality that is developed via religion is inexcusable.
Pic absolutely related.
you need balance though. a prime woman has thick hips and ass but still manages to retail a "fit" shape. She has naturally dense muscle and doesn't come off as non-athletic. Women with "fertility indicators" and also cellulite and a bunch of fat are not desirable
Kind of semi right.
WOMEN need religion, men don't. Men can think logically and formulate a proper world view. Women are to discombobulated and let to many emotions shape to many contradicting world views that lead to degeneracy. As we have all heard it before women need to be lead to the watering hole and if you make it complex most will never make it and its a pain in the ass to get the others to there. Religion is just a simple one step put on the blinders go to that fucking watering hole and drink perfect women and stupid people. We have kind of opened pandoras box on this one and I'm not sure if we can go back though. We are going to need some serious mental gymnastics to get women to follow it again and at the same time clamp down on the degeneracy in society. We all know there are plenty of "christian" thots out there that "follow" the religion but obviously dont. Prime example is that chick in the other thread asking to fuck black men for money. In case you didn't know she was a christ cuck.
Maybe just start a new religion called the white race is the easiness thing to do. Really hard to break also once implemented right.
Naturally. Fat women are sluts, lazy, and typically have lower IQs.
Loyalty is more important than how much fucking money she makes.
Look up the AVPR1A gene in humans and how it defines extra-pair mating ONLY in females.
also a "natural" girl is more desirable. meaning that a fit body is always attractive, but if you date a girl with a fit body that needs constant maintenance for that body, you risk losing it the moment she changes her habits a little bit. now i finally am with a girl that doesn't need to watch every single thing she eats or go to the gym 5 times a week to have a thick ass and a flat stomach.
the same way that a guy that is naturally strong and lean will always be superior to a guy that needs years of work to achieve the same body.
i was agreeing with you it was just badly worded
>practice a religion
Only a fool would buy into these violent desert religions.
You can be moral without these systems of mind control.
>"mental gymnastics" needed to save women
I think you spelled "brute male force" wrong
Spank your woman and she will obey you
the only thing you spank is your meat though mate
What about China and Japan and Scandinavia countries
You forgot to hide your flag.
Scandinavia is degenerate but China and Japan have a strong tradition of native religion (arguably much stronger than any Western nation) that has carried them through the centuries. Non-coincidentally enough, during China's Cultural Revolution, the Communists attempted to erase all traditional religion and replace it with Communism which largely explains the modern Chinaman's disdain for morality.
sweden is completely fucked, norway would fubar without oil, just wait another decade or two and you will see where this "leftist" paradises are heading to.
discarding traditional culture in china led to massive prosperity, riight?I don't think japan dumped their traditions to bin that fast.
>Our values don't come from our religions, our religions come from our cultural values
Fuck what happened to this board. It used to be basically a requirement to be somewhat historically literate.
people found out about us when The_Donald became JIDF HQ
What about polyatheism?
Fun fact a Christian girl already begged to swallow my cum and I dumped her for being a stupid whore
I agree but all men are not going to do this unfortunately and you and I personally don't have all the omnipotent powers to do such a thing. What I am saying applies on a society scale. There is the issue of marriage laws that family courts that protect women even if they are fucking crack addicts. There are a lot of things that need to be undone my friend.
I don't hear a lot spanking but more the sound of someone projecting.
You ain't wrong OP.
You will not find many non-believers that hold traditional values.
It's hard to even find a right leaning woman who isn't religious.
He is right though. You are just getting into the semantics of what came first the chicken or the egg? Are we genetically predisposed to value social norms that are needed to form a high society or did the religions do that?
>The fuck when you will never meet this sort of woman.
Please kill me.
People are reading "Culture of Critique"
You are just a fundamentalist if you think that people only have 1 shot at life. You don't believe in redemption.
You don't need to fear an omnipotent being, but acts are a result of theory. The values you try to uphold were the result of the theory of the times.
If you think you can have them without the basis, you are gravely mistake and you only need to look outside to see this.
And now China is having the biggest catholic growth in the world.
I went to Japan and people go to pray to temples in the morning before starting the day, no matter if it's a businessman or schoolgirl. In the middle of Tokyo the souls of the Meiji emperor and empress are enshrined in a twin tree. You don't know what you are talking about.
It has been proven that the main phenomena that produced civilization was religion. It came even before agriculture. See the latest discoveries in Gobekli tepe.