This man right here is a HERO
But I guess you're all more interested in your "right" to shoot innocent children in the back...
This man right here is a HERO
But I guess you're all more interested in your "right" to shoot innocent children in the back...
this will work, why didn't you think of it sooner
I did my part already m8. I'll do it again now too.
>shoot people in the back
We're not niggers we don't waste bullets
he cut up prop weapon. sage and gay
Does that mean he can't trust himself with a gun?
Gun restrictions when passed work in other countries.
Make it a prion worthy CRIME to even own these death machines.
Will it work at first? No. But it soon will when some gangbanger or whatever is on his 5th prison stretch
Fuck that boomer faggot
Good goyim ! destroy these ebil guns ! remove your means of self defense and let criminals roam around freely, without anyone to stop them.
They are evil though. This is not a controversial opinion.
What was that user?
Sounded like your argument was getting destroyed.
Weak bait, OP
Shame on you
Reminder that russiacucks are the most active group on Sup Forums
They're inanimate objects. How mentally ill are you?
How is that going to help anything?
So was he experiencing homicidal tendencies and decided to destroy his own weapon to prevent himself from massacring the next school or what?
Fucking virtue signaling cocksucker.
Umm, no sweetie.
>going to work everyday and getting taxed out the ass so you can spend what's left on objects you inevitably destroy just to virtue signal
What a cuck.
>Gun restrictions when passed work in other countries.
Didn't work in China
>Gun restrictions when passed work in other countries.
or the UK
Man has a right to do with his own property what he wills, barring infringing upon another's rights.
This means nothing.
He will regret his idiotic destruction of something that could have saved him and his family.
People are reading "Culture of Critique"
People are reading "Culture of Critique"
People are reading "Culture of Critique"
People are reading "Culture of Critique"
Yes, because "other countries" were mostly white.
>whites give up their guns
>then soros & co flood europe with niggers
>niggers now don't have easy (or at least not as easy) access to guns, hence no big shootings in europe
Gun restrictions absolutely will significantly lower gun crime in the US, with the caveat that you also need to kick out / kill all niggers and mexicans.
op, surely you don't think all your gunowning fellow man are child murderers? and why shoot anything in the back? that's cowardly
>Gun restrictions when passed work in other countries.
or Cambodia
More people owned guns back when school shootings didn't happen. Maybe guns aren't the root of the problem?
Let's not waste time, even if I believed that I wouldn't care. Retaining one's rights is more important than being safe.
Time and time again people compare the United States to other countries. They bring up Japan and Australia, and even people on here respond, "But homogenous society blah blah". That's not it. Those two countries are essentially Islands to themselves, that import most things. Of course you can easily control guns, when you control everything you import. The United States, doesn't import guns. The guns are already here. You cannot compare these types of countries. They don't have Mexico and South America as neighbors.
>Gun restrictions when passed work in other countries.
or Mexico
Correcting them in their native language = priceless
I'd be more interested in my right to shoot faggots like you into their faces.
It doesn't work anywhere, come on. The point is to prevent school shootings because some edgy kid hates his classmates. That can be fixed by a law, but nignogs will be nignogs.
>Gun restrictions when passed work in other countries.
or Australia
How is this guy a hero? He is mentally stable compared to that cretin of a mutt thats been brainwashed by the cia.
Your "Hero" will never have the idea of going to a school and shooting it up. But you know what will happen to your hero? (((They))) will probably lock him up because some nigger assaulted his wife and he tried to defend her.
Please crawl back under the rock you came from.
Mexico has banned guns. Look how peaceful it is there!
To be fair, the regime that banned the guns was different from the one that killed a quarter of the population BUT the killers were skinny young people with little to no training who could have been easily resisted with an armed populace. I'd also add that the intellectual leaders of these killers had been trained at elite universities in the West - the same ideologues who are trying to radically alter our societies today.
>liberals think real people are actually as stupid as them
>Gun restrictions when passed work in other countries.
or Brazil. faggot
>the regime that banned the guns was different from the one that killed a quarter of the population
kikeinspired slantyeyes vs kiketrained slantyeyes. why is this relevant.
A true American hero
Thanks Fritz at least you understand.
Boomer faggot creates illegally gained NFA item. What a hero
I mean this is retarded, destroy your own guns wont help anything. Or i mean it will help the next gunman killing more since no one then can defend theirself.
