I want to know what Poles...

I want to know what Poles, Russians and other people here whose people suffered under the nazi germans think of the neo-nazi elements, and the admiration of Hitler and the nazis on this board. Do you support them?

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fuck off with your data gathering shill

>suffered under the nazi germans

Tilbage til plebbit med dig, landsforräder.

Du er godt klar over at tyskerne kun behandlede os ordentligt pga vi begge er germanske folk. Hvis vi var slaviske ville de have dræbt os. Jeg sporger nu disse mennesker om hvorfor de stotter en ideologi som ville udslette dem

Poles, Russians and other East Europeans suffered even more under the communists.

Fantastic turd cutter.

I feel disgust to communists and when asians or mountain niggers touch russian women
take a guess what I think about neo-nazis
actually don't, you won't guess correctly ever

But I do know that germans did some hideous shit on soviet land (and that mongols from the red army did hideous shit on european land too).

I absolutely adore hitler memes and anti-jew jokes because I see what (((they))) are doing to several countries nowadays.

Nazis saw them as subhumans whose land needs to be goven to germanics. Russians saw the other slavs as canon fooder. Both bad but the 1st one is obviously worse

The germans wanted to exterminate and enslave your people you cuck. Based slavs my ass


vad fan säger ni

Well you’re not going to find that info here, a 70+ polish woman could tell you -but not an underage ban magapede

lots of greeks died under the nazi's rule.
not even 1% of greeks supports natsoc.
However, you can find supporters of our dictatorships. Thats the reason golden dawn has 7% in the parliament.
Greek far right naionalism exists, but noone likes nazis, because we suffered under them.
Our far right opposed the nazis, till the occupation.

Eh, I see it mostly as bants and humor.
I don't think there are many actual Hitler lovers here.
Nazis were like a car going too fast and crashing instead going to the point B.
And now it's hard to be a European nationalist without being compared to Hitler, demonized and ostracized.

He did more harm to nationalist movements in Europe and US than good.

The post-war remants of the National Socialist Party, known as the German Reich's Party, tried to run for elections in West Germany before it was banned.

They literally said that if the Red Army came waltzing through to conquer Western Europe, a major fear at the time, that they (Nazis) would open the gates of the Rhine and let them through towards the North Sea. After having just fought an utterly brutal war with them (Western Front was a meme). Preferring the communist yolk over the liberal one.

I imagine a lot of Russkies feel the same towards Nazis.

Russian Jew here. I just want to see the world burn tbqh

someone wanted to do something in the past, got massively killed, raped and is being replaced in their own country by mountain niggers for that and I am a cuck for liking hitler memes? lol



I'm 1/4 Danish and I can't even understand a word of what you're saying. Just kidding. You're being a cuck - that much was obvious.

pick one
either you're a jew or you're a russian


I'd say Russian before Jew, as would most of us here in the US

You know shit about the USSR. You didn't live in the country where I was born.

I hate pajeets, pakis and anti-Semites, they're worse than niggers.

Jews are noble elite, anti-Semites are plebs. Lower classes always hate superior.

Classic Jew appeal to emotion tactics

>b-but Nazis hated and wanted to exterminate you

Fuck off you ugly Jew cunt

Nazis were zionist puppets who created discord between European countries, lead a war for Israel, holocausted a shitton of Slavs claiming they were jews and fucked up any future form of nationalism by their autistic shit.

Get back to you gang-rape country, Ahmed.

Fuck hitler. That that dumb fuck made too many military mistakes to be considered hero and brought nothing but destruction on his people. Yes he was right about almost everything but he chose wrong strategy. To beat jew you must become jew.

>You know shit about the USSR.
My father told me enough to know it ain't black and white, and I've learned on my own that war opens road to inner demons.
>You didn't live in the country where I was born.
Bully for you lol. How will I ever recover?

Were you born in Russia or just heritage?

>Hvis vi var slaviske ville de have dræbt os
>Nazis saw them as subhumans...

Hvad er din kilde på dette? Medmindre du refererer til "Generalplan Ost"

'Generalplan Ost' var aldrig en officiel politik, bare et forslag fra en ligegyldig bureaukrat. Det originale dokument eksisterer ikke engang mere, kun nonsens og forfalskninger fra Nuremberg-retten.

Desuden, hvorfor var der så mange slavere, der kæmpede på Tysklands side, hvis nazisterne virkelig var igang med et folkedrab på 30 millioner slavere på det tidspunkt? Ville Hitler ikke have stoppet sin repatrieringsoperation af alle etniske tyskere, der bor uden for Rigets grænser ("Heim Ins Reich-operationen"), hvis han alligevel havde planlagt at befolke disse områder med tyskerne efter sejren?

