Do you think lobster-boy will actualy have the balls to debate Żiżek?
Do you think lobster-boy will actualy have the balls to debate Żiżek?
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>old man yells at ideology
Lobster-boy will win.
>sniffs in marxist
Zizek doesn't even understand his own presuppositions
Make a stipulation, you're not allowed to snort coke before the debate. Zizek will lose easily.
I hope Peterson rips him a new asshole.
>Hey Slavoj how are you today
>Well you see in Stalinism--
Rape him JP
Zizek is a high profile lefty so yes Peterson will do it
I’ve never seen Zizek do a debate before, this would be weird.
>two shitty intellectuals desperately try to get off one liners
>I'd rather take my "intellectualism" from angsty autists from internet
zizek will impale peterson with his own hubris.
Literally nothing wrong with that
As much as I like Peterson, I have to agree, he's nowhere near Żiżeks level.
fuck off with this eceleb crap already
>Zizeks "level"
Peterson might be a hack riding high on the Patreon bucks but at least he can string together a cohesive thought. Zizek's "level" on any average day seems to be stringing together absolute nonsense inbetween constant weird tics
Is it true that he's a coke addict?
>he can string together a cohesive thought
something something AND THAT'S THE BLOODY THING, BUCKO!
Well, that's generaly because his fame kind of overtook him, so now instead of delivering coherent philosophical theories he'd rather make monnies (some communist he is). Still, if you look at Sublime object of ideology or his earlier books there are some generaly brilliant ideas in them.
>communism dies next fall
Can't wait.
Jizzeck will choke on his own spittle
Peterson will wreck him.
here's the summary
>clean your room
>and so on
Žižek has been tasked with taking out Peterson by the marxists.
Assasination live on stream.
Predicting it.
i cant even conceive the memes this will spawn. Can we make the thread *sniff* into zizek posting?
This almost reminds me of this old *sniff*, hegelian, stalinist joke about lenin taking a shit.
He was afraid of Faith Goldy, there's no chance he debates Zizek.
>still pushing this meme
I hope they discuss fist-fucking
1. He wasn't supposed to debate her.
2. He denied her for entirely different reasons.
>Shabbos goy debating leftist
What balls are involved here, Polan?
Zizek is working on a whole other level. He's a critic of global capitalism first and foremost. Peterson is what? A motivational speaker with some understanding of Jung? Look I know this board is full of "fascists" who unironically support capitalism and the liberal analysis of the role of the state(these things together make you a neoliberal btw), so of course you will view Peterson as the "winner" of the debate regardless of what is said. This isnt just because Zizek's irony will be lost on you, but because you just can't understand anything he says. And I'm not talking about his lisp.
My money is on zizek.
Peterson will loose because after 2 minutes of zizek talking he would be totally lost.
Debate what? What flavor of psyop is OP talking about? This is not Sup Forums related. It's incoherent and gay.
What if he says something agreeable, though?
Academic debates aren't a free for all deathmatches, there is a subject of the debate
It will be an awful debate. Zizek is almost unlistenable. and not because of his spitting ans slurred speech but because his brain is filled with subjective post modern garbage. He's a very smart man but he's been led down the stupidest of paths.
Yes it's *sniff* my slav shense of humor you see. What you have with this doctor peterson is like scatalogical fascination of lenin who took a shit. These people love the frog pepe as surreal symbol or freudian joke of the modern counter revolution and so on, but they don't wonder if maybe some memehs *sniff* are just the shit in the toilet. So yes on the one hand we have western culture and pop media full of shit that jordan points to but what do we have to oppose this? Frogs and clean rooms and so on? They eat the ideology in all forms no matter if it's *sniff* poop and so they can't expect to understand their own alienation and so on, since now they are becoming a new member of this new collective that denies it's own *sniff* existence.
and so on and so on
i'd figure they'd be too busy asking for pardons and saying "after you"
i bet Jordan can strike some points on Zizek.
Zizek tend to hide the left or marxism as the root of posmodernism, he denies cultural marxism.
C´mon Sup Forums we can help Jordan and use the popularity of the debate to redpill the masses
To be fair you have to have a high IQ to understand the works of Zlobber Zizek...
> I know this board is full of "fascists" who unironically support capitalism
We were national socialist before the election then meme flags with snakes appeared telling us that child sex slaves are a perfect products to be sold and bought
haha reddit
Buddy looks like Luke Skywalker after they fuck him in the new movie
you guys should purge those fags
[spoiler]But what if the opposite is also true?[/spoiler]
If you read Zizek's article on Peterson, you'll know zizek has drank the sjw coolaid completely. For example, he brings up Peterson's claim that gender has a biological aspect to it as an example of a prima facie ridiculous position. He just mentions that this is one of Peterson's positions as a way of discrediting him without citing any reason to the contrary.
I don't know if he's ever been an independent thinker, but it's clear he is not one any longer. He's fighting for the establishment that doesn't and can't recognize itself as the establishment, viz., the sjws. An ideology that finds its raison detre in being an underdog, an oppressed minority cannot digest the idea that it has ever won, that it is now in charge, that all corporations, all established positions of power are on their side.
