Friendly reminder that the NRA is a domestic terrorist organization


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People could own full size cannons that could destroy entire houses. People also could own warships capable of mounting dozens of these. Yes, there were pirates who took advantage of these rights but we never banned guns or warships

Why should you care about a black nigger stranger impregnating your wife instead of you, goy? Sperm is sperm. We are all human. Now raise that man's mongrel child!

I would say something like "does the left want to amend the first amendment because the internet can spread information faster than a printing press?" but what am I saying, of course the left wants that. The days when the left believed in any freedom at all are over.

Nice meme

But that AR in the pic is legally considered a Short barreleds rifle or SBR which requires

- a unique serial number which is
- legally required to registered with the ATF.
- with a $200 tax stamp
- a federal background check
- banned in several states.

if youre going to argue something at least have the right context...



blah blah blah shut the fuck up.

You're an idiot

NRA = Millions of people. It’s not a nameless faceless devil worship mind control program. Literally the NRA has a membership, life members vote on representation within and so on.

NRA is responsible for more safety, training, and conservation programs than any other organization. Ever.

They only reason gun owners bash the NRA is because they accept and endorse compromise In some situations instead of telling everyone “shall not be infringed so fuck you.”

Example, NICS
Example, bump stocks

Attacking and demonizing the NRA is only going to mobilize more people against more gun control, most of which is fucking stupid.

I hope you're ready to buy an old-timey printing press while you're at it.
No citizen should be able to print more than 60 words a minute

You dumb shills and this stupid fucking psyop

You're days of playing these little pranks are not long for this world.

I'll go back to only being allowed to own the guns that our founding fathers used but only if we also go back to the voting laws they used, too.

Forty-five whole rounds a minute? Are you sure that isn't with the aid of a bumpstock?

>I'll go back to only being allowed to own the guns that our founding fathers used but only if we also go back to the voting laws they used, too.

Ohhhhhh dayum

Original post is wrong.

During Colonial times, they had multiple fire hand weapons. See pic related.

The founders were concerned about a central power dictating how the common citizen should live, and wanted the common citizen to always be able to resist. Whether that meant armed revolution, or just heading to wilderness with a couple of horns of powder and a backpack full of dried meat and disappearing for a decade, resistance is resistance. it is also why they wanted freedom of the press, to let resistors be able to print their ideas and distribute them.

Pens don't fucking kill people, guns do. Guns need to be banned. It worked in Sweden.

>AR-15 fires 45 rounds/minute
>Set firing rate
You have no idea what you're talking about.

Opinion disregarded

>45 rounds a minute

poor idiot had no bumb stock!

duh cuz we banned them retard.

You mean planned parenthood

Six rounds per minute was standard with a rifled musket for the Continental Army. That's assuming no Puckle Gun, Giarndoni Air Rifle, private artillery or your own personal warship with Letter of Marque.
>Remove NFA

"Give someone an inch and they'll take a mile"

>"Give someone an inch and they'll take a mile"

They had many weapons available to them beyond muskets.


Rifles of all types account for less than 300 murders/year. They are a trivial cause of death in the USA. Ladders are much more dangerous.

Friendly reminder that we all know what goes in the fields.


Look at europe, yes we don't have school shootings but we have a lot of muslims killing willy nilly and only the incompetent cops have guns.

That top musket shot Minié balls an inch wide, basically giant shotgun slugs. Any one shot landing on you would do more damage than the whole magazine from the AR-15.

Survivable wounds or a hole where your chest was. Your choice, Jews. Why do you hate children?

>It worked in Sweden

Have you forgotten the fucking dude with the sword?



Also getting rid of guns doesnt solve anything, violent crimes just increase

>Pens don't fucking kill people
We could say the same thing about plastic silverware, but you really should bin that knife to save a life. NOONE NEEDS SILVERWARE.

I would prefer a Cross pen over a plastic knife any day.

Hey American cunts, I hope they take ALL your guns away, ya bunch of mouth foaming raging psychopath murderers, fuck you.

Holyfuck the shills are out in full force today. I hope next time something is shot up its your home.

I hope you get killed by a nigger.



reminder you could mail order MGs back the

Friendly reminder that you are a gigantic pussy.

But user, if someone tries to shoot my house I can easily pull my own gun out and blast the mother fuckers because I can legally own a gun in my country. 2A is a beautiful thing.

Perfect analogy. Do you even understand what the discussion is about?

Im glad to have witnessed the only honest SJW alive.


>the NRA is a super duper powerful lobby monster that controls all the politicians in the US!

Fucking kek. Compare how much $ the NRA spends on yearly lobbying vs all other lobbying groups. The power of the organization lies in its 5+ million members and their activism. NRA gun safety programs have done more to reduce firearm-related deaths than any gun law.

I cancelled my membership after they compromised on bumpstocks. Renewing it today as an aswer to the bullshit going on.

>pens don’t kill people
Oh really?

With the stroke of a pen, more damage can be done than with a thousand guns.

I'm confused what people who unironically post this image on social media actually want. Do they want to ban handguns? Revolvers?

Friendly reminder that Op is a faggot

The founding fathers knew better guns existed but couldn't supply them to their small self funded militias.

the internet did not exist back then
should free speech only be through a printing press?
by the way the pucklegun was around before the bill of rights so the premise is false

>Disarm people
>Nigger still getting guns
>Literally nigger black squads terrorizing, raping and killing all non-politician people

My parents got me a lifetime membership as a birthday present several years back. I have grown to hate them for calling me multiple times a month, always saying that "gun rights have never been in a more precarious position" and begging me to upgrade my life membership to some extra super duper lifetime membership for a special offer price of $2000. When I say no then they offer me a non-extra but still super duper lifetime membership for a steal at $500. Then they try to get me to make a donation of $250 so I can receive a complimentary duffel bag. Then they want $100 - $50 - $25. I was getting calls from them at least once a week for years until I finally told them to fuck off and stop calling me.

sounds like a great idea, jew.

45 rpm with an ar. Yeah if you fucking suck. Their numbers are always wrong, either high or low they can never get it right. We went from 30 rounds per second to 45 rounds per minute, which is it lefty morons?

How many rounds can a normal semiauto handgun fire in a minute? Heck, even a revolver can get pretty high. You have no argument you fucking cuckfag.


Friendly reminder that this is a 1 post by this ID slide thread, and sage

The pen is mightier than the sword.
Ban Assault Pens!



Yes, tell them to fuck off with their calls and use extra money to donate to the Gun Owners of America and Firearms Policy Coalition. You should still keep your NRA membership and support them, and if youre gonna give them money donate to the NRA-ILA. The fact that the NRA triggers the fuck out of gungrabbers and communists is enough for me to put up with their bullshit

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