Why are westerners going into debt just to obtain shit they can't affoard? I have never even considered taking a credit. If I can't affoard something, I don't buy it until I can.
How hard is this to understand?
Why would anyone go into student debt by their own volition?
Why are westerners going into debt just to obtain shit they can't affoard? I have never even considered taking a credit...
inb4 some soyboy goes "eww what is that"
You mean leftists.
Leftism is a mental disease.
The thumbnail literally looks like a pile of shit, what is it.
Wow that food looks surely disgusting. But yeah, it's an old jewish trick, make debt to buy shit you don't need.
It is to obtain the false sense of "middle class" when in reality there are only low skilled workers and high skilled workers. The high skilled workers make many shekels in things like being an electrician , carpentry, STEM work, being a doctor and can buy nice things. Low skill workers make few shekels and want to be like high skill workers. So they take out lots of debt to have nice things.
I agree OP. I don't understand it at all
what actually is it though?
Silly me!
>Why would anyone go into student debt by their own volition?
Envy feeds desire. Media saturation reinforces expectation; bigger, better, more.
i was/am self employed, I became injured and coincidentally work became much less available. own a home and property taxes and other expenses also use a vehicle for work which requires urgent repair to remain useful so I use credit.. without the access to credit I would have been unable to preserve my living situation.. its still a great burden .. I owe just on credit debt about $1,200 usd a month but my only other available option was losing my home and being homeless.. in my 50's this was not anything I wanted to do..
No, it doesn't literally look like shit. What kind of fucking shits do you take?
>eww protein it looks like poopy xdd
>*sips on soylent*
Probably mutton.
prairie oysters more like it
I'm their final year of public school, all kids are given information on "FAFSA", the federal student loan program. Because they're children, they think it means free money. They end up borrowing $100,000 for a social work degree. It's fucked up. Parents usually don't know any better because they're making minimums on $20k credit card debt, $30k car debt, and a $200,000 mortgage they shouldn't have gotten
Even better if you live in a state where your home is protected in a bankruptcy scenario.
>Why would anyone go into student debt by their own volition?
Because some kids get told by their parents its fine
Because debt is a fantastic tool that allows you to access resources for utilization earlier.
Regrettably, western debt usage is being applied to consumable and depreciating bullshit like fancy cars.
WHY do Jews Jew, user-onii-san?
I try and avoid it, but sometimes you have to. I need a car to do my job and it would take me years to save up enough at my current pay. So I took out a loan, only thing I owe though and it was only a $12,000 car that I expect to last a long time.
You're basically a peon with that mindset. The only reason people are taking out loans is because they think they will earn back more than the price of the loan over time.
The Jews subverted that whole process by taxing the shit out of the loan and removing the gateways to top paying jobs straight from college.
Got it moron? Only an idiot wouldn't use someone else's money to make more for themselves. The question is how? The kike way or the white way. Now kys
keynesian economics.
I didn't have a first mortgage I bought it cash with an inheritance ... it was the property taxes i was coming up short..
so I opened a Home Equity Line of Credit ... paid the property tax and stupidly paid about 20k of high interest CC debt... that was before work slowed down.. my employer lost a major client ..
>I need a car to do my job
Get a job that doesn't require a car.
Good goy!
What if he's a plumber and needs to drive around to people's houses and stuff
You're the faggot for wanting to eat that 'mutton', nasty piece of shit.
This, debt is just a fact of life for a huge chunk of america. The next crisis is going to be felt throughout the economy. People are taking 7 year car loans, up to their eyeballs in CC debt and are one market downturn away from being upside down in their homes. Scary debt levels.
Then he should give onkine courses on plumbing until he can buy a car or borrrow some money from family.
Muslims don't allow interest on lended money. They got one thing right.
you try being homeless at 50 ... I lived rough in my 20's in California.. it was adventure and strengthened my resourcefulness as well as allowing me to be outdoors 95% of the time for a decade but your body wears out and having a comfy place with the creature comforts is worth a little extra in comparison to losing it.
Culturally the west has become pretty shit because everyone thinks they're entitled to everything including other people's personal business. I blame social media but it all started with thug culture.
umm what is public transport
Nihilism, so essentially jews.
>ewwwwwww it looks like REAL MEAT ewwwwwwwww
He uses the official car his boss gives him
Just as the delivery man gets his
Finland you need to go.
They don't have public transport in burgerland xD
This also.
>get loan to start business
>lol 1.8% interest rate because collateral
>pay back loan in 4 years because business is huge success
>pay myself way above average wage and make 18% of the amount of the loan every year on top of the wage
>now after almost 7 years about to sell business for 6x what the loan was
capitalism is great
Das right train boi
Muh dick
It looks fucking disgusting, retard. Anyone but you would agree.
Are those chicken hearts?
>Seriously wtf are those, looks tasty.
K then let me bike my plumbing tools 5 miles lmao
They're steamed hams, and yeah they look kino
Do you count Mexico as a western county we have walmart now?
The west has coddled overly opinionated retards who have no business being in the business of other people or trying to tell them what to do. It's easier for a nanny state to encourage self policing instead of trying to remedy the problems afflicting western society like lack of jobs. Have the people bring each other down until they succumb to hard drugs or end up in jail either way people end up dying sooner or becoming labor for the state.
How fucking sad that you would think normal good meat with seemingly no fat in it, pure protein, would be disgusting
No wonder your country is shit
You can't bike for 5 miles? How fat are you?
The dutch are the Americans of Europe why does this surprise you?
My country is shit? Your life is shit because you eat shit, you fucking imbecile.
Oh look it's the poorlack nigger with his disgusting food that even dogs wouldn't eat and his brainlet opinions on other countries' economies.
