Donald Trump has been an absolutely humiliating president. Now than ever before people scoff and laugh at the sight of the stars and stripes, we and our president are mocked constantly around the globe. We're no longer a country, we're a meme. How do we ever recover? How can we fix this?
A disaster
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Sageriffic sage thread for slidesz
Far more laugh at us for the faggot worship going on and the fall into leftist social policy hell.
Fake and gay, faggot.
Nope. Not even debatable, he's been a great prez.
Don't forget to sage this faggot
I'm not saying he wasn't a better option, just trying to figure out how we recover from this... He is the absolute worst president image wise and diplomatically we've ever had
He was born in America so at least he will go down as legally president.
>How do we ever recover? How can we fix this?
Oh, my little snowflake! Do not panic! Here, sip this kale smoothie.
Fellow Sage Person Here.
We're on the same level as kim jong un when it comes to meme leaders
Trumpets are too fucking stupid to understand the concept of soft power, diplomacy, and influence
Drumpf and his idiotic HURRRRR AMERIGA FIRST WE DA BEST WE DON'T NEED NO COMPROMISE HURRR WHY R WE SPENDING MONIES OVERSEAS REEE has already damage USA's reputation all across the world. He's pretty much given Asia to China, and Yurop to Germany, with his isolationism policies
Of course, your average trumptard will dismiss this as HURR BASED DRUMPF DON'T NEED TO ALLIES without realizing that the concept of Pax Americana is what has kept the US at the top of the world all these years, and that HURR MURIGA GONNA BOMB THE SHIT OUTTA THEM works far less effectively than diplomacy and influence. The damage to their reputation will probably be impossible to overcome. Career diplomats are leaving in droves. Embassies are empty.
His own govt is telling the world to ignore his words
of course its the WaPo so its muh fake news Drumpf is a beautiful strong prez that don't need no allies
Fucking treason.
>employment huge
>unemployment low
>world peace, but enemies know we aren’t pushover faggots right now
>dollar strong as fuck
>fed interest rates rising
>every single leftist in suicide watch
Seems like Pax Americana to me, fucko.
>absolutely humiliating
>He is the absolute worst president image wise and diplomatically we've ever had
This point still stands, Europe is in a hands of Germany now, we're losing all influence in Asia, and Russia is assuming diplomatic control of the Middle East.
>presidents have never been mocked before
Confirmed for being too young to remember literally every presidency before obama
My favourite part of shills is that they’re leftists and ALWAYS project their desire for social acceptances, so when I hear shills telling me an idea is being laughed at by this or that group, I can think help but laugh and realize how mentally different leftists truly are and how no matter how hard they try they can never truly mimic conservative ideas because of it.
Tl;dr: The shill’s shilling betrays the shills.
go back to licking Trudeau's balls
>implying I want the us to have some kind of global influence
Taking on tha burden of global hegemony since 1945 was the worst thing we could have done, it’s not in our character to do
yet Trudeau literally got a deal done by simply not showing up to a meeting. They literally caved to his demands
Meanwhile, muh art of da deal prez spends 90% of his time whining about muh unfair deals with ameriga, muh world laughing at us, gets absolutely fuck all done because he is too fucking retarded to have a concept of diplomacy, hands Asia to the chinamen and Yurop to the Germans on a silver plate, complains more, tweets a few more complaints about how he dindu nuffin, and here you imbeciles think "y-yeah he;s doing great"
Pace yourself
7 more years
It's not about being accepted, it's about maintaining international influence you retard. Two related but different things.
>not realizing the US is a superpower because of its influence
Imbecile, inbred, low education, moron Americans aka "Trump supporters" everyone
welcome to the new monarchy fag.
If we don't the Chinese communist party will, which will be much worse than "muh tax payer dollars in foreign countries"
Sure sure little guy. Keep fighting for that popularity! It’ll shoot you to the stars I bet!
Trump supporters are literally retarded
Just like Trudeau!
This is a whole new thing, his policies, stances, and actions aren't the joke, he is and we are.
sage faggot
It did at one point
Trudeau actually gets shit done tho
Trump whines, complains, comes out empty handed, but at least he was shiposting irl so that's good enough amirite
>I'll post a may-may pic, that'll show him
meanwhile in the real world
At least do it somewhere else
Trump is a joke and so are you
Slovenia is a meme country
oh you :)
epic gif bro, you sure showed me
say the line
And we will still be immensely powerful and the Chinese or anyone else crosses us or our interests we’ll destroy them
Except you're wrong. When Obama visited China, he had to exit airforce one from the cargo compartment. When Trump did there was a big red carpet ceremony. Obama wasn't respected internationally. Especially by big players like China and Russia.
Do you think the president is a popularity contest? Do you have the mentality of a 15 year old girl?
