You have 10 seconds to explain why an 18 fucking a 10 year old is haram but a 70 marrying an 18 year old is legal in your cuck country.
You have 10 seconds to explain why an 18 fucking a 10 year old is haram but a 70 marrying an 18 year old is legal in...
Other urls found in this thread:
10 years old = Innocent and naive child who can't give a legit consent.
18 years old = Grown up person who can give a legit consent.
Also sage this pedo thread.
>there's not physiological and mental difference between an 18 and a 70 year old
Who are you quoting?
Puberty. Die.
Him .
>puberty counts
>the onset of middle and old age doesn't
I can't wait to lynch pedos
The average 10YO hasn’t gone through puberty while the average 18YO has. Also a Brazilian who wants to rape children. What a surprise.
Who are you quoting?
Gotta save those nubile 18 year olds for them rich Jews, am I right?
Don’t you have a favela to protect and some telenovelas to watch, hombre?
Because there is something called Puberty.
See .
because the age difference isn't the issue
It's about both parties being able to actually consent, and woah... children. don't. have. a choice.
>children don't have choice
>a poor destitute woman has
it's not about the age difference you hue monkey it's about maturity and legal sovereignty. a person younger than 18 cannot consent because they are not legally sovereign. they cant make decisions about sex because legally they can't make any decisions at all. yes 18 is arbitrarily chosen, but we had to draw the line somewhere.
if you find it that difficult to restrict yourself to hitting on highschool seniors then you are a filthy fucking pedo who needs to fucking kill yourself before you ruin the lives of a lot of innocent people because you couldn't control your own cock, you disgusting fuck.
There is. The difference is the decision making. A 10 year old can't make proper decisions, but an 18 year old can. Wether those decisions are beneficial or not, is up to them.
Who are you quoting?
a 10 year old cant sign a contract
You're a faggot or a woman. I can't tell yet.
That line of yours isn't really a line because it's higher and lower depending on the country.
Also answer this: See Sex isn't a contract.
same reason kids cant vote, smoke, drink, drive, etc.
Kids are fucking stupid and unable to make potentially lifechanging decisions responsibly. Day of the rope comes for you, pedo monkey.
...which happens at like 13 (tops) m’dude, who the fuck taught you to argue?
10 year old is still a child
now gtfo
Children are arrested in the USA age 10 for crimes, they can also decide their gender and enage in hormoes, but they can't have sex?
it's only illegal if someone finds out really
>there's not physiological and mental difference between an 18 and a 70 year old
Even when some pedo fag managed to trick a kid into sucking his dick by telling her thats totally normal and that he would buy her favourite toy afterwards, that kid will suffer from that fucked up day her entire life once she grows up.
Also, what about her parents? If i had a little daughter i would kill you my self if you would dare to touch her, even if you tricked her into believing she is in a relationship.
Your mother's gaping shithole, now fuck off.
A poor woman still has the capabilities to understand the consequences to her actions. If a poor person murders someone for food, should they be left off the hook?
But you wouldn't know, because you don't have any 70 year olds knocking about in your fetid shithole of a country.
You would murder someone because your daughter is a sexy whore? What's wrong with you?
It sure is like that in many cases.
Also, always moving the line further, eh?
They're both adults. They can do as they wish. A child is not mature enough to understand. That's why we have laws in place. To protect them from pedos.
>let me tell you about your country
You're so stupid and politically illiterate you don't know the Brazilian President is married to a woman almost 40 years his junior.
At least the destitute woman knows her options whereas a 10 year old wouldn't know what's going on
I'm not moving it further. I'm just giving you an extreme example.
If all adults are the same and with the same level all around as in physical, maturity, knowledge and etc, why do terms like middle age, old age and such exist?
Your cucked ideology has fucked you in the brain. People aren't the same.
raping a kid is pretty much on par with murder yes
Your extreme example isn't extreme at all. It happens.
Sex ed is taught in elementary school.
>little daughter
>implying she can't consent
>good father would hurt the guy raping his child
>10 years old
>18 years old
>even remotely the same thing developmentally
Brazil pls go u r drink
A 10 year old hasn't gone through puberty and are not physically or mentally capable of consenting to sex. Since you use the word "Haram" I assume you are a sand nigger. Yet another reason why I think we should gas the sand niggers. sage
What is this post even. Who cares at what stage they are in their adult life? kek. They're not children.
Children are off limits. Fuck off, savage monkey.
The guy isn't raping the daughter. He's making love to her. You just can't stand that your daughter is in love.