>My name is Scott Pappalardo. Please rob my house, rape my wife and kill me.
Well the Khmer Rogue (killer regime) killed pretty much everyone who had been associated with the previous regime. And the previous regime had been trying to stay neutral between the US and the communists. So if anything it's a lesson on how "good people" might try to take away our guns "for the right reasons" but leave us defenseless to future threats.
Spoken like a true retard
>muh mass shootings
Parents need to discipline their children right this wasnt a problem 30 years ago
>muh guns kill
No niggers and degenerates kill see pic related. Niggers have killed more people with guns in the last year than all the white mass shooters in the last 20 years.
Thats not an AR-15 rifle. Looks more like an m-16 from Vietnam war.
haha, that fat fuck oliver
look at the shit may mays on the wall behind him
delet this, Juan
>40 million niggers
>60 million spics
But disarm yourself, fellow whites
virtue signaling makes you a hero now?
He's a hero that is going to go to federal prison
When he cut that rifle through the barrel and not the receiver, he did not disarm the rifle, he turned it into an illegal SBR
He committed a federal crime, and 15 million people have seen it.
There have been multiple threads on /k/ of people reporting him to the ATF
Good fucking riddance.
Thats because liberals dont know what a gun is or how it works.
Gif very fucking related
Wrong, it's a colt SP-1.
And the AR-15 "predates" the m16, as the original design was called the AR-15.
All of you retards are wrong, the correct idea is to restrict guns heavily in city areas down to only owning handguns, while letting them loose in rural areas
This should be mandatory reading for everyone in the west
Why ban guns or make them illegal?
Just Ban Murder and make it a crime, then no one will shoot anyone and you dont have to take the guns
>This man right here is a HERO
>Open dust cover
Surely he was a true and experienced gun owner
>getting rid of your means of self-defense
But yeah, destroying your weapon even though you have no intention of killing any innocents will surely stop criminals. Fucking hell
Holy shit thats amazing
Probably from checking the chamber you ape
Obama leaf why do you come here and get btfo every time? It can't be good for your mental health
Nigga wtf lmaoo
lel I hope more people do this
He destroyed his rifle because he is a closet murderer. Normal people don't have an AR-15 and think I could totally shoot up a school now. If this guy is saying him owning one is part of the problem then he is a psychopath.
Is this shit real?
>muh AR-15
I thought you americlaps had millions of all kinds of guns, why the fuck are you so obsessed with this meme shit?
They're cheap and modular.
cause they look scary
nice memeflag kike.
Faggot. You forgot to add that it only works in first world countries with a distinct lack of niggers and spics.
>12,000 deaths
Some of which are suicides, they'd find other ways to kill themselves. Also, the flu has killed 84 kids and 40,000 people this year so let's ban viruses
didn't this actually happen in australia and probably elsewhere? it's the "muh guns" rednecks that'll be hardest to convince anyways
how is a law abiding citizen destroying his personal property going to prevent criminals from shooting people? there is no logic to any anti gun argument, only appeals to emotion which is why if you want to live in a country with strict gun control you should move to mexico. oh wait...
So when are we gonna ban hammers and fists and sbovels an shiiieettt, since they kill more people every year than "muh gunz"? OP your a faggot
A hammer is a tool for fixing things
A gun is made SPECIFICALLY for killing
Gee, I wonder if there's a difference?
but you can use a gun as a hammer
can you use a hammer as a gun? checkmate.
What the fuck,this is like one of those bad reload animatiions
Yep, sure is. Done by one of their “expert” correspondents.
I swear to god, it's like reality is just a parody now.
Like if Ashton Kutcher jumped out and was like "DUDE LMAO IT'S ALL BEEN A JOKE!!! YOU JUST GOT PUNKED!!!!" I seriously wouldn't even be surprised at this point, this shit is just getting so stupid it's unbelievable.
Like, I can't fucking take anything seriously anymore.
How much did the CIAniggers pay him to make that video?
oh wow. there's no way they put that on the air and presented it as fact... goddamnit they put that on the air and presented it as fact, didn't they?
friendly reminder that if civil war were to ever break out, media outlets such as cnn are indeed legitimate military targets and, in all honesty, should probably be targeted first.