Who gives a fuck? Will the popular countries not eat lunch with us?
What does Trudeau get done? If you mean turning Canada into a laughing stock and wasting money, then sure. Only people that live in Southern Ontario and Vancouver like Trudeau.
Just the opposite vibe I've been getting and his approval went up more but I'm not a shill
Just a couple eurofag leaders we laugh at ourselves don't like us? Oh noooooo
They're only sucking up to us so that Trump continues not to challenge their growing influence. Once they no longer need to feign respect we'll be the ones forced to start sucking up to them.
This post proves democracy was a mistake and we need a new Hitler.
Fucking moronic popularity contest every 4 years controlled by the media completely.
No leftie actually thinks our country is going downhill
The Euros don't like us, and everyone else thinks we're a joke. Every country from Russia to the Philippines laughs about us.
Ignore trumps joke tweets not his diplomacy or foreign policy you fucking brainlet. jesus christ you leafs take the cake for being water heads.
It's retarded you fail to understand that the international geopolitical landscape is more complicated than a high school cafeteria.
but no
Imagen thinking like a woman that what others think about you matters. fuck them they are not us you tard fag.
A new low for almost every country in almost 2 decades
your negrified shithole has always been a joke to us, tyrone. it doesn't matter what zionist puppet you elected.
go back to your mainstream media
Jews are really butthurt about Trump. Trump isn’t as easily controlled as past shabbos goy.
>giving power to Germany
>ww3 when
But hey at least our approval rating from Israel is one of the highest.
Yes, Trump has humiliated the Left like none before him.
The next 7 years are going to be even more awesome.
Same org with 1% winning trump.
>newz sez we r smart! stop u disagreeing with us!
>thinks the world is laughing at us because of President Trump and not this
What kinda fag nation cares what weak fags in the EU think? Once we rid our lands of the niggers the USA will be on top again. MAGA MAWA
At least Israel loves us, right?
I don't care if Israel likes us or hates us.
Trump is a civic nationalist, he'll never help you with that, and he's making a fool out of us.
thanks for proving that the vast majority of the planet has never liked your retarded nation. now we just like you slightly less.
you have been a meme for far longer than Trump has been president, my amerimutt friend.
>10% and 20% drops within 1 year are slightly less
I thought the fins were smarter than this.
Your country was a meme from it's inception
>Soft power, diplomacy, and influence
All of which are completely bypassed by some tweets, some honesty, and in the worst cases, a fucking gun. And that frustrates people like you, doesn't it?
Knowing that for all the work that influence, politics, and soft power requires, all that time invested... It can all collapse to a tweet. Or, a piece of metal in the hands of a guy that doesn't buy into the bullshit that is only allowing that soft power to exist because he doesn't want to hurt his own countrymen? The people that call your bullshit when you say guns sprout legs and malicious intent, then walk to a school and shoot kids, when in reality your own enforcers of already on-the-books laws completely fucked up in trying to exercise their soft power (or worse, allowed it to happen on purpose)?
Guess what America is never giving up? That's right, you undermining, brainwashed shithead, our assholism, our guns, and the bliss in seeing you seethe and bitch over those facts- all while we don't do a damn thing to actually hurt you, and you just drive yourself nuts and shorten your own lifespan with impotent rage. Get over it.
I dont care what will happen to US, you are just a tool in hands of a jew.
Shills in full panic mode.
You guys tired of winning yet?
The worst is yet to come.
> The first samoan american potus: Dwane Jhonson.
> First African American Madam President Oprah
Its scary that moral and civic values has totally gone to shit there that now tv personalities are strong advocates for presidential elections
am a Trump supporter, but the future do seems grey honestly.
The most powerful nation in the world at the time, Germany lost WW1 because they lost the battle of "Soft power, Diplomacy, and Influence" there comes a point where words and agreements triumph over blood and steel.
Everytime a liberal lies about trump i eat a nigger
So hows your family life, inferiorboy?
Haha. You know how i know youre poor, inferiorboy?
>cares what other countries think about the U.S.A.
whew lad, you had me goin' there for a moment. I almost thought you were serious.
I'm not...? I'm upper middle class. Are you an autist?
Americans still fail to realise that it is the American left that is a meme and the laughing stock of the globe?
I've already repeatedly stated why this was important repeatedly and no one has given me a valid argument, if you have one, then put it up.
It's specifically Trump, bush was doing fine until the wars in the middle east, and obama did absolutely fine with this specifically. When Trump came in though, we had a straight up 10%-20% drop in almost every country especially with our long time allies.
>washington post
Nothing they say about Trump can be taken seriously, they no longer report news, they only report how much they hate whatever Trump has done or said that day.
As someone who is neither pro or anti Trump im not laughing at america because of Trump, im laughing at the absolute liberal lunacy going on right now.