Why is this shit even allowed?

Why is this shit even allowed?

She likes yuri

I thought she liked Shirabe?

From the thumbnail I thought this was a 420 blaze it thread, sorry.

Episode 7 subs

What did she mean by this?

Episode 6's subs materialized magically immediately after commie realized a competing anonsubs release was imminent, despite them claiming it would take at least another week to finish.
7 will probably play out likewise.

Commie memes.

Why does she have tape on her hair?

How much longer before these two frantically scissor on screen?

Not even the memest line.

I mean they are freaking 16, yet Shirabe singing about wanting to fuck Kirika and no one in SONG bat an eye. Genjurou or Chris at least should have made some effort to educate them properly, jesus fuck.

I wonder how Genjuuro, Ogawa, bridge bunny-chan and her girlfriend (male) think of weapons-grade gay constantly on-screen whenever those two are fighting

Pics tomorrow

>Chris constantly tells Hibiki and Miku to do that shit at home
>never says this to DMJii
I think that she has a thing for younger girls

Ignoring the songs lyrics might be part of the contract

Maybe no one bats an eye because they are 16. That shit is normal.

Does Genjuuro even know what sex is? He's too pure

They're 15 as of GX, and they were 14 in G

Teens are horny, there is no reason to be alarmed.

Chris will have to teach him someday.

>that G zesshoushinai where Kirika accidentally indirect-kisses Shirabe by using her taste test spoon
>they proceed to do it over and over while blushing
Why are they so gay?
>you will never have somebody love you like Dess and Jii love each other

I still can't quite believe this. This show is just getting more and more blatant.

But it's still not enough.

Their biological clocks are ticking away. That face there is the desire to taste the mjolnir.

I mean it's not like he isn't aware of how fucked his family tree is.

I am convinced that, at some point, Hibiki is gonna impregnate Miku by simply punching her love into her wife's uterus.

Hibiki: Justice
Tsubasa: Chariot
Chris: Lovers
Maria: Empress
Kirika: Moon
Shirabe: Sun
Debate me

I don't know much about tarot but wouldn't Hibiki be the fool

>Kirika: Moon
>Shirabe: Sun

You're almost as dumb as Kirika

Kirika actually hides her own troubles often, as seen in the whole Fine drama in G, thus aligning her more with the Moon arcana. Shirabe is always straightforward and honest with her emotions and feelings and isn't afraid to follow them no matter where it takes her, aligning her more with the Sun arcana.

>Is actually smart
>Got the most common sense among the cast
>Not a degenerate lesbian
>No daddy issue

>Yet is constantly bullied by life

Why is this allowed?

Because she refuses to eat pussy.

Because how could you look at this and NOT want to bully it intensely

>Hibiki: Fool
>Tsubasa: Death
>Chris: Strength
>Maria: Devil
>Kirika: Sun
>Shirabe: Moon

You can't have daddy issues if you don't have one.

I am sure she had a lot of daddies.


I wonder if Chris ever gets off fantasizing about Genjuuro, only to accidentally have him lapse into portugese in her head.

>and no one in SONG bat an eye
They know the girls are all dykes. It can't be helped.

Hibiki isn't gay though and doesn't love Miku.

>6 more episodes
Can they deliver? What can they do to bring the hype? I'm hope since they want to control the Lunar ruins that we're getting a fight on the moon and also with all this focus on ignite can it finally get an original song.

I expect S4 will end on a cliffhanger that leads directly into S5 rather than resolving every plot element itself. The fact that they announced them together reeks of split cours rather than two standalone seasons, and they've set up a conflict between the alchemists and Adam that would definitely feel rushed if it were resolved in only half the remaining season alongside the main cast's screentime.

I have a feeling you'd be saying that even if the series ends with Miku and Hibiki literally getting married.

After her childhood in Val Verde and her time with Fine I am sure Chris is no longer capable of pleasuring herself.

Doesn't mean she can't try.

>they've set up a conflict between the alchemists and Adam that would definitely feel rushed if it were resolved in only half the remaining season alongside the main cast's screentime.
I think the alchemist plot is going to get resolved this season. Adam seems to be here to set up the Custodians for next season, not to be the last boss.

They are only doing it for tax reasons user you need to take off the goggles

Nip fags can't even officially marry. They are adopted into each others families and become step-siblings.
There are no tax benefits from that.

They could easily travel to another country where it is legal. Japan recognizes legal same sex marriages performed overseas.

She needs an electrified dildo in every hole to get off.

Do the tear ducts count as holes?

I doubt she got dicked in the tearducts in Val Verde, but sure.

Oh I'm sure they tried to tear some ducts alright.

Post XD transformations.

Will Maria make Tsubasa weak in the knees again now that she has gotten her confidence back? While I approve of the Swordwing's increasingly husky voice, there's no point if they don't occasionally show her feminine side. She hasn't blushed a single time so far this season.


I hope so. Blushing Tsubasa is adorable.