Because fucking a prepubescent girl is retarded and marrying is a normal thing
But i agree that you should be able to marry pre 18 with parents consent even though OP made it about fucking and marrying
You don't have an argument, just muh feelings. Typical for a white left Swedecuck.
fucking lol sage this thread you pedo I can't wait until you are scourged from the earth, I don't care if the kid understands the mechanics of sex, the child has not developed to the point to be able to fully grasp the meaning and gravity of the situation and will have irreparable damage done
because 10 year olds dont even have fully developed sexual organs, and scientifically childrens decision making skills aren't developed until 18, and what happens if a 10 year old becomes pregnant, and it's just disgusting
You have 10 seconds to explain why a 10 year old can't vote and an 18 year old can.
a ten year old can't be in love you mongoloid
What if a 5 year old has a grown up body, is it ok to have sex with them?
>being fucked as child causes irreparable damage
>being fucked by an old man for money doesn't
Just because you were ass raped by a muslim imam when you were 10 does not make it acceptable for you to rape children. KYS.
It depends on the child. Of course I'm nit picking but the OP could have chosen a better age to lay down as an example. At 10 I already knew what a BDSM is without even having masturbated before.
please show me where in my post I said that an 18 year old getting fucked by a 70 year old isn't also messed up
Sure she can. Do you think a 10 year old can love her parents or her siblings? If so, then she can love a grown man.
Nice fearmongering
>why does words to describe things exist
>if they don't mean what i want them to
holy shit Brazil this is top tier bait
I really don't care that you had a messed up childhood, decision making and sexual organs haven't fully developed until about 18. It does not depend on the child, if it is a child then that child can't fully make decisions of that magnitude, it's why we have parents and kids aren't expected to pay taxes you fucking pedo
castrate all pedos
There, but she can make choices with full knowledge of it's consequences.
Stupid baboon.
first thread i come to on this trash site for the first time in being here in months is a pedo supporter thread
when i rule the planet i will put all brazilians in gulags just for you OP
How will you rule the world if you live in Australia?
the question you have to ask yourself is why you were immediately drawn to the pedo thread after not being on Sup Forums in months, pedo.
>once you reach an arbitrary age, you can have sex
>otherwise, no-no
She's legal, going by your "logic".
honestly you were doing a pretty good job up until that post, 7/10 troll, that last one was some expired bait. Love for family =/= sexual desire for intimacy and relationship, it was the "grown" part that gave you away
sage the pedo
>news coverage
Are you baiting or legit stupid/curious
user is looking for a faggot or a woman. I can’t tell yet.
Sauce? Who is this enticing fap trap
Sexual maturity is a threshold, not a relativistic evaluation.
fuck of cia nigger
18 is just as grown up as 17 so shouldn't the age of consent be 17?
eat shit, (((pedo)))
based Durgesh
People are reading "Culture of Critique"
Indian population already completely ethnically replaces infertile Europe.
It's the future.
>what is developmental psychology
I really thought you were just being a troll but you're actually a retard with a cognitive bias that can't understand he's already been given the answer from the get go.
I guess people really do have to keep saying this to you until you understand it.
17 is just as grown up as 16 so shouldn't the age of consent be 16?
it is tho u silly hue
anyway kys pedo scum
She's 20 so she can consent, you said it. Doesn't matter if she has the body and the mind of a 6 year old. She is 20 so she can consent.
Because a 10 year old has not even gone through puberty.
you're just too dumb to redeem my dude
How does this in any way answer my question
with this post you can only trigger angsty larper teens and stormfags
castration is required, not redemption
I'm just following your retarded cuck "logic". If you have to hate someone, hate yourself.
The answer is simple. The dominant culture establishes the dominant social norms. And a culture of earlier sex relations creates more children, which in turns leads into becoming the dominant culture.
Ger replaced, son.
>Age of consent in my country is 16
Honestly I think it should be raised to 21, even 18 year olds are still stupid teenagers in my opinion
Yes, teens are reserved for Adbul and Muslims only.
Age of consent should be 21. Age of marriage should be 14.
In this rotten society where women are treated like men, age of consent should be 25.
In a sane society where women belong first to the father and then to the husband, there would be no age of consent.
except the age of consent is lower in Brazil or most US states or most European countries than India so you're barking up the wrong tree entirely you dumb ape
stupid AND a pedo
chop your balls off, bro
fuck off Pepe Abdul Al Bahia
There are physiological and mental differences between everyone you fucking faggot retard.
Nonsense. The age of consent should be 40. If you disagree you are pedo scum.
>marriage doesn't imply consent
PiV is always rape, misogynist scum