I doubt you can fit all your tools on a bike
Just put a compartment at the front or back of the bike? And 5 miles? Are you really that fat you cant bike 5 miles?
I've walked 3 miles uphill in 2 hours. A bike wont even take you 30 minutes.
I have a friend who is in debt all the fucking time. These are not large sums of money, but he must have the latest Samsung phone, a huge TV, huge computer screen etc. He is at least able to get a decent interest from the banks. The rest of the population here gets a $1000 for an iPhone and pays back $9500 over 5 years. If they fail to pay, they have to pay penalties and lose their homes. So people here are dumb as fuck too. Not sure of other countries around. People who do this have a salary of around $300.
seriously? u could fit whole automobile in that.
Not every asset has to move you upwards economically. Fancy cars can drive your confidence through the roof, and score you ladies looking for someone who has the power to take care of them. Enjoy your fiscal responsibility and shitty 98 honda civic, i'll be getting laid and eventually pay off my debt anyway.
I guess you just can't even stand the sight of anything non-soy based
Oh shit lol. I was thinking of like putting everything in a backpack or that tiny basket in the front of girl bikes
Bet larger bike sacks and a backpack?
I can fit a 19 inch monitor in my backpack no problem. 60L masterrace.
Wtf is this soy obsession? You read something about 'soyboys' and now you feel the need to repeat it over and over? Get lost, nerd.
Let them be in debt, but to judge others for not being like them is basically the life of marginalized peoples in America. White western culture is dead when everyone acts like they're entitled to the intracies of people they don't even personally know. Like life in the ghettos where it's semi autonomous where the state has pretty much given up on policing or providing services besides gibs.
>you try being homeless at 50 ... I lived rough in my 20's in California.. it was adventure and strengthened my resourcefulness as well as allowing me to be outdoors 95% of the time for a decade but your body wears out and having a comfy place with the creature comforts is worth a little extra in comparison to losing it.
You will have to start taking some responsibility for your sad stuation.
You are 50 years old with 20K in community college debt? Sounds like you have a lot of other problems in life.
Fact is, you can't just keep blaming "society" for all your ills. At some point--age 50, say--you will have to take control of your own life.
It's chicken stomachs
Excellent in soup
>Why are westerners going into debt just to obtain shit they can't affoard?
yeah it's definitely confusing
perhaps it's so they can...buy stuff they can't afford?
>only 12 grand for a car
I know I wouldn't. I wouldn't want any chance of increasing my test, because I don't want to be toxic.
My first car was 1000 dollars. I drove it for like 2.5 years and it died. Then I bought one for like 2000 and it drove for like 5.
I've never spent more than 5000 on a car and I've always payed it all right away
Be male, 28 years old. No debt. Feels fucking great. And no, I do not live with my parents or receive gibs.
what an absolutely soy post
Some people just have the mentality that if they have money they need to spend it. Then you give them credit and it's like they have that money already so they spend that. Plus we have a culture where everyone gets car loans instead of cheaper cars they can pay cash for.
Student debt is a little different though, if you are doing it the right way it makes sense. You will earn at least twice what you are making without a degree and pay it off. You get into trouble when you start using it to buy TVs or drop out or get some worthless meme degree.
I have beaten the system by not spending on things that are not essential.
Never take out more loans for college than your average starting salary for one year. Most people I know went into around 30k in debt. For an engineer or comp sci major or something like that you can pay that off in a year with lots to spare. If you're a sociology major making 25k a year you are forever fucked
Also great braised on a generous amount of minced onions, a bit of salt and salo
College is an experience now not an education. Luxury student apartments, luxurioue student facilities like recreation centers with lazy rivers. What does a lazy river have to do with providing an education? Because anyone can get into college and go into needless debt to do so instead of having standards in place. Standards went out the window with no child left behind when students were basically taught how to pass tests instead of knowing the subject.
Damn what fucking college has a lazy river?
Most do.
This kind of culture started with rap music of the 90's glorifying money. Millennials are brainwashed consumers that were told all their lives they're special snowflakes.
Mine doesn't :(
You should be thankful.
hmm, gotta try that one time, thank you friend from across the river :^)
I'm not actually "posavina hrvat". Btw radiš li ti išta sjeme ti jebem krvavo samo šitpostuješ po forčenima.
Otprilike koliko džigere, toliko i luka (maseno), lagana vatra i malo vode da pirja i jebe kevu koliko je dobro.
>debt is fucking stupid. Only degenerate faggots have debt
Would you save all the money required to buy a house in full, paying rent to love somewhere else while you wait?
Poland, you're the only european country anyone likes, don't fuck it up.
All slavic languages are more or less the same. Remember to join Intermarium in the future brother.
Why would you buy a house when you can buy a kit from Lowes for 70k and have a contractor put it together for you? If more people moved to cheaper places then the jobs will eventually follow.
You have to buy land too
Buy it where it's cheap.
hahaha jbg nemam sta da radim u kuci
I like Liechtenstein. What's wrong with them?
Murrica is huge. Can't you get cheap land and operate your web business from there?
In America delivery guys use their own cars dumbass. Shit like this is why yuropoors need to stay on Sup Forums
Assuming there's internet where you want to go. But if there's no electricity or plumbing already in the area it's gonna be alot more
I dont know the english name but its parts of the chicken isnt it? Very delicious. Specially with chips or rice.
Its basically chicken guts.
Andorra > Liechtenstein
They don't tax alcohol there.
That's why so many Poles moved to Andorra.
You have cell phone service don't you? That's your internet service.
I totally forgot that you don't have fiber internet literally everywhere.
Except that said "upper caste" gains sometime as much as the "lower" and for some faggot to get out of his family's house he has to contract debt.
There's also places that don't even get cell reception