What are your thoughts on police body cameras?

What are your thoughts on police body cameras?

I support them, but I don't support women being cops.

I think it's fascinating that they always malfunction at opportune moments

Every single cop should have it and we should have a cheap and effective system for obtaining any video if you in it without affecting bystanders privacy. This would help cops more than victims once people see the daily fucking shit cops go through in inner cities.

What's your thoughts on making the same threads with the same picture every day?

can you provide an input of your own?

every day until you like it

waste of money. bad cops can still do whatever they want, they just have to go "lol we lost the tape"

Sup Forums is hilarious

Post more Jew qts and I will like it

What are your thoughts on making this shitpost everyday, faggot?

I'd like to see footage of her body cam, if you know what I mean.


Then I'll give you the same answer.
As a copfag, they're great because they show the public I do my job correctly.
They're terrible because my supervisors are micromanaging cunts who will spy on officers and constantly question how we do our jobs.

Apparently, cops shoot more criminals when they have a camera showing they were justified. This is good, it saves people from violent criminals.

I want one for myself.

If you don't want body camera's on law enforcement, it means you have something to hide.

beat me too it.
and checked.

I don't see why someone would be opposed to body cams. I mean they're good for both parties even though most of the time they will prove that there was no police brutality and the nigger was just not complying with the orders.

I'd rather have police booty cameras, if you know what I mean

No. Please explain.

Very necessary, but at the same time I really don't see the point if the departments are just going to protect their wrong-doings 99 out of 100 times anyway.

like it would stop Israeli's killing children throwing rocks kek

All cops should be on publicly viewable live streams 24/7

I want a camera on that police body

you will get krav maga'd

Good and bad. Good because it'll help out a cop who had to lawfully kill somebody. Maybe the public will also see the shit police get on a regular basis.
Bad because it gets rid of police discretion. Suppose a cop finds a guy taking weed for chronic pain, he couldn't just ignore it and walk away he'd have to throw the book at them because it's on camera.

Fun to watch. Good cops have nothing to worry about, mostly.

instant Israeli nut punch

>my supervisors are micromanaging cunts who will spy on officers and constantly question how we do our jobs.

I'm ok with this.

You shouldn't be.
First police discretion will go out the window second everybody will get pissed off from being stressed out so much and quit.
I shouldn't have to worry about big brother amongst my own. Supervision is the number one cause of police stress.