Vågn op, kammerat.

Are you butthurt slav?

>Were you born in Russia or just heritage?
Just heritage, but I speak Russian and still have family there

You shouldn't have conquered us and we wouldn't conquer your women.

Are you referring to some specific poster on this board? If yes, then no, I'm not.
I visit this site rarely and mostly come for shits and giggles.

Neo nazis are fucked in the head morons. Scum on par with comies.

Usurpers is what they are. They got to the positions they are through subversion and treachery. All of their plans can be turned over in one single day. Europeans just need to wake up and expell them back to the ghettos where they belong. Demons. They are the physical manifestation of the devil. Just like how the devil convinced you he doesn't exist, the jews convince you that they are not uber rich evil bastards.

Ya Hitler was good man with a big heart for his people and a strong oratory. But he was a bad general, after all the man as a youngster was a gentle artist who just wanted to paint buildings. He needed more strong men in his cabinet who would not be afraid to question and confront him on bad decisions.

Do not most of American Jews despise Russia?

How about you get back to Israel, sand Neanderthal.

it's admirable, what he tried to achieve for his people. his greatest mistake was not making a pan-european movement to then eternally btfo the rest of the world

I didn't conquer anyone. And I've never seen a russian touching a georgian woman, nor have I ever seen a georgian man with a russian woman.
I adore georgian kitchen though.

Why would you call yourself a russian then? lol
I'd call myself an american if I were you.


Russian Jews do not agree with majority of American Jews

you were almost there

btw this show was awesome

Canadian whose parents fled here from Poland to escape the Soviets reporting.
They are a joke on a good day, and disgusting on a bad day. No one with an IQ in the triple digits supports a group who clearly, explicitly state that their goal is to wipe us from the Earth. These fucking rats think they'll escape by helping. They deserve to be shot.

Over what things do you disagree with? What views?

Who would want to touch your women you dumb ugly georgian human trash. Your women have mustaches.

Shani deda mothyan.

Do they really workshop Hitler or is it more interest in that type of Nationalist Socialism movement for their own countries?

>as would most of us here
No you wouldn't. And even so, you're russians living in America and hate russia meddling?
>don't worry americans, we're not still loyal to russia we're never loyal to our host nation

Nigger was a corporal. The Germans had LEGENDARY generals. If he hadn't tried to micro-manage, I could probably walk home from the pub without fear of getting raped and killed. And I'm a 120kg neckbeard.

>1 post by this ID

My family was in Galicia prior to the war and my grandfather spoke both Polish and German. On our paperwork it says we are Austrian/Polish. Nobody knows what we are ;) .

Regardless when the Nazis came lots of people assisted them. When they asked for lists for lists of the Jews, communists/socialists and other scum they handed it over to them as they wanted them gone.

People that lived there wanted them gone as they were always problematic. They were sick of them. Bottomline.

>suffered under the nazi germans
They didn't. In fact they were happy when the german army marched in and kicked out the commies.
They and we suffered under the communist regimes for decades though, my friend.
You need to put down your soymilk and educate yourself.

Source ?

Polish Grandma says the Jews white washed history

Nobody means georgians when speaking of mountain niggers lol you're irrelevant

Mate I don't believe in anti-Semitic bollocks and witch hunt, I believe in people who are bad and who are good, Jew or not. But thanks to Sup Forums I became a great admirer of the nobility, Jews and Tories. Anti-Semites are savage animals.

Polak here
My Grandmother and her mother told me that working in a German factory 1941ish was better paid than living in pre 1939 Poland.
More payment,more stuff. Better life quality overall,most of the soldiers weren't "EXTERMINATE ALL SLAVS" but maybe because we're from east prussia and kinda look german*id

I mean Nazis still did that shit and killed 12 gorillion poles with their invasion but that's not what I'm mad about.
What I'm mad about is that those faggots teamed up with Russkies twice and then left us to their shitty communism regime.
Fuck you Germans.


>think of the neo-nazi elements
only idiots become neo nazis
>and the admiration of Hitler and the nazis on this board. Do you support them?
I oppose neo-nazi shilling

>polish deathtoll under communism (40+ years ) - 22 000
>polish deathtoll under nat soc (6 years ) - ~7 000 000


Yep, my conclusion as well.
Left me legit wondering if the people who push anti semitism so hard here in the way they do are actually jewish and this is their way of bragging

I'd like to suffer under her ass if you know what I mean


Fuck off, kike. We suffered under jewish regime.

We had our own fascism.


Nazis and commies are the same just under different flag