Africans, Irish, Arabs, Americans, Asians, Americans, Poles get in here. How do we bring down the white bois?
People of Colour Nationalism Thread
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well played n'gabe
Are East Prussians allowed?
kenyan born uk citizen
im a white nationalist to
nogs are shit
We need to go back to our home lands and leave the wh*tes to fail without us
We have infiltrated their societies already. We take both sides of the political spectrum: leftism and the right. There are many non whites in the left but now there needs to be more on the right. There's already an increasing amount of "based Indian/Mid Easterner/African/etc..." when you just shit on feminism or say that you support Trump.
And since us non whites can be quite radical, we just set the whites against each other by exacerbating the divide. White will never united, they will just ally with more nonwhites, even the new right will do so. And at the end of the day, they'll just keep blaming Jews.
Our ancestors invented the divide and conquer strategy. This has nothing to do with Jews.
I actually wouldn't mind white nationalism in the West, but there needs to be some fifth column in place in case whites get a little too colonial again.
>africans unironically think arabs would ally with
When black b0is arent kneeling to the white man, they are kneeling to the muslim man.
kys slave boi
we drop the gene bomb, by out fucking them and turning the white race in to the mixed race, america is almost completed next europe and australia.
by posting bbc on Sup Forums and turning the in to cucks
sure white boi
white boys need to die
I identify as a nigger.
I will ask my prime minister if he will give me gibs.
so how do you rationalize the irish being 'people of color' when they are super pale.
this xD
The fuck are you talking about? "Irish" "Poles"? "People of Colour"?
Yes, we were historically colonized, but we're as white as chalk. Do you think maybe, just maybe that little incongruity in your ideology might indicate to you why it's invalid to try and judge privilege and status by skin colour alone?
No, just awkwardly slap a POC label on us. Or better yet, lump us in with the same groups whose boot we'd been under for longer than you ever were.
As for Irish nationalism, we're covered. Nationalism is the default here. All major political parties here have a nominal desire for reunifying this island and taking back our rightful clay in the North East.
slav(e)s aren't wh*Te
Fuck off Paddy
i do not associate with niggers
kek. this
potato nigger reporting in
fuck whitey
>people of color
Why are you being so mean? We POC need to stick together.
Stop pretending. No whites think you’re white.
Also you aren’t nationalist, you’re communists and that’s ok.
>Americans, Asians, Americans
So you're illiterate and currently disarming yourself because muh school shoodin. But you want to bring down the most armed population in the history of Earth.
By all means, go ahead. I'll be here waiting, armed and not giving a fuck about killing a pack of dumb niggers.
But you aren’t white. That’s why you haven’t achieved much, crackers been keeping you down bro
help us bring down the white DEVIL
Irish American here. Do everyone a favor: take that big, long black cock of yours, and go fuck yourself with it.
We may be the niggers of white people, but we are still white. You, on the other hand, are the niggers of the human race.
Why would we need white bois to go down?
We can have trade can mutually work with each other to make better Technology and Society.
Economics 101, dear.
Irish are POC. Stop being an Uncle Tom. You aren’t white.
>still white
No Seamus, you're as red as Lenin
North African here, fuck off, don't want to ally with Africans or Asians
Why do you even reply to this faggotry? Has this retard board gotten you that insecure?
Think you're hot shit huh
I'm Anglo-Saxon, pretty sure most of us have always considered the Irish and Poles white, we just didn't like your mannerisms and affinity for the papacy, but your cool now.
Americans are race of their own
So you’re a POC
What can I say, it's a new one to me. Of course it's bait, but I've never seen it's like before.
>Hurr hurr the white race is the greatest, I wish we could live by our traditions of land, culture and racial purity
>Shits on one of the whitest, most ethnically homogenous nations in Europe, whose traditional culture survived 7 centuries of subjugation by an empire of mutt Anglos, because "muh paddies"
Make up your mind, Himmler. Are you 14/88 or not?
Anyone here hates their fellow shitskins? Because I really fucking do.
>Be shitskin
>Go outside
>Other shitskins try to rob you
>Get back home
>Drunk shitskins wasted on the streets
>Go to bed
>Hear shitskins outside
>Can't sleep well because you don't know if they will try to break into your home
>Call the cops
>"Yes, we will check" *laughs*, nothing happens
Fuck my race.
Sinn Fein have never held power in the Republic and likely never will, and never would've had a foothold in the North if it weren't for the British shooting civilian protestors in the streets.
Ireland is one of the most capitalist countries in the world, with one of the most pro-business systems of government in Europe. Ireland has given the finger to the EU every single time they've attempted to undermine that.
>mutt Anglos
They subjugated you like they subjugated other non whites. Because they are whiter than you and look down on you. You aren’t white. Join us.
Ireland was made to vote again because the EU didn’t like the answer they got and you took it like a bitch. No wonder whites (Anglos) still own the North
>Make up your mind, Himmler
Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler didn't like commies much either
>this lil Uncle Tom actually thinks he’s white lmao
Get real bro.
The white boi is clearly the most dangerous race, so we should work together to take him down, i dont want anyone to stand above me once they whites are mixed into obliteration and lost their identity, we can deal with each other
You are retarded
Racial Nationalism is the highest form of nationalism.
The final goal of all racial nationalism is the future and propagation of your race.