All one needs to point out to destroy Zizek is the fact that Google agrees with him, that they'd be happy to employ him.
nice meme.
Bretty good memes tho
>Small bed
>Bed not big enough to hold him and a women
>Must not meet lots of women
>Small DESK lamp, on side table
>Nothing on walls besides cheap stalin poster
>Not even a big one
>Bunch of neatly arranged books
>Too neat as if they just sit there
>Cant mount bookcases to wall
>Uses planks to hold them up
wew lad what a sad life
Maybe they can take a big steamy shit on a picture of Derrida and then lick each others asshole's clean
>pop psychologist thinks he can go against an actual academic and who is also on of the leading intellectual of postsoviet art and social critique
That is a cute airplane.
Anyone who thinks Peterson is gonna win either grew up without a father or grew up as a manchild who failed their father.
>Next october
Zizek will probably slaughter peterson intellectually
>Play video
>See Molymeme
>Pause video
anyone who thinks Zizek will win is still a manchild and thinks thats ok.
living in his own world, look at his dumb ass face
You clearly don't understand Peterson, since your perspective is entirely based around economics and class. This is why Zizek will lose, because like all leftists he thinks an interminable word salad, even when resembling reality, is more convincing than archetypal truths.
Peterson has spent decades with a clinical practice - in the shit, so to speak. Zizek works in the realm of theory, which makes for great reading and soundbytes but doesn't have the influence behind it.
That's what they always say just before the hero slays the dragon.
Zizek doesn't do one liners
Can anyone sum up Zizek's philosophy, beliefs or contributions?
You simply don’t understand zizek.
you dont like molymeme? you little faggot
>40 minutes of nothing but blabber
>he could have come to the point and made it 3 min
I fucking hate that guy
Imagine working with a person like that, not only is he full of him self, but you wouldn't get anything done. He is 6 million times worse than a bergenser and woman combined
After you let go of worship of the person which you must because of lenin's shit, you see *sniff* it is not actually the medium, the peterson, that is the message, because actually language is more important and subject to *sniff* subjectivity by everyone and so on. So you see again that after the medium is forgotten we have this fascination with the Thing they gave us, the symbols and truths and so on. But then we see that the meaning of the words are obscured because of the presence of the Thing, made by the medium now forgotten, that insists on itself. So we are stuck with the *sniff* words and poop of the medium even when we try to study the symbols. It's like you want to run away from lenin's poop but he locks you in the toilet with him.
Now this would be a debate
>Peterson vs. Zlazloj
>Madison Square Garden
>$49.99 PPV
Molymeme is a sophist.
god I really hope it happens. I don't even really care who wins, just in it for the memes.
But I thought post -modernism is against marxism.
I mean marxism is a modernist idea, it literraly follows the hegelian idea of history being something that progress trough time (what many progressive and marxist groups believe ) aka history and progress always go hand to hand.
Post modernist denies this idea of history as a close friend with progress since post modernist it's a toll of destruction of ideologies
>The idea of the post-modern condition is sometimes characterised as a culture stripped of its capacity to function in any linear or autonomous state as opposed to the progressive mindstate of Modernism.[1]
He's a Sniffilist
idk but he says it with a lisp which is great
pure ideology
Your point is Peterson has a clinical practice and you dont like how Leftists talk therefore Peterson will "win"?
I think he's going for an edgy Soviet vibe
Kind of hard to do that really, but that's mainly because Żiżek operates on constant references to Lacan, Marx, Freud and Hegel, so without knowledge of these you might find it super difficult to even understand what he's saying. Still, he's earlier contributions to critical theory and psychoanalysis are pretty awesome, provided you understand what he's talking about.
he wrote a marxist take on some of the same things peterson addressed on Maps of Meaning and has used his constructs to analyse and critique society
I've seen this talk a week ago
Zizek is a sophist you little faggot.
what the fuck is wrong with pol these days? so many little faggots everywhere.
I didn’t say that zizek wasn’t a sophist, although based on what little I’ve read on him he’s definetely less of a sophist than molymeme.
Well that's Zizek covered at least.
If that's what you think I meant you're more of a brainlet than I suspected.
I don't know how peole can look up to that mentally ill man. But then again leftists are not right in the head.
pic related sums up zizek
He literraly fucks an Argentinian model every night or used to.
you sound like a women.
youre implying being full of yourself is bad.
and you have no idea how to make money on youtube.
good luck being a loser
postmodenism deconstructs marxism and reimplements it in its most distilled form: everything is about a power struggle between oppressor and oppressed
she cheated on him. zizek stayed with her. he is a push over
clean your epic room, magapede!
We still are national socialists its just now we have more normies that fucking love capitalism without actually thinking about it. Same goes for democracy.
it´ll be like a two snake ouroboros, and all it´s implications for modern "philosophical discourse"
chicheck is as stupidly convoluted and hollow as cantinflas