Why does Sup Forums have such a hate-boner for Scandinavia even though Norway and Denmark are objectively some of the most right wing countries in Western Europe at the moment?
Why does Sup Forums have such a hate-boner for Scandinavia even though Norway and Denmark are objectively some of the...
Because of us.
You people really are obnoxious too.
My dance teacher was a swede, requested that I bring some union jacks to school (that she knew I had a collection of) to promote some anti-british dance piece she had come up with - I had such a row with the bitch, such an anti-nationalist fuck that I told her to go fuck herself.
She then proceeded to suck my dick in the changing room: you people are literally degenerates in every sense of the word.
hard question
Oslo is pretty browned mate
why pol hate leafs
They are jealous
why couldn't artist paint finn flag correctly, it's now colors reversed.
Tell that piece of shit uneducated leaf cunt that mongols aren't fucking Scandinavians
>britbong calling other people obnoxious
alright guv
>no Lithuania
>canadian education
top kek
fixed it
why the fuck are you doing dance? are you queer?
Denmark Germans?
because national socialist ethnostates, sweden not anymore
Hans, your heritage is showing. They mostly dislike Germans.
>posts an image of the nordic countries
user . . .
kill yourself cunt
You make us look good.
England is a Scandinavian country
ægte dansker
can i please keep this masterpiece for myself finner
stupid meme flag
>Divide and Conquer tactics
fugures, Sup Forums ain't one person and most if not all people generally like Denmark/Norway/Finland. Its the Sweden that we hate. What are you trying to accomplish here Mr.Goldberg huh?
norway is not right wing... thats just a fucking smokesscreen
This is how Sweden used to be
I know... I watched that one night when i was sick and stayed at home. Igot teary eyed, i'm 100% serious.
I felt the same thing when I watched a video of Amsterdam in 1922
Everyone looks so happy and carefree. Why did this happen?
feels bad mane :( how old are you ? im 21 and wish i could have lived in the 40s and 50s
>feels bad mane :( how old are you ? im 21
>and wish i could have lived in the 40s and 50s
Same, I just hope we can still save our countries and after that live a happy life.
Finland and Denmark are not part of the Scandinavia.
get off this board you homosexual
fuck off retard
sorry your parents dropped you while you were little
> Denmark is Scandinavian
Finland is partially Scandinavian though.
> Mistakes Lithuania with Estonia
> Thinks Estonia is part of the Scandinavian Peninsula
> Americunt education
me too my friend, mee too :(
Scandinavia != Scandinavian Peninsula.
Stop before you embarrass yourself further, João.
this, and btw i have my own definition of what the Scandinavian Peninsula is.
pic related
The eternal Hun and Muscovite
sorry, finland isn't scandinavian
not the people living there faggot, that is rightful Nordic land. even the sami should go back to Asia.
the territory is
That's what I meant, holstein stolen by the germans (huns) and karelia by the muscovites
Yes indeed, Finland is part of the nordic countries but not part of Scandinavia. Please take of your brother Sweden, he seems ill.
the right term for the 4 countries is Nordic
Skyrim belongs to the Nords.
I don't hate Scandinavia, I have family in Norway and and every time I visit them, I envy them more and more over the fact that they live there and I live in this Mexican shithole. Denmark seems cool too, it's even whiter than Norway
I just fucking hate Sweden, and once Sweden collapses guess where all the niggers will run to for better gibsmedat? Norway and Denmark.
>Western Europe
>Right wing
Pick one
I own a Saab, and have a Scandinavian red head, with my newborn child. Scania cool dudes, snow and shit
Doesn't afraid of anything for sure
we hate everyone, but mostly our hatred is directed toward swedes because they are so pussified that they would rather destroy their history and culture than risk offending some muslims. we see sweden as a cautionary tale for when empathy goes too far.
Your dance teacher or our retarded leftists and government DO NOT represent our people. Just as that brown bloke that I bought a kebab of does not represent yours.
How does binland do this?
Copenhagen/Denmark was the capital city of the Scandinavian union in the past.
You could say all of Scandinavia was Denmark as one point.
5 cups of coffee a day.
Northen sweden and finland have never been danish. Sweden has owned all of the scandinavian penninsula, of which danmark is not part.
>implying women's suffrage is a good thing
Nobody really use that expression anyway. Like the other posters said.
Even Russia is in the peninsula.
Denmark, German
FInland, Russia
Nordic masterrace genes + Mongolian autistic high IQ
Don't drag Norway and Denmark into this. Unlike us, they have not brought of Sup Forums's contempt upon themselves.
Swedish chicks whom regularly go to London (or lives there) aka "London-Swedes" (I have surprising amount on FB..) are probably the sluttiest dumbest hoes you'll ever meet.
Don't take me wrong, the average Swedish girl is a hoe. But London-Swedes are the worst.
That's not exactly west nowadays Atila.
I think that pic is about achievements even with women's suffrage.
>Dog and horse inside the house.
Poor hygiene.
fake shit
and Italians have highest IQ in Europe
Horse is actually mainly outside the house. It's a so-called Dutch door
But the painting is called One of the Family for a reason
Italians lack Asian genes. Finland doesn't.
There is nothing right-wing about the political leadership in all of scandinavia since 1945.
I thought Denmark was pretty good?
>once Sweden collapses guess where all the niggers will run to for better gibsmedat? Norway and Denmark.
one can only hope
The jews have ruined Denmark as well. Tightening immigration laws at this point doesnt really matter much since the damage is already done and there isn't really room for more.
Norway has the mountains to block them. Denmark can destroy the bridge.
It's Finland who will be in deep shit.
I love Scandinavia. Lovely fjords, great historical culture, good living standards and they mostly speak English
we have a river and a sea.
They are full of shit and ugly woman with fat hips.
Listen to me Leaf never I repeat never!!!!! go to Scandinavia. The only thing you can do there is a suiciude.
Shitposters but not even funny like Australians.
You have a landbridge to sweden. They just need to cross your border to enrich you.
Most of us our oppressed under an occupational government. Not Sweden. They like this and can't get enough.
We might get this kind of tunnel eventually, which connects Åland to Stockholm.
Well now I have a plan.
This has got to be a parody account
They should deport her too
lyktestolpe nå!
Another thing is, this area here is still raising from the sea due to post glacial rebound, and we will eventually build a bridge over it too. After two thousand years you can walk over it.
To be fair, most people on Sup Forums seem to like Norway and Denmark. Of course, you've got the shills, the regular banter, and the people who hate everything, but overall, I think Norway and Denmark are treated fairly well on Sup Forums.
You know the there is already a landbridge further north.
The most successful area in country is the Southwest, not Lappland.