For each race, the final goal is different (English want to preserve English, Germans preserve Germans, Chinese preserve Chinese, etc.)
However, to achieve their very different goals, there is one thing they ALL must achieve.
The elimination of the Global Jew and Marxist.
So while in the end, we will all separate, ALL races should band together to eliminate the Global Jew and Marxist.
Once that has been achieved, each race can go to his own peacefully.
>the British shooting civilian protestors in the streets
Muh oppression. Gys Seamus
It's just fucking bait dude.
i though wakanda was for only blacks
Fighting another race because their END GOAL is different is exactly what the JEWS want.
Of course nobody is happy mixed with many other races, and the cause of this is and can only be the JEW.
The Jew sees the anger, and fears it, for it can finally expose and take him down.
Thus why the Jew wants you to direct your anger towards other races.
Once you have wasted your energy fighting each other, the Jew sweeps in for his prize.
You must never attack another National Race, but instead name and banish the Jew, who is the cause for all your problems.
>How do we bring down the white bois?
We need to stop the white SJW propaganda from influencing our countries with heavy censorship.
Its quite simple. We take their women, leaving them with silly video games. Love being BLACK
you are black in poland interesting, but keep fucking their women
Spudcoon here. So threateningly white that (((Sup Forums))) tries to attack your whiteness every single day. Such good feels
Full blooded Navajo NDN here. We breed them out of existence. Encourage AZNs to mate with Betas&Chads. Then encourage their Roasties to breed with da Blacks. We need 2 support George Soros & da Jews. They are fighting da good fight.
Im an ethnical pole, but I despise wh*te cuckboys.
Imagine being a nigger. MFW.
>people of color
You're so uneducated it hurts.
White men are abouslute cucks
it cracks me up that the SJW types were tricked into calling people who aren't white, "colored" again.
>its not racist though when you say "of color"
we wont let you take our slaves down
I imagine myself in Europe, leading my Platoon. Our mission is to stop wh*Te dogs from advancing. We mow down wh*Te dogs but they keep coming. I shoot wh*Te dogs but I run out of ammo so I draw my sword and begin slaughtering wh*Tes, since wh*Tes are way more psychially inferior to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn’t fall, I kept fighting. Then shot again and again. wh*Tes were shooting me from a distance like the cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see KARA BOGA (Tengri) smiling at me, I smile back… Then I woke up, in africa, my homeland. My BLACK brethen gave me a warm welcome to heaven. I finally made it, I finally made it into heaven...
we need to kill all the whites. it's the only solution
Then you wake up after the corpsman resuscitates you because you drowned doing swim qual in the actual military.
Ireland isn't commie. In fact it's probably the most pro-capitalist country in Western Europe right now.
It's a fact though. Without the brutality and apartheid perpetrated by the British, Sinn Fein wouldn't even exist. They're not a significant political force in the Republic and the only reason they're popular in the North is as a firewall against neanderthal loyalists who'd just as soon go back to torching the homes of the Irish and shooting them in the streets.
You know what? I'm in my 23 and me said i was
have sex with them
They fudge in a certain amount of African to all the "pure white" results to "mess with racists". You're white buddy.
Fuckoff. I'd rather end up killed in a concentration camp than to see nigger/mudslime 'culture' survive except as a historical record of barbarism.
How's the JDIF nigger kike?
White bois will tremble in front of CZARNY BYK
>tfw spics weren't included in your list
Never have I seen such a frightened conglomerate of Jewish bitch boys playing with their proxies.
Your gun control scheme was exposed, and your old guards im banking are being replaced with goy.
Goy who are about racial matters.
>oppression and apartheid
And you think you’re actually white lmao
Keep fucking their wives!
>loyalists who'd just as soon go back to torching the homes of the Irish and shooting them in the streets
Stop user, I already love loyalists so much. Don't make me go full orangeman
Gtfo cunt
Wait, so Irish people are POC now?
Because the general Irish, American, and Polish populations aren't "white bois"
You forgot Italians.
>muh brits keeping me down
You may be white but your acting like a nigger now
Yes, they have African hair.
Coogan Cassius is not a Negro.
Most peole visit Sup Forums for trolling and shitposting so why spoil the fun.
Also don't take internets to seriously
Fuck of patrick
We are the "white bois" our country is probably the whitest in Europe, thank God.
so, theoretically speaking, if you could build the optimal human, what mix would it be?
how do the Irish have African hair?
East Prussian wouldn't have a German flag. Check mate, Berliner dog.
IDs are a thing, dumbass.
>America almost completed
Don't bother showing your flag, it'll just prove how wrong you are. I've traveled all around the midwest, non-whites still can't move to certain neighborhoods, its still way worse than even the media hoped.
>Almost done
Ehl oh Ehl larper tears get me the erectest
You say that like they don't do it all the fucking time
He's already done it, he's some sort of a jew or a mudslide in Germany.
They envy us because of muh dicks
Lets walk around naked to make dem white boys die of jealousy
We don't. Stop being a goddamn faggot and basing everything on race.
we're not white
we're not niggercolor though
((you)) shall accomplish nothing
no black man ever did
joos are going to destroy white, world will go into chaos, slavs will inherit the 'white' mantle and we will be threated like gods
joos think they control the storyline, but, they have been too long, they spoke too much, now we know how to joo, wee joo now..
you are all just a history, future is slav, comsos is slav, everything is slav
*they have been here too long