My school, The Cuckiversity of Akron, has this stupid fucking Rethinking Race week every year during nigger month. Just received an email asking me to fill out a survey on Rethinking Race that includes the following questions/comment sections.
>Describe significant things you learned about key issues in race relations
>What did you learn about race and diversity?
>In what ways did the event help you become more informed about differences in people, culture and ideas?
>What effects do attitudes towards race have on society?
Rethinking Race week at my school
Other urls found in this thread:
2 repeating numbers picks response to a question.
i'll do your HW for you, and because i'm in a good mood today, i'll give you politically correct answers.
>Describe significant things you learned about key issues in race relations
We should respect the universal human right to freedom of association as well as the universal biological in-group preference present in all living things.
>What did you learn about race and diversity?
I learned that race is a social construct, and for a multi-racial society to function, we must treat people as individuals rather than as generic stereotypes. Therefore we should not be promoting diversity, since it is making a value judgement favoring one race over another.
>In what ways did the event help you become more informed about differences in people, culture and ideas?
I learned that nations have a right to maintain their culture, and such a nation has a right to place any arbitrary legal constraint on immigration. Multi-cultural societies cannot function because some cultures are incompatible, and this usually results in ethnic tensions that lead to balkanization or genocide.
>What effects do attitudes towards race have on society?
People should not care about race. We should try our best to see past a person's outward appearance and look at their character. A society that is obsessed with race will eventually become racist.
Daily reminder that race is used by kikes to divide and conquer.
I like those responses. I would have just went full 1488 had I have put my own answers.
Oh God user. Your university is cucked hard. I would have just fucking trolled them and go full MAGA on it.
knock yourself out
post responses though if you take it.
>>Describe significant things you learned about key issues in race relations
That Lincoln should have exercise the export plan.
>>What did you learn about race and diversity?
Multiculturalism doesn't work.
>>In what ways did the event help you become more informed about differences in people, culture and ideas?
That we're incompatible as exo-groups, but can function well with in-groups.
>>What effects do attitudes towards race have on society?
Deconstruction as a natural course of events of evolutionary biology.
Go zips.
Fug niggers
In all fields
>>What did you learn about race and diversity?
The Neanderthals should have defended their homeland better.
Kinda racist innit? I thought we were all the same?
Reminder that russian shills want to elicit hatred and fear from you using race,sex,etc
Yo OP, go to the rec, then go to the library, then go to Robs. that RR shit is just that, RR at the student union. pass through the student union to go to rec, then go to the library, then go to Robs. Also, I got a free ticket to China at one of those speeches but you probably won't because I'm a legend...n shiiiit
Do not reply.
OP. whats your major... maybe I'll hire you (intern) , email me at
>[email protected]
>gets free stuff
I know how jews work with giving away gibs. I wouldn't go to anything on RR. I'm not a fucking cuck.
Well fuck your RA then
>Describe significant things you learned about key issues in race relations
I learned that I will be continually bombarded by issues in race relations unless I love in a nearly monogamous ethnostate
>What did you learn about race and diversity?
I learned that it must continuously be taught as a boon, otherwise who knows what bad thoughts would occur naturally.
>In what ways did the event help you become more informed about differences in people, culture and ideas?
I started frequenting other people with wrongthink seeking other viewpoints on the issue.
>What effects do attitudes towards race have on society?
The attitude that diversity must be accepted made me waste my time with this garbage instead of doing something productive. Allah damn you all,
Op I'm in gojo plaza rn hello. Go to odd corner and have the guy behind the counter take the survey.
Not near University right now. School closed today for President's Day observance, even though that was yesterday.
Can you take it user? Or is it for cred? Otherwise tell the truth, won't matter, either way the left will disregard what they can't masturbate to.
its not for credit, just recieved it in an email. I filled it out.
The will of our Frog-God...
The party never stops on Sup Forums
This, SPBP
>In group preferences
But what if I'm black and enjoy fucking White girls?
You hang first
Op here. I've filled it out a couple times now under differing IPs. My lastest,
>What did you learn about race and diversity?
Whites are the only humans. Take niggers(sub-human apelike species) for example, like other shitskins, they have an average IQ lower than whites. Niggers IQ is borderline retardation level, hence why they are under represented in STEM fields. Niggers have invented nothing on their own. 6,000 years they were alone in Africa, yet never once built a ship, a road, written language, weaved cloth, a calendar, a system of measurement, or even the wheel. The list goes on and on. Whites (actual humans) have invented 99% of the world's great inventions. White males specifically have invented electricity, antibiotics and modern medicine, toilets and water treatment, the printing press, the internet, the automobile, microscopes, satellite and GPS, skyscrapers, refrigeration, photography, rockets, plastics, WIFI, transistors and computers, etc, etc, etc. Whites, and more specifically white men, are gods on Earth. Whites have given us everything that the shitskins take for granted everyday while claiming to be oppressed. All that this diversity bullshit has done is push me from being a civic nationalist libertarian to being a full on white supremacist. I'm ready for the Third Reich to return and put and end to all of this "diversity" jewish propaganda being shoved down our throat everyday, and for the shitskins to be sent back to their shitholes. My white family has existed in this country, MY country, MY home, since the early 1700s. Watching it being invaded by worthless subhumans only pushes me to redpill other whites on what is really happening. We must secure the existence of our race and a future for white children! FUCK RETHINKING RACE! FUCK DIVERSITY! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOME NOW!
>I've filled it out a couple times now under differing IPs
Wait, there's no login or anything?
no I posted the link up top,
Following through
user i go here too. Did you do the sex assault one? What gender did you pick?
I just sent mine
I didn't do sex assault one. I always pick male. Any sarcastic answer will be met from them with sincerity.
>My gender is unicorn
How brave of you.
Nigger youre dumb.
You can only take that survey when your logged in with you zipID
You think that trash is anonymous?
Wtf are you talking about, you don't need a zip ID faggot.
No login required
Since theres another thread about my school, check THIS shit out.
Never seen more of a non story in my life.
There was an article in the Akron Beacon Journal about that stupid interracial dating panel, I am so sick of this Rethinking Race bullshit. Fuck this gay ass month and this gay ass university.
You clicked the link in your email
I just clicked the link op posted, behind a VPN, it opened right up.
What's your end game? We're not retarded faggot. It's easy to see there's not a login required. Please fuck off now.
The University president is in an interracial marriage, so that's no surprise.
There's a lot of Akron bros in here.
I'm glad I'm not alone. But then again I wouldn't care if I was either.
Hey, why is Olin so full of cucked propaganda? What is it about English that's so full of soy?
this isn't going to sway anyone OP. Only reinforce their efforts. You're doing it wrong.
>Daily reminder that race is used by kikes to divide and conquer.
It's also an extremely important aspect of human genetics.
Shit shit my bad
Didnt see there was link
Usually when they do qualtrics surveys students need to be logged in
>will reinforce efforts
Then it will only push them more left; and thus, push normies more right.
No worries bro, it's nice knowing there's others on campus. We aren't alone, not by a long shot.
I just filled it out, no ID required. IS THIS WHY WE NEED VOTER ID?
Yeah, ok autist. Keep dreaming
Is this the same user that posted pic related a couple weeks ago?
Then we hang the whores next to you
Glad they left it blank. I doubt they would have asexual dolphin on the list
It is me indeed.
your responses were?
you're most likely just a mutt with identity issues caused by jewish cultural propganda. First generation African immigrants are extremely ethnocentric, in fact they are the most ethnocentric of any immigrant group.
"Racial endogamy is significantly stronger among recent immigrants.[46] This result holds for all racial groups, with the strongest endogamy found among immigrants of African descent.[46]"
It's like trying to teach calculus to a dog. Niggers can't understand logic and evidence. They only know "Gibs me dat for free".
Nope. Second generation Caribbean black. Dark skin, wide nose, high muscle mass, above average dick, the works. Also have a degree in computer engineering as a bonus.
White girls just have less hangups than black girls. I'll mostly likely end up with a black woman once I'm done being degenerate.
No shame bump
>look at me I'm spook posting
>degree in comp engineering
Nice try kike. At least make up a believable lie.
Akron alum here, I cant describe the level of fury i felt every year during this shit. Just do your work and ignore the bullshit. No need to show your powerlevel too much. Go zips.
Class of 2014 here so i may be wrong, but isnt anthro in olin too? Anthro as a field is beyond cucked
I feel like "hiding my power level" is a step before wrongthink. It's self policing, not expressing what I actually think. The kikes have us censoring ourselves. I know there is consequences to speaking your mind if it doesn't fit the narrative, but at what point does it become not worth it?
You hear about that kid that shot himself in jackson today?
Why would i lie? I don't need to impress autists on a Norwegian basket weaving board.
How are these kids getting these guns anyways? I have a fuck ton of guns and no kids, but if I did, I would keep them locked up in a safe. Parents are retarded. Also, the only thing they can do to stop this is metal detectors at every school and a policy to lock the doors to where you need buzzed in after morning bell rings. The only reason this kind of stuff happens now is because of societal degradation due to jewish propaganda. They used to have classes in school to teach you how to shoot back in the day when we had white ethnostate and no jew media.
>but at what point does it become not worth it?
Good question
I just keep posting quotes from the Turner Diaries
This is the proper way to go, but I would have also most likely